Lavoisier in the Year One: The Birth of a New Science in an Age of Revolution (Great Discoveries)

Editorial Reviews. From Publishers Weekly. Novelist Bell (The Stone That the Builder Refused, Lavoisier in the Year One: The Birth of a New Science in an Age of Revolution (Great Discoveries) - Kindle edition by Madison Smartt Bell.
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Lavoisier in the Year One | W. W. Norton & Company

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You already recently rated this item. Your rating has been recorded. Write a review Rate this item: Preview this item Preview this item. Lavoisier in the year one: Madison Smartt Bell Publisher: Antoine Lavoisier--who lived at the zenith of the Enlightenment and died at the hands of the French Revolution--was himself a revolutionary. Closely followed by the burgeoning international scientific community, he competed with the best minds of his time to be the first to explain how chemical processes really work.

Book Details

Aided by a large fortune and his accomplished wife, he employed the most ingenious and expensive technology of his time in a series of innovative experiments that forever buried medieval alchemy and established a chemical language still in use today. Yet his personal triumph was short-lived, and the glory his achievement brought France could not protect him from the ravages of the Terror.

Allow this favorite library to be seen by others Keep this favorite library private. Find a copy in the library Finding libraries that hold this item Biography, Internet resource Document Type: Madison Smartt Bell Find more information about: Building on his celebrated trilogy about the 18th-century Haitian uprisings, the author dramatically re-creates this turbulent era of reason and revolution, and the works of Antoine Lavoisier who so thoroughly exemplified its spirit.

Publisher Synopsis "Bell succeeds, not only in depicting the rigorousness of Lavoisier's method, but also in conveying a sense of his character, as revealed most affectingly by the quietly heroic composure with which he faced his own death. Some bad copy editing errors e. It's a quick read and a good introduction, but it mostly falls flat. I like the structure separating the scientific and political dimensions of the story, but that is the extent of my appreciation. I imagine that the point of the Great Discovery series is to enliven science writing.

This reads like a book report. Dec 01, Topher rated it did not like it Recommends it for: As much as I respect what he did, I couldn't help but wish he had been guillotined earlier in the year as I read this book. I finished it because it was a quick read at least.

Lavoisier in the year one : the birth of a new science in an age of revolution

Dec 13, Shane rated it liked it. Recounts the interesting life of Lavoisier. Jan 11, Claire S marked it as to-read Shelves: Sarah Wilson rated it it was ok Sep 30, James rated it liked it Feb 02, Matt rated it liked it Jun 18, Elijah rated it really liked it Jul 10, Collin Bryant rated it it was ok Jul 11, Molly Tomlin rated it it was ok Oct 22, Elle rated it really liked it Oct 30, Doug rated it liked it Jun 12, Steven rated it really liked it Feb 06, Carol rated it really liked it Nov 28, Robert L Tidmore rated it it was amazing Apr 04, Madeline rated it liked it Aug 16, Roland rated it really liked it Oct 26, Matthew Saundry rated it it was amazing Apr 16, Thomas rated it really liked it May 09, Ana Vera rated it liked it Sep 30, DRouse rated it really liked it Apr 16, There are no discussion topics on this book yet.

About Madison Smartt Bell.