Handbuch Electronic Commerce: Kompendium zum elektronischen Handel (German Edition)

Handbuch Electronic Commerce: Kompendium zum elektronischen Handel ( German Edition) (German) Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. Edition.
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Category Type Information Technology. Paperback Language of Text: Walter Gora, Erika Mann Publisher: Be the first to rate this product Rate this product: Besides an evaluation of the most important legal acts and the respective decisions, the reader will also find an interdisciplinary analysis of the respective regulatory systems and a comprehensive comparative part.

The studies were conducted by prestigious scientific experts and practitioners for e-commerce from the respective regulatory systems:. Wenn Sie einen Freischaltcode erhalten haben, geben Sie ihn bitte hier ein:. Evaluation of Different Instruments Seite — List of Authors Seite — Consumer Protection in the E-Commerce Market. Consumer Protection in the E-Commerce Market in: The Commission will closely monitor the application of the waterborne and coach passenger right Regulations as soon as they are applicable in the next months. Presently, the Commission has no plans for harmonisation of the recognition of guide dogs.

The Commission will consult the EGDF and other relevant civil society organisations prior to planning any further steps in this area. Die Kommission wirkt jedoch kontinuierlich auf eine verbesserte Berichterstattungsdisziplin der Mitgliedstaaten hin. Portata e quantificazione delle frodi e dell'uso improprio ai danni dei fondi dell'UE.

Le cifre citate dall'onorevole parlamentare si riferiscono a vari anni e a diversi settori. Tuttavia, la Commissione non cessa di adoperarsi per migliorare la disciplina relativa alla segnalazione dei casi da parte degli Stati membri. Le valutazioni d'impatto esaminano le cause dei singoli problemi individuati, compresi i tipi di autori, laddove tale distinzione sia pertinente per le misure da proporre.

La Commissione invita l'onorevole parlamentare a consultare la sua comunicazione sulla strategia antifrode, la comunicazione sulla lotta alla corruzione nell'UE e la strategia di sicurezza interna dell'UE. Furthermore, the extent of fraud in general, whether committed by organised crime or not, seems to be open to different interpretations. Does the EC have reliable and detailed information and data on the extent of fraud and misuse of EU funds committed by organised crime? If such data does exist, why is the information not shared by the competent agencies e.

Why is the EC drafting legislative proposals on combating and preventing fraud without prior knowledge as to the extent of the policy issue, without identifying the key actors i. If the data is not available, is the EC ready to investigate the extent of the penetration and misuse of EU funds by organised crime with a specific analysis? Member States' reporting duties are set out in sectorial legislation which allows for a distinction between these two types of irregularities which is reflected in the Report but not between fraud committed in the context of organised crime and other.

Also, in order to reduce the administrative burden on Member States' authorities the legislation provides that Member States do not have to report all irregularities. However, the Commission is continuously striving to improve the reporting discipline of Member States further. The impact assessments look at the causes of each problem identified, including types of perpetrators where such a distinction is of relevance for the measures to be proposed.

Naar verluidt krijgt BMI Regio. Het bedrijf moet naar verluidt deze steun wel investeren om de route te promoten. City Jet, de vorige uitbater van de luchtverbinding Antwerpen-Manchester stopte halverwege september met deze verbinding. Aan welke voorwaarden en verwachtingen BMI Regio.

Of de financiering van dit soort activiteiten geen verkapte steun is om een al jarenlang onrendabele luchthaven alsnog open te houden? De Commissie bevestigt dat geen steun uit de Europese begroting inclusief het Europees Fonds voor Regionale Ontwikkeling wordt verleend voor deze luchtvaartactiviteiten. De informatie volgens dewelke BMI Regional steun uit de Europese begroting ontvangt voor deze nieuwe luchtverbinding is onjuist. De Commissie bevestigt voorts ook dat geen van de betrokken lidstaten een openbaredienstverplichting heeft opgelegd voor de route Deurne Antwerpen -Manchester.

It is reported that BMI Regional is receiving funding from the European budget for this new air traffic route. This means that the airline will have to pay no landing or airport departure charges during the first three years and will enjoy a discount per departing passenger. Reportedly, the airline must invest this subsidy in order to promote the route. CityJet, the previous operator of the Antwerp-Manchester route, discontinued this service in mid-September. Is the Commission familiar with the reasons why CityJet discontinued this service?

What are the conditions and expectations which BMI Regional must meet in order to qualify for this subsidy? Does funding for these kinds of activities not amount to covert support to keep open an airport which has been unprofitable for years? The Commission can confirm that the European budget including European Regional Development Fund is not providing funding for these air carrier operations.

The information according to which BMI Regional is receiving funding from the European budget for this new air traffic route is inaccurate. Furthermore, the Commission can also confirm that the route Deurne-Antwerp is not subject to a public service obligation imposed by any of the Member States involved. Can the Commission confirm the current timeframe for the proposed work on nutrient profiling? When are the nutrient profiles likely to be introduced and set?

This procedure does not permit therapeutic indication. Any missing information must be justified.

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If clinical efficacy of whole product can be sufficiently demonstrated, further information for e. This proposal would not compromise the quality, safety or efficacy of these products. Does the Commission acknowledge the necessity to complement the authorisation requirements for homeopathic medicinal products in order to make the authorisation procedure accessible in practice for manufacturers of homeopathic medicinal products? These procedures take into account the specificities of these products without compromising the quality, safety and efficacy of these products.

The requirements for the marketing authorisation procedure, which apply also to non-homeopathic medicinal products, ensure a level playing field for all applicants under this procedure. In addition, homeopathic medicinal products can also be approved, under specific conditions, by a simplified registration procedure applying only to homeopathic medicinal products.

In particular, the Maintenance Annex Guidance MAG section provides that American authorities would automatically approve maintenance companies approved already by their European counterparts and vice versa. However, it appears that while Europe has kept its side of the agreement, the United States has not.

This results in European firms being at a huge competitive disadvantage over American firms as even European aircraft owners prefer to have certification with dual approval. The situation as described by the Honourable Member is known to the Commission and has been the subject of several exchanges with the relevant US authorities, notably through the Bilateral Oversight Board of the bilateral aviation safety agreement referred to.

The Commission has voiced its continued strong concerns regarding the failure of the U. The moratorium on the issuance of new FAA repair station certifications resulting from this lack of action by the TSA has been in place since , leading to 32 European companies awaiting approval. In parallel there are currently around 30 to 50 applications from U.

Considering that in the case of non-compliance U. The Commission has made it clear to its US counterparts that this is not a tenable situation and that there must be a resolution. Quelle analyse la Commission fait-elle de cette situation? The Commission implies that pension funds do not have a destabilising effect on the financial markets, since it fails to mention the role played by the privatisation of collective savings in the financialisation of the economy, and the connection between pension funds and investment funds. As the largest institutional investors, pension funds do, however, play a fundamental role when, in exchange for investing in an investment fund or company portfolio, they command short-term rates of return which have nothing to do with the growth capacity of the real economy, thereby leading to the adoption of high yield techniques including leverage mentioned in the previous question.

The increase in institutional private debt is evidence of this. What does the Commission make of this situation? The Commission denies encouraging European countries to increase tax expenditure for promoting the development of private pension savings. At a time of reduced public expenditure, why does the Commission continue to encourage tax expenditure which is socially unjust and further unbalances the State budgets? Finally, it has been established that the development of funded private pension schemes, even without financial manipulation, is not an answer to population ageing, as it is always the case that young working people, through their earnings, pay the pensions of those who have retired, whether by means of direct contributions or by means of deductions from loan repayments or dividends.

The true cost of a pension system lies in its administrative costs. Does the Commission agree with this analysis of the situation? The capacity of pension funds to act as long-term investors depends on the time horizon for investment decisions and on the size of their trading book to generate high investment returns in relation to their buy-to-hold portfolio. The directive requires IORPs to invest the assets held to cover the pension liabilities in a manner appropriate to the nature and duration of those liabilities.

The ongoing review of the IORP Directive aims to support long-term investment by making the valuation of liabilities more realistic and by providing incentives for better risk management over long periods of time. The Commission does not encourage higher tax expenditure to promote private pensions, but proposes to examine whether public resources devoted to tax and other incentives for such pensions are used in a cost-effective way, which is particularly important at times of fiscal constraint.

Public pension systems pose risks to the sustainability of public finances due to population ageing. Such risks can be reduced by raising the retirement age, lowering pensions or increasing contributions. Lower pensions and higher contributions are highly undesirable. Administration costs represent a very small share of public pension spending. Cutting these costs can at best only make a very small contribution to the sustainability of adequate pensions. The electricity company Ecotricity is proposing to develop a wind farm of 15 turbines on a stretch of open land lying between two significant woodlands: Salcey Forest and Stoke Park Wood planning application reference: Both these woods have significant populations of bats of several species.

Various UK acts ensure the legal protection of all bat species and their roosts. Since , various surveys have established that bats have been killed in and around wind farms. The numbers of fatalities recorded are so high that there is serious concern about the conservation status of several species. Can the Commission please tell me why Ecotricity is being allowed to continue to pursue this proposal notwithstanding the documented information available from several sources recording significant fatalities of these EU protected species?

Under EU legislation, wind farm plans and projects are also subject to an assessment of impacts on wildlife and other environmental areas. It is for the competent authorities in the United Kingdom to ensure that assessments of wind-farms such as the one in Stoke Heights on bats are correctly carried out.

Le chiese in Kenya sono finite recentemente nel mirino di numerosi attacchi che non sono mai stati rivendicati, ma che vengono attribuiti a una vendetta dei gruppi qaedisti per l'offensiva dell'esercito keniano in Somalia contro le milizie Shebaab. The Christian community in Kenya has once again become the target of terrorist attacks. Churches in Kenya have recently been targeted in numerous attacks. Is she aware of the dramatic developments in the explosion of violence against the Christian community in Kenya?

Does she intend to urge the international community to take stronger measures to deal with the escalating violence against Christians? She is very concerned about these incidents and follows closely the evolving situation of the terrorist threat in Kenya. It is likely that at least some of these attacks are perpetrated by affiliates of Al-Shabab or similar extremist groups, but this is not proven in the case of all such attacks. The EU regularly raises security concerns in its dialogue with Kenyan authorities to ensure the safety of all Kenyans and foreigners staying in the country.

According to investigations by a number of Member States and Europol, political instability in Africa is leading to a rise in illegal immigration. Can the Commission provide information on the extent to which illegal immigration has changed as a result of the war in Afghanistan? Civil and socioeconomic unrest, as well as armed conflicts have often triggered mixed migratory flows including irregular immigrants and people looking for international protection because of well-founded fear of persecution.

Most of the people affected by crises such as the ones in the Middle East, Iraq or Afghanistan have remained in the region, notably in the neighbouring countries. Nevertheless, the Member States of the European Union have also been affected by such migratory movements. By way of example, the total for Afghani and Iraqi nationals asylum-seekers and irregular migrants taken together were and respectively in Not having access to the capital market, most photovoltaic energy producers are facing default. The European Investment Bank EIB 's primary role is to provide long term finance for new investments — that is, to help promoters implement new investments in projects which support the EU's objectives.

Given this, projects which are already complete are not normally eligible for EIB financing hence the EIB would not be in a position to intervene in the way suggested by the Honourable Member.

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It is also important to note that the EIB would have to confirm that any borrower was able to repay any loan facility made available to it. The rapid development of information and communication technology ICT has led to the creation of thousands of data centres housing the servers of multinational computer giants. The data centres also have to use standby generators, which consume fuel and emit dangerous gases into the atmosphere.

However, the sector itself is also a large energy consumer. What are the total estimated CO 2 emissions of data centres in the EU? What initiatives has the Commission taken to improve the energy efficiency of existing as well as new data centres and services, and to what extent have these initiatives achieved results? Does it consider the voluntary nature for the measurement of energy consumption and emissions satisfactory? The Commission is aware of the increasing number of new data centres.

Certain aspects of servers will be regulated already in The Commission will adopt an Ecodesign Regulation on computers and servers with requirements on internal power supply efficiency and an Ecodesign Regulation on networked standby i. Wie sieht die Entwicklung EU-weit aus? The latest statistics show that unemployment is rising throughout the European Union Is the Commission aware of this development in the over age bracket in Austria? What is the trend throughout Europe? How are things developing in problematic countries in particular, for example Greece, Spain, Italy and Portugal?

What proposals does the Commission intend to make and what initiatives does it plan to take to combat this development throughout Europe, helping to stem the loss of valuable potential in the labour market? The Commission is aware and deeply concerned about the high unemployment rates among older persons. However, Austria is performing relatively better than other countries.

What is even more worrying are the very high long-term unemployment rates for this group of workers. In Austria the figure is The Commission is well aware that boosting demand for labour is a necessary but not sufficient condition to reduce unemployment of older workers. It should also be complemented by initiatives that improve work-life balance especially of older workers, stimulate training, adapt working conditions to the needs of older workers and provide care for the elderly. The Country Specific Recommendations have paid attention to active ageing and to the measures that support workers staying longer in employment.

The Commission is currently implementing the European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations which aims, among other things, to improve the opportunities and conditions for senior workers. He was convicted of treason for having allegedly assisted US authorities to run a vaccination programme in Abbottabad, Pakistan, with the ultimate intention of gathering information about the suspected presence of Osama bin Laden in the town.

The EU engages in regular political dialogue with Pakistan and the matter will be raised. Following adoption of the EU-Pakistan Engagement Plan, the dialogue will be reinforced by regular sector dialogues on security, including counter-terrorism. Law enforcement and strengthening the criminal justice system — including more effective prosecutions in terrorist trials — as well as countering violent extremism are expected to be part of the dialogue. The EU is already supporting projects which are intended to improve access to justice and also to improve the quality of law enforcement in Pakistan, not least with the police and prosecution services.

With regard to the recent moves by India and Pakistan to liberalise visa arrangements between the two countries:. Keeping this dialogue on track and making progress on confidence building measures will be essential for peace and stability in the South Asia region. In this context steps taken to facilitate people-to-people contacts and trade and transit are of particular importance. He had returned to the country to give evidence against several men accused of kidnapping him and demanding a ransom during an earlier visit to Pakistan.

Representations to the Pakistani authorities in this case are the consular responsibility of the Member State concerned — in this case the UK. The provision of safety and security advice for EU citizens travelling abroad, including to Pakistan, is the responsibility of EU Member State authorities. The EU already engages in regular dialogue with Pakistan and has regularly conveyed its concern at the security situation in the country.

Interdiction des acides gras trans d'origine industrielle. Some Member States, including Denmark, have completely banned the use of all trans-fatty acids in foodstuffs. The aim of the report is to assess the impact of appropriate means that could enable consumers to make healthier overall dietary choices. The Commission is also asked to accompany this report with a legislative proposal, if appropriate.

The Commission is also encouraging self-regulatory action in order to further decrease the content of trans-fats in food products. Utilizzo da parte della Regione Veneto dei fondi comunitari in materia di istruzione e formazione. Nei giorni scorsi, a seguito di un esposto dettagliato inoltrato alle Procure di Padova, Vicenza e Venezia da un cittadino, la stampa locale ha sollevato questioni inerenti alla gestione dei fondi comunitari in materia di formazione.

I fondi comunitari vengono erogati al fine di raggiungere degli obiettivi conformi ad una programmazione approvata dalla Commissione. Occorre, in un momento di grave crisi economica come quello che stiamo affrontando, avere la certezza dell'effettiva efficacia delle risorse utilizzate. La Commissione non interviene nella selezione, nel monitoraggio e nella valutazione dei progetti. La Commissione prende nota del caso menzionato dall'onorevole deputato. Nell'ultimo triennio le persone che hanno seguito tali corsi hanno registrato risultati positivi in termini di collocamento: Per quanto concerne il livello di impegni e di pagamenti, la regione sta facendo il suo dovere: Following a detailed complaint sent by a citizen to the prosecuting authorities of Padua, Vicenza and Venice, the local press has recently raised issues related to the management of EU funds for training.

EU funds are disbursed in order to achieve objectives which comply with a schedule approved by the Commission. At a time of severe economic crisis such as the one we are facing, we need to be sure of the actual effectiveness of the resources used. We cannot allow any lack of transparency in the management of public resources, nor even the slightest possible error in how they are put to use.

Furthermore, considering that the administrators of public funds have a duty to ensure transparency of information to citizens on how these public funds are used, can the Commission state:. According to the subsidiarity principle, the operational programmes co-financed by the ESF are implemented by the Member States and their regions.

The Commission does not intervene in the selection, monitoring and evaluation of projects. The Commission takes note of the case referred by the Honourable Member. It will write to the Veneto regional authorities to ask for further information on the alleged facts and keep the Honourable Member informed. The Commission also suggests to the Honourable Member that he has the possibility to contact directly the Managing Authority of the Veneto Region http: It reports that participants were very satisfied with training provided by various universities in Veneto.

In the last three years those following the courses have had good success in terms of placement: ESF-financed active labour market measures involved Regarding the level of commitments and payments the region is doing well: However, the effects of climate change vary from one region to another; mountain areas, floodplains and coastal areas are particularly vulnerable. Adaptation measures should be implemented at national or regional level to meet the specific needs of certain territories.

In terms of the impact of climate change, the Mediterranean Basin is undoubtedly an area of strategic interest. In what specific way is the Commission planning to treat Mediterranean coastal areas in the future European strategy for adapting to climate change? What financial support does the Commission plan to provide for the purpose of improving knowledge regarding the meteorology, climatology and oceanography of the Mediterranean?

The Adaptation Strategy is about enhancing the preparedness of the entire EU territory to the impacts of climate change, by,. Integrated Maritime Policy implemented at sea basin level, with the Mediterranean strategy; the Marine Strategy Framework Directive which targets,. In , an EC project supports the transition of ENP countries to climate resilience, through cooperation, information sharing and capacity.

Onder andere de presidenten van Egypte en Kirgizstan waren aanwezig. Verwerpt de Commissie dit, aangezien Hamas een terroristische organisatie is genoemd op de EU-terreurlijst? Zijn de vermeende banden tussen de AKP en Hamas voor de Commissie reden om alle toetredingsonderhandelingen met en alle EU-geldstromen naar Turkije direct stop te zetten? Er waren meer dan buitenlandse gasten aanwezig. Tezelfdertijd wil de Commissie benadrukken dat Turkije een actief buitenlands beleid voert in de ruime regio en dat het een belangrijke regionale speler blijft in het Midden-Oosten.

Turkije wil Palestijnse verzoening en nationale eenheid blijven aanmoedigen. De Commissie heeft geen opmerkingen bij de verklaringen afgelegd door gasten van het congres. The presidents of Egypt and Kyrgyzstan were among the guests at the conference. Does the Commission reject this, given that Hamas is a terrorist organisation designated as such by the EU? Are the alleged links between the AKP and Hamas not enough reason for the Commission to immediately stop all accession negotiations with and all EU funding streams to Turkey?

More than foreign guests attended. Several of the foreign guests took the floor. At the same time, the Commission would like to stress that Turkey continues to be active in its wider neighbourhood, and remains an important regional player in the Middle East.

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Turkey sees a continuing role for itself in encouraging Palestinian reconciliation and national unity. The Commission has no comments to offer on statements made by invitees at this congress. Juni verabschiedete der Deutsche Bundestag eine Neuauflage des sogenannten Meldegesetzes. Falls nein, wird die Kommission ein Verfahren gegen Deutschland einleiten, wenn das Gesetz in Kraft tritt?

Der vom Deutschen Bundestag am Juni verabschiedete Entwurf des Gesetzes zur Fortentwicklung des Meldewesens Bundesmeldegesetz hat nicht die Zustimmung des Bundesrates erhalten und ist daher nicht in Kraft getreten. If not, will the Commission take legal action against Germany when the act comes into force? In order to remove the obstacles to flows of personal data, the level of protection of the rights and freedoms of individuals with regard to the processing of such data must be equivalent in all Member States and has to be ensured in both the public and the private sectors.

Nel caso di Belkin, un produttore americano di elettronica di consumo, gli utenti venivano reclutati con un annuncio 65 cent per ogni commento positivo fasullo pubblicato su Amazon. We are increasingly being informed that private agencies are paying fake Internet users to write positive feedback comments on a range of different products on the Internet. The Commission agrees with the Honourable Member that unfair commercial practices jeopardise the functioning of the internal market and should be effectively combatted. It is primarily the competence of the national authorities and courts to investigate the practices of particular companies operating on their territories.

Only national enforcement authorities are in a position to assess whether, taking into account all facts and circumstances of a case, a company has engaged in an unfair commercial practice or misleading advertising. However, experience has shown a need for improving coordinated enforcement, in particular where a recurring problem arises in different Member States.

In this report the effectiveness of enforcement cooperation will be addressed. Experience has shown a need for better coordinated enforcement where a recurring problem arises in different Member States. La terapia infatti si basa sul fatto che alcuni virus vanno a cercare nell'organismo le cellule che proliferano e quando le raggiungono le annientano, riproducendosi. I suoi compiti non prevedono interventi su problematiche connesse alla politica del settore. The treatment is based on the fact that some viruses will go round the body looking for proliferating cells in which they can replicate, thus destroying the tumour cells.

The data shows — as stated by virologist John Bell in the journal Nature — that, at least initially, the treatment presents no toxicity problems, as well as the fact that the viruses are administered intravenously and systemically, not at the tumour site, which would make the treatment very practical. If the scientific information confirms the data reported by John Bell, could the Executive Agency for Health and Consumers not notify governments of the advantages of trialling this new treatment in Europe? Does the modified vaccine virus containing the gene which enhances its anti-tumour properties, JX, exist in Europe?

The Commission is aware of the results of the phase I clinical trial mentioned by the Honourable Member, conducted by the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, the University of Ottawa, the company Jennerex and several other institutions. It is not mandated to act on policy-related matters. The safety, efficacy and mechanisms of action of the oncolytic poxvirus JX for the treatment of patients with solid cancers continues to being assessed. Privatisierung von Wasser durch die Troika. Mai sollte der Wassersektor nicht liberalisiert, sondern modernisiert werden.

Juli besagt, dass der Zugang zu Wasser ein universelles Grundrecht sein sollte. EU-weit sind viele verschiedene Modelle vorhanden. Em conformidade com o artigo To this end, privatisation should take place once the appropriate regulatory framework has been prepared to avoid abuses by private monopolies.

The water sector should therefore not fall under the scope of the directive on service concessions. Given the overall budgetary constraints and the need to stabilise and reduce the level of public debt, some EU governments have available limited public resources for sustaining medium term oriented investment projects aiming to modernize the water sector.

The process of modernisation can happen both in a regime of public or private property of water utilities and EU wide experience offers a variety of different models.

Handbuch electronic commerce : Kompendium zum elektronischen Handel

In this context, the Commission considers that the creation of a regulatory authority and an appropriate market functioning environment are crucial prerequisites for guaranteeing the success of a privatisation process while protecting consumers' interests, should governments choose to move to a regime of private property. The Commission would also like to state that its proposal for a directive on the award of concession contracts does not affect in any way the discretion of national, regional and local authorities to decide on the most appropriate means of providing services, including water, to the public.

These can either be provided directly by the public authorities themselves or outsourced to a third party. However, the award of a concession contract to a third party for the provision of water services will have to comply with the proposed rules as well as with the principles of equal treatment, non-discrimination and transparency of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.

Southern Europe, which is bearing the brunt of these difficulties, finds itself dismally leading the field with the highest unemployment and youth unemployment figures, compounded by falling incomes and child poverty. In view of this:. Does it believe that welfare cuts and the drastic curtailment of social services as part of the austerity policy adopted in response to the crisis have been contributory factors in aggravating the social situation in the Member States?

To what extent has child poverty increased in Greece following its implementation of MoU loan arrangements? To what is this trend being attributed? Will the Commission take immediate action or make suitable recommendations with regard to Greece? Given that it is calling for the full implementation of recommendations tailored to the individual needs of each country, why is it that, aside from compliance to the letter with the financial stability plan, it has made no special recommendations for Greece, which is facing the most acute social problems?

Given that, in its negotiations with the Greek Government, the Troika is constantly calling for measures effectively cutting incomes and weakening the welfare safety net, what measures could be taken to alleviate the situation for the Greek people? Correcting unsustainable external and fiscal imbalances implies difficult adjustment process. It is important that the burden of this adjustment is borne fairly by the entire society.

Social considerations have been prominent in the design and implementation of the Greek adjustment programme.

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Concerns to minimise the impact of the measures on the most vulnerable strata of the population are reflected by concrete steps. Pension reforms aim at protecting the lowest income pensioners. The ongoing review of social programmes aims at better targeting and more effectively protecting the vulnerable. Labour market policy changes are designed to improve job prospects for young people and the lower-skilled.

The Commission is aware of the issue of child poverty in Greece. The European Social Fund is supporting Active Labour Market interventions in Greece and is tackling the child poverty indirectly by promoting measures to facilitate the access of parents to employment and to combat unemployment. A un anno da questa risposta il problema, che affligge in particolare la categoria degli educatori, non trova ancora risposta — perlomeno in Italia — se non grazie al contributo di associazioni private che si fanno carico di organizzare corsi formativi diretti ai datori di lavoro.

One year on from that answer, the problem, which affects the category of teachers in particular, has still not been resolved — at least in Italy — if not with the help of private associations which have taken on the task of organising training courses for employers. If it has, can it say whether consultations with civil society and with professional organisations have begun? If so, how can people participate in them? It is envisaged that the procedure be finalised by the end of and a contractor selected.

The study will have duration of one and a half years.

It is up for the contractor to define the modalities under which the consultations will be undertaken. Em 9 de setembro, Zakaria iniciou uma greve de fome. Mais tarde, recebeu garantias de que seria libertado.