Como vencer a tu verdadero enemigo (Spanish Edition)

La Vaca (Spanish Edition) by [Cruz, Camilo] El verdadero enemigo del éxito y la felicidad no es el fracaso, como muchos ¿Quién se ha llevado mi queso?.
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Whether English is your first language, your second, or your nineteenth, you may have experienced trouble with all the words that end in -ough…. We use cookies to enhance your experience on our website. This website uses cookies that provide targeted advertising and which track your use of this website. You can change your cookie settings at any time. Continue Find out more. More Spanish examples for this word.

Cruzada de Oración

Pero los incentivos a terceros no bastan si el propio equipo no vence. Luego tiene que vencer a enemigos espaciales y muy poderosos. Ay bloko mio purke la jente administradora de Huiquipedia avla kastilyano; si no gusta de avlantes aborijinalos kon lingua maternala menos los ke defendemos basho diritos edukativos. Iyo se ke entendites todo.

As far as I can see, classical languages like Latin and classical Chinese do have communities inside Wikipedia. None of those involved in such communities claim native proficiency in said language. From what I can understand on discussions dating back to , the first contributors used classical orthography to maintain continuity with the transcription in use in historic texts and to keep the language transcription precise. Since I don't speak Nahuatl, I don't know if Wikipedia articles are written in fact in modern Nahuatl with a classical orthography or in full 16th century Nahuatl.

In one case or the other, no Wikipedia should be closed, but rather created. That is why Classical Nahuatl -- or whatever language nah. There are 9 ISO codes for all varieties of Nahuatl and apparently some of them are unintelligible to others. But is it reasonable to split the community in nine different Wikipedias given the scarcity of native Nahuatl language contributors out there?

Some kind of middle ground would be a feature that allows the viewer to comfortably switch between orthographies. From an outsider point of view, this shouldn't be too hard. It is up to nah. I studied a Classical nahuatl language, I love this death language from my country, I can to edit in this variant of Nahuatl languages.

Cruzada de Oración

It's a good article edited by me two years ago; nah: Tequixquiac , I was helped by nah: Many people was a Classical Nahuatl students and working about Nahuatl comunities and international forums. I am not against changing the ISO nah to nci , that is relatively simple to do. These are the kinds of discussions that bothers the sysops, feel that their work and own way of interpreting the Nahuatl is threatened before the old studies.

Another problem is that they repeat the same process of operation of the Spanish language, to the degree of wanting to seek direct translations of concepts in Spanish trying to translate it into Nahuatl language under Spanish logic in grammar. As they often use the same operability of Spanish, they use the power assigned to them by sysops Spanish community to block or close the passage of those who do not agree with them assuming themselves as great connoisseurs of Nahuatl to justify acts towards other editors Teotlalilli, Tepoxteco, Marrovi, etc.

Teotl by God, cauallo cactli by spur, ciua tlacamichin by mermaid, and others. The pseudo-argumentation of the user Marrovi is meaningless, he starts from a previous query, which he copies and paste but also he manipulates it altering its content, he's wanting us to believe that's the same address what his proposal. Mistaken, the negative elements of that time were exceeded, the conclusion that should remain the project is as valid today as ten years ago.

The user was dismissed for wanting to impose his interpretations and make personal decisions about the policies of Wikipedia, without being sysop he named other users as sysops , [20] [21] he wanted to impose a voting system with three people to take total control of the Huiquipedia; he wanted to take advantage of his best friend, Victoriano "Tepoxteco" , a native speaker and he named it sysop.

Why a user without even having the basic knowledge of Wikipedia native or not, with less than editions "must" be an administrator and be "ruler" about everything concerning their language when the importance lies down on the free contribution? Among them there is a previous agreement of support and self-promotion; Marrovi makes in different projects his biographical pages. Totally he has a racist stance when he wants to impose a person on others for the simple fact of being native, regardless of experience or knowledge.

What is it that natives dont have bad feelings, no cheap thrill, no anger, no lies, no manipulations? Marrovi you are so wrong about this, the natives are just like you or me, they have defects and virtues, they do many bad things, they kill themselves, they rape themselves, they steal themselves but more than nothing they lie a lot too. Do they have values and honesty? So like me or you, we are the same human race. Why does he want to close the project? All the time that he was active user he defended the portal and assured that it was an excellent project.

Now he is incongruous wanting to close the portal when a process of maintenance and improvement is underway, because many of the deficiencies that existed in Huiquipedia were the result of his editions, he wants to close the project by the intrusion of non-natives when it also turns out that he was the mestizo that has done the most damage to the project, nobody made as many mistakes and manipulations as we can see in this list.

The same acts that he intends to denounce, the "mestizo" control , he applied in Huiquipedia during , and now cynically he is doing in Incubator, he tries to deceive us when talking about a " team " when he is the only user there, pages created in the Huasteca variant and Where are editions from his native "friends"?

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He is inventing terms and copying the texts of Huiquipedia to which only the spelling changes them. Wrong work that has been asked him in the many projects he stop there, however he's showing the bigest stubbornness to keep his way to do things, it having awful consequences for him. The user has more reasons for vengeful feelings because his recent permanent blockade of Galician Wikipedia , the direct imposition of rules to edit in the Ladin Wikipedia and the deletion of his article Teotlalpan in Italian, it motivates him to want to do the same, eliminate or shred the articles or fields where I participate in considering that I am the cause of his expulsion and that everything is a "campaign of discredit", just gossip and filth.

Yes, he wish to close the proyect by revenge and anger we can see here on his own speech, just he want to hurt me Akapochtli; Hell is an ofensive word, my nickname is Marrovi [23]. Offering users is an act of aggression that can lead to blocking. Is very necessary to read here; en: Teotlalpan , thank you very much.

It is intolerant Akapochtli to mock that I am blocked is Spanish because he denounces to User: Bernard that my entry of correction of non-existent Spanish terms as Lenguas nahuanas o nahuatlanas Akapochtli's terms by temporary block, which was the perfect excuse to ask for my permanent blocking and to look for other blocks and ask for my general bannig [24].

A person who acts with skills is not a good person for me. Akapochtli, What dou you mean about it? I think so indigenous people are exelent persons, in their cosmovision no bloking, no war, no mockery, no envy; indigenous communities that I know in Mexico, Guatemala, Ecuador, and Peru have other values that are not shared with the ethnic groups; they in their poverty see humility, friendship, solidarity, working, team and perseverance. I love Indigenous American people. From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki. The following discussion is closed. Please do not modify it. Subsequent comments should be made in a new section.

Explanation by the closing Langcom member: From LangCom member Baba Tabita: Additional comment from clerk: LangCom is interested in further discussion about this subject. Shortly, a LangCom member will open a separate RfC on the subject, which will be announced here. Inunda sus almas, querido Padre, con Tu prenda de amor. No permitas que ni una sola alma se salga del camino. No permitas que ni una sola alma rechace Su Gran Misericordia.

Oh Dios Padre, en el nombre de Tu precioso Hijo, Te hago un llamado a detener al anticristo de atrapar las almas de Tus hijos. Te suplico Padre Omnipotente, que no lo dejes infligir terror en Tus hijos. Escucha mi plegaria, querido Padre, y salva a todos Tus hijos de este terrible mal.

Proposals for closing projects/Closure of Nahuatl Wikipedia 2

Y que sus corazones se abran a la verdad de su vida eterna. Nunca permitas que esta llama de amor por Ti parpadee o muera. Te ofrezco mi lealtad en todo momento. Eres la llama que toca todos los corazones. No somos dignos del sacrificio que hiciste con Tu muerte en la cruz. Te pido que ellos sean protegidos del odio de otros. Protege a Tus mensajeros de la calumnia, el abuso, mentiras y de todo tipo de peligro. Creo en Dios Padre Todopoderoso, creador del Cielo y de la tierra. Como era en el principio ahora y siempre, por los siglos de los siglos. Dios te salve Reina y Madre, de Misericordia, vida, dulzura y esperanza nuestra.

En nuestro amor por Ti, querido Padre, te imploramos que nos des las gracias para amarnos unos a otros en el nombre de Tu Amado Hijo Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo. Te ruego que perdones a aquellos que tienen odio en sus almas por Ti. Yo pido que los ateos abran sus endurecidos corazones durante Tu Gran Misericordia.

Acepta nuestros sacrificios, sufrimientos y pruebas como un regalo ante Tu trono para salvar a Tus hijos en la Tierra. Suaviza los corazones de las almas impuras. Tu Divinidad abarca mi cuerpo y alma por la eternidad. Te consuelo en estos momentos, querido Padre.

Acepta mis pruebas, sufrimientos y tristezas en esta vida, para salvar almas del fuego del infierno.

Crusade Prayers and Litanies

Ponemos toda nuestra esperanza, confianza y amor en Tus Santas manos. Oh Dios, Padre Todo Poderoso! Dame la Gracia del discernimiento, para que nunca niegue la verdad contenida en la Santa Biblia, sin importar cuantas mentiras que me alienten a darle la espalda a Tu verdadera Palabra, me sean presentadas. Estoy confundido y me siento como un prisionero atrapado en una red de la cual no puedo escapar.

Te amamos querido Padre. Te suplicamos que nos ayudes en este, nuestro tiempo de necesidad. Abre, por favor, los corazones de todos los hijos de Dios al regalo de Tu gran Misericordia. Te ofrezco mi humilde lealtad a todo lo que me solicites.

Dame valor para dejarme guiar por Ti, para que pueda tomar la armadura necesaria para dirigir a Tu Iglesia hacia Tu Nuevo Reino. Haz que cada gota de Tu Sangre cubra a cada alma para protegerla del demonio. Abre sus ojos para que vean la Verdad para que la aurora de Tu Divina Misericordia descienda sobre ellos, de tal modo que se cubran con los Rayos de Tu Misericordia. Dales la oportunidad de enmendarse para que puedan ser convertidos con los Rayos de Tu Divina Misericordia.

Oh, Amado Padre Celestial! Te suplicamos, oh amado Padre, protege en estos tiempos terribles a todos Tus hijos y haznos suficientemente fuertes para levantarnos y proclamar en todo momento Tu Santa Palabra. Te pido que reces para que me sea dado el Alimento de Vida para que me sustente en esta jornada, y me ayude a salvar a todos los hijos de Dios. Por medio de Tu Divina Misericordia, pido clemencia por todas aquellas pobres almas en pecado que puedan ser llevadas de esta tierra durante el Gran Aviso.

Me ofrezco a Ti, en mente, cuerpo y alma, como una penitencia para salvar sus almas y llevarles vida eterna. Dame fuerzas para defender la Verdad de Tu Iglesia ante la adversidad. Cubre en estos tiempos a todos Tus siervos consagrados con Tu Preciosa Sangre, para que podamos permanecer valerosos, fieles y firmes en nuestra lealtad a Ti, Nuestro Amado Redentor Jesucristo.

Te pido que mantengas a mis hijos a salvo del rey de las mentiras. Dios, El Padre Todopoderoso! Acepto Tu Divina Voluntad. Ayuda a Tus hijos a aceptarla. Ayuda a Tus santos siervos a permanecer firmes y fieles a Tu Santa Palabra. Salva del anticristo a los hijos de Dios.

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Protege del anticristo a las almas en tinieblas, para que puedan ser redimidas ante Tus Ojos. Glorifico Tu Presencia en la tierra.

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  • vencer | Spanish to English Translation - Oxford Dictionaries.
  • Estoy dispuesto a propagar Tu Santa Palabra. Cada insulto que soporto, te lo ofrezco en sacrificio. Cada abuso y ataque verbal que sufro, te lo ofrezco en honor a Tu corona de espinas.