Embracing the Feminine Nature of the Divine

Embracing the Feminine Nature of the Divine: Integrative Spirituality Heralds the Next Phase of Conscious Evolution [Toni G. Boehm, Andrew Harvey] on.
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We will evolve socially to a place where the role of feminine wisdom will be honored. The strengths of all women who have learned how to claim their inner power will be brought forth and be a healing force that will be honored by men and not a threat to men. What role, if any, do men have to play in the awakening of the Divine Feminine on the planet? The role of men in this awakening is significant. Honestly, this awakening is one for both women and men and cannot come to full fruition without all embracing it.

The imperative with the growing global crisis of environmental destruction and economic instability is for all of us to honor our Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine aspects in perfect balance so that they may come into alignment within ourselves. From this growing alignment within ourselves will come an alignment and balance in our homes and society that we have never experienced, yet deeply yearn for in largely unconscious ways.

Men need to learn how to shed the older cultural patterns and belief systems that perpetuate imbalance and hierarchical behaviors that have led to so much injustice, separation and suffering. More than anything they need to allow themselves to soften into their Divine Feminine aspects and allow these parts of themselves to be healed. The repression of their vulnerable softer, emotional feminine selves has led to too many centuries of self-abuse and abuse of others. My sense is that men are being very challenged with this pressure to wake up to the shifting energies on our Sacred Earth, as the Divine Feminine is coming forth more strongly.

There are so few role models of men who walk balanced between their masculine and feminine. Their fears of the changes that are being thrust on them as more women step into their power hopefully a feminine balanced power and not more imbalanced masculine power are real and leaking out in some unhealthy ways. We women also need to embrace our Divine Masculine selves in coming into sacred balance.

We are meant to be living in Sacred Union within ourselves and those around us. It is important that we not be in denial of our masculine side. We need to honor it for personal sacred balance. Of course, organized religion is being challenged greatly too. Yet these systems have to evolve with the current energy shifts and awakenings as the planet cannot tolerate the imbalances they have encouraged or ignored for so many centuries.

Going forward, what can we all do to honor Divine Mother and gender balance in ourselves, and on the planet? I, Earth Mother, gave the planet a song. Please come to know you are part of this song as one in the vast web of life, no greater, no less. All that you do affects the song, for better or for worse.

This article was first published on Conscious Living TV. She is a certified yoga instructor and plant-based nutritionist. Wake up from Unworthiness.

Goddess Rising: Awakening the Divine Feminine

Catching Magic by the Tail. The Heart of Money: The Extinction of Quiet. The Practical Balance of Crane Conservation. Find us on instagram SpiritHealthMag. Each issue provides inspiration for conscious living, healthy diet and lifestyle, social action, spiritual wisdom and sustainability. We see things as we are. Courtesy of Conscious Living TV. How did you arrive at doing this kind of work? What have your experiences with Earth Mother taught you about the world? How did the Masculine energy become so dominant in our world? Why is bringing the Divine Feminine back so important at this time?

We are meant to be living in community sharing. We are meant to be celebrating life here on this glorious earth. What role does organized religion play in this shift? There are numerous ways to keep the momentum moving forward. One way is to honor the Divine Mother in your spiritual practices. We encourage everyone to gather in circles wherever they are if they can, to do ceremony to honor and invoke the Divine Feminine in and send these sacred energies to the heart of Earth Mother.

Tap into her from whatever tradition feels right to you whether it is Hindu Durga, Kali, etc. Or a combination of all of the above. Ask for these Divine Feminine energies to come into your life to guide you. As for daily life, seek to be more compassionate and forgiving. There is too little of this in our society and global affairs. Learn to be a better listener to try to understand the differences of others. So much conflict could be defused by listening and understanding. Honor your intuitive senses and cultivate them even more. Seek to find balance. Seek to bring healing energies in, wherever you may be.

Learn to live more in balance honoring wiser, more sustainable lifestyles. We really have no choice in this if we want to have a healthy future for us humans.

"The Feminine Nature of the Divine"

The planet will continue without us. She is far older than we are and will continue. The question is our survival on her. Your thoughts, whether from your higher self or lower self, affect the song as much as your actions, much as your Western culture has denied this for a long time. Everything has consciousness, the stones, plants, even mountains, rivers and oceans—all join in the song. Know that your thoughts and actions are registered in the song and affect the stones, plants, mountains and all, to support the positive universe or not.

Developing silence of the mind and from this place—deep gratitude is one of the most positive things you can do for Mother and all others in the song, especially those very sensitive and intelligent ones such as the whales and the dolphins who are so closely attuned to the song.

Unity Store: Embracing the feminine Nature of the Divine: Integrative

Fear that comes from your head is an illusion. Fear that comes from your instincts is not. Learning to discern between the two will help in stilling your mind and being in the moment. The song is most harmonious within an energy dance of authenticity, love, compassion, tenderness, patience and cooperation.

It is good to learn this dance with all beings with whom you interact, whether two-legged, four-legged, winged or finned ones, standing ones trees , or stone people. Come to understand your shadow self and make bringing it to consciousness to heal it part of the dance and celebration. It is all just energy—money, time, your job, your play, your love. Choose to make it as positive as possible and lose the illusion of fear within this energy dynamic.

Love is the foremost energy. A quality of love that transcends what most of you call love. You all evolved from Love. Evolution is an act of Love.

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Know that the perception of perfection is an illusion. You are all the most beloved and delightfully flawed beings as two-leggeds and that is how it is meant to be—and it makes you all the more lovable.

Divine Feminine Archetypes (Goddess, High Priestess and Queen-of-the-Moon)

You are perfect in your imperfections. Know and honor your Mother as you honor your Creator. She is empty — hollowed out by her own suffering and invisibility. She has endured millennia of abuse, rape, a loss of status, respect, and even her rightful voice and role in society. Generations of not being loved, embraced, seen or heard by others have made her invisible to herself.

She is the result of patriarchal trauma and affects the feminine aspects of us in different ways. The distorted feminine cannot connect to or feel the beauty of her soul, or her presence. She has suffered soul loss and fragmentation.

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Being ultimately empty, she can only survive by draining the love and attention of others, however her empty cup will never be filled and her appetite and need for externally sourced energy is endless. Outer Shows of Beauty.

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The distorted feminine is unable to connect to her inherent beauty and measures her value through her outward appearance. She invests heavily in making a display of her beauty in externalised forms. She Is obsessed by her make-up, hair and the latest trends.

She literally pins these ephemeral forms of value to her body, trying to disguise her inner emptiness with glamour. She is tricked by the synthetic and cruelly unattainable images of desirable womanhood that continually remind her of her inherent unworthiness. If she is not actively involved in creating this images then she slavishly tries to mimic them.

When the distorted feminine is unable to reach these impossible standards her fragile self esteem collapses in on itself, leading her to feel body hatred and unworthiness that lead to her engaging in self-harm whether through eating disorders, addiction or brutal fitness regimes as she batters her body into trying to attain a fake and manipulated perfection. This aspect of the distorted feminine shows up for women across the board, but for the younger generation of women the Instagram generation particularly, the pressures of social media, digital image manipulation and web pornography make the pressure to conform to outer perfection unbearably heavy.

Obsession with Eternal Youth — Archetypal Immaturity. The distorted feminine is terrified of the physical process of ageing. She is unable to place value herself as a soul going through the sacred and natural cycles of life. She cannot psychologically integrate her natural evolution from the sexual potency of youth the Maiden into creative power and love the Mother and finally wisdom the Crone.

She is obsessed with eternal youth, and all the possible means of attaining it, because her attention and obsession are on her external appearance only. The process of ageing only shows her her inner emptiness more starkly and cruelly. We can find countless examples among movie and music stars and other high profile women and men who regularly mutilate their bodies to fight against the effects of time on their faces and bodies to permanently embody the sexually alluring youth. Note that these are generally artificial and synthetic methods that cannot bring healing and rejuvenation to the human body, quite the reverse they are harmful.

The distorted feminine, feeling empty and unworthy of love, is genuinely terrified that her inner emptiness will be uncovered therefore cannot risk intimacy or vulnerability. She is, therefore the mistress of magic, seduction, glamour and guile. She projects a false and idealised image of herself into the world that literally bedazzles. This type of seduction is woven through the astral plane, often involving pineal-gland manipulation, mind control and entrapment.

Her victim will literally not be able to get her out of his head, and will experience obsessive and compulsive thoughts about her. The distorted feminine has a wounded and incomplete sense of her personal and sexual power. Her emptiness means that she needs to fill herself with the emotional and sexual energy of others. While seduction above is one way to bring in energy and attention to feed her being, she also thrives on sexual and emotional entanglement to gain much needed personal power and energy from others. Often using the sexual act as way to open the energetic connection, she sends out energetic hooks from deep within her wounded or empty sexual energy centre, so that she can latch onto, feed from and ultimately control the emotional, sexual and creative energy of her mate.

This creates deep energetic and emotional entanglement, where obsession, jealousy and co-dependence rule. The distorted feminine may create similar bonds through non-sexual relationships with friends, colleagues, children and even parents as a way to continually connect to and harvest the vital force of others. The distorted feminine feels her emptiness so keenly she cannot perceive any self value in her uniqueness or individual expression. She can only measure her value through competition and comparison with regards to others.

She particular craves roles and positions that give her visibility and attention which again feed her inner emptiness — particularly in politics, performing arts, fashion and business. To the outside observer she may be viewed as exemplar of modern-day feminism and a promoter of sexual equality. However, ironically, she is more often than not glamorizing and propagating the energy of the distorted feminine, be it glamour, or the quest for eternal youth. In addition she does nothing to challenge the patriarchal order itself: Therefore her overall effect in the world is to actually alienate herself and others from their natural feminine power and self love and personal sovereignty.

You will also be aware that the corporate world, and in particular the media and the fashion industry bombards women and men with with images, messages and values that aggressively promote the distorted feminine as an archetype to be embodied — and this is a highly damaging form of mass mind control.

The distorted feminine shows up in conditions such as narcissism, co-dependency, body shame and eating disorders. Her mistaken ambition drives women and men to seek forms of status and and success that are hollow and unsatisfying. Her emptiness is at the core of the never ending quest for fullness that leads to addictions — be it to drugs, sex or money. Huge amounts of our personal energy can be invested in feeding the never ending energetic needs and unrealistic demands of the distorted feminine energy within us, meaning that we are compromised and unable to focus on our inner evolution and our unique personal journey from a place of compassion, peace and confidence.

When we choose to open our eyes to how the distorted feminine operates within us, and see clearly how this energy captivates and parasitizes us at a mass societal level we can begin to empower ourselves through self-healing and a new level of awareness. We can choose to heal the distorted feminine patterns within us, enabling us to far more healthy version of ourselves. The ultimate healing that we need to experience in order to free ourselves from the distorted feminine is to recognise and the trauma wounds and emptiness of the distorted feminine.

We do this by resolving the soul fragmentation and disempowerment resulting from our individual and collective traumas. Much of this work happens when we begin to awaken and heal the Womb.