What Would Osho Say?

In the western world they do not say 'We are having sex.' They say 'We are making love.' It's a substitute word – and false, because love is a totally different.
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At the commune, videos of his discourses were played to audiences instead. He gained public notoriety for the 93 Rolls-Royces bought for his use. This made him the largest single owner of the cars in the world. His followers aimed to eventually expand that collection to include Rolls-Royces—for every day of the year. Later tension also arose within the ashram due to autocratic leadership among ashram inmates.

Many allegations, including Osho being abusing nitrous oxide were also in the press. Crimes like bioterror attack and violence were committed by ashram inmates which Osho claimed were without his knowledge. By August , his personal secretary also left the ashram due to differences.

By that time, Osho had resumed daily public lectures and gave press meets, after 3. On 28 October , he was indicted on 35 counts in Multnomah County, Oregon. Charges included immigration violations and making false statements on his visa application. He was jailed for 12 days. During this time, Osho, himself reports that he was poisoned with heavy-metal Thallium. On returning back to India on 17 November , he planned a world tour, but 17 countries in Europe and Americas denied him a tourist visa.

He finally returned back to India Mumbai in June , putting an end to all his journeys. In January , he settled back in the Poona Ashram, where he would give evening discourses. However, health problems such as nausea, fatigue, pain in extremities, and lack of resistance to infections became frequent. His health continued to weaken. He gave his last public discourse in April Then onwards he would simply sit in silence with his followers. Shortly before his death, Osho suggested that one or more audience members at evening meetings were subjecting him to some form of evil magic.

A search for the perpetrators was undertaken, but none could be found. Osho died on 19 January , aged 58, reportedly of heart failure. Sex is a motive force bringing two people into intimate contact. Satisfying sexual experience is an essential part of a healthy and enjoyable life for most people. As defined by Kaplan, the sexual response cycle consists of three phases: Desire, arousal excitement , and orgasm.

However, the division is arbitrary and it only helps to organize clinical and research oriented problems involving sexuality. Gender identity, orientation, intention what one wants to do with a partner's body and have done with one's body during sexual behavior , desire, arousal, orgasm, and emotional satisfaction.

The first three components constitute our sexual identity, second three comprise our sexual function, and the seventh is based on our personal reflection on the first six. Sexual activity is a multifaceted biological activity, involving complex interactions between the nervous system, the endocrine system, the vascular system, and a variety of structures that are instrumental in sexual excitement, intercourse, and satisfaction.

Normal sexual function requires the integrity of the genitalia, the reliable co-ordination of blood flow, the activation of various smooth and skeletal muscles and the stimulation of local secretions. This is linked with cognitive processes attending to the sexual meaning of what is happening. Though essentially it is meant for procreation, it has also been a source of pleasure, a natural relaxant, it confirms one's gender, bolsters one's self-esteem and sense of attractiveness for mutually satisfying intimacy and relationship.

This information summarizes the biology of sex. However, this is not all. Out of thousands of lectures, five lectures on sex made Osho most notorious. It all happened when he was called to speak on love in one of the prestigious institutions at Mumbai. In order to present a complete picture of the human situation regarding love, he had to bring in sex and those responsible for destroying its sacredness.

Though the organizers banned his lecture after the first day, he continued four more lectures at a different venue despite death threats. It was all about realizing the sacredness of sex to create a better humanity that can transcend sex and transform self. It is unfortunate that something that humans should have been living, something, which is actually meant to be lived, has only been talked about by them for the past years. Love is being talked about and discussed, songs of love are being sung, devotional hymns of love are being sung, but love itself has no place in the lives of human beings.

Today's human being is the product of a culture that is 10, years old. But the human being is blamed for being wrong, not the culture.


Man is rotting, yet the culture is praised. It is like blaming the bitter fruit given by a tree and not the seed responsible for the tree. More love can be seen in the birds, animals, plants, and tribesmen who have no organized religion or culture. Why is it that the more civilized we are, more away we are from love? Actually, love is our intrinsic nature. It need not be cultivated.

However, barriers for its manifestation need to be removed. The barriers are essentially man made. The first thing is that until now all of human culture has been against sex. Everybody is inimical to it: All cultures, all religions, all gurus, and all holy men. Sex is projected to be sin. But the evolution of love is nothing but transformed sex energy. It is just like how coal becomes diamond with passage of time. If lust is transformed, sex can become love.

Suppression ultimately makes it to come out many times more intensely, like an obsession. Thus, people are more neurotic and perverted with anger, aggression, crime, etc. This is because it is the same energy that has taken an alternate manifestation due to centuries of suppression. Now the most important meaning of sex has to be understood.

It was only in moments of lovemaking that human beings realized for the first time that so much bliss was possible. Those who meditated on this truth, those who reflected deeply upon the phenomenon of sex, of lovemaking, saw that in moments of lovemaking, at the climax, the mind becomes empty of thoughts. For a moment, all thoughts disappear.

This emptiness of the mind, this disappearance of thoughts, is the cause of the showering of divine bliss. They had discovered the secret.

What Everyone Should Know About Osho

They had also discovered the secret that if the mind could be freed from thoughts through some other process, the same bliss can be attained. From this developed the systems of yoga and of no-mind that gave birth to meditation, to prayerfulness. At the root of all this is the experience of lovemaking. Thus, human beings came to experience that the mind can be stilled, that the mind can be freed of thoughts without going into sex and that the same bliss that happens in sex can be attained.

Moreover, one can be in the experience of lovemaking only for a limited time because it is dissipation and release of energy, but one can remain in the experience of meditation continuously. One who attains to meditation experiences the same bliss around the clock which a couple experiences in the moment of orgasm. However, there is no basic difference between the bliss of the two.

What is the central element in the normal life of human beings? What is at the core of human beings? Leave human beings aside for the moment, even if we look at the animal or vegetable kingdom, what will we find at the core of everything? What is a plant doing in essence? Its whole energy is directed towards producing new seeds. Its entire being is occupied with forming new seeds.

What is a bird doing? What is an animal doing? If we look closely into nature, we will find that there is only one wholehearted process going on. It is one of continuous creation, of procreation, of continuous resurrection of life in newer and newer forms. Flowers are nurturing seeds, fruits are nurturing seeds. What will the seed do? The seed will grow into a new plant, into a new flower, into a new fruit.

This way, life is an infinitely non-ending process of procreation. The same is the case in human beings. This labeling has given a kind of condemnatory feeling in humans about it. Nevertheless, in humans also, a constant effort to procreate life goes on. But what is this sex energy? Long-long-ago there were only rocks, mountains, rivers, and oceans on this earth.

What were these longing for? They were striving to produce better life-plants. Ever so gradually, plants came into existence. The life-energy had manifested itself in a new form.

But the plants were also not content with themselves. Their inner urge and striving was also for something higher. Then animals and birds came into being. Earth remained full of them for ages, but human beings were still nowhere in sight. Yet human beings were always there, inherent in the animals and birds, striving to be born.

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In due course, they came into existence. Now, the human being is ceaselessly eager to create new life. However, the meaning of this lust in its basics is only this much, that human beings do not want to just end on themselves; they want to go on furthering life. This is because of the same inherent force that existed in other life forms, to produce better beings. Certainly, the soul of human beings is striving for a better human being, a superior being.

However, how will a better human being take birth? Instead of respecting sex, religions have called it names. The truth is that there is nothing else more important in human life than this urge. However, it has been covered up and suppressed. People have turned their backs on this powerful life energy without trying to understand it.

This has made them even more badly obsessed with sex, leading them to hasty acts like rape and perversions. Majority of mental illnesses are due to repression of sex. Despite the passive attitude of parents, teachers, and religious leaders toward sex, man is not able to successfully ignore sex. Man has developed intense curiosity to watch a nude body of women. What is the attraction? What is this mighty pull? The sexual desire in the very core of humans is actually not a sexual desire.

That is why after every sex act, they feel remorseful. They think about how to be free of it, because they find nothing in it. Perhaps the attraction is of something else. This something is that in their normal life, humans are unable to reach the depths of their being except in the experience of sex.

Deep down, two things happen to them there. First, in the moment of orgasm, the ego vanishes. The second thing that happens is that for a while there is no time there. There is no past, no future; there is only the present. So there is an unconsciousness urge to experience this egolessness and timelessness, which are mystic experiences. Thus, though it appears superficially that there is craving for the body of opposite sex, the craving is for something else, for the taste of egolessness and timelessness.

Behind this craving is an attempt at soul searching. So the root of spiritual realization is nothing but sex. Sex is the energy.

Osho, Bhagwan Rajneesh, and the Lost Truth

It is the only energy the living beings have got. The energy can be transformed, it can become a higher energy. The higher it moves, the lesser and lesser sexuality remains in it. There is an end peak where it becomes simply love and compassion. This ultimate flowering is the divine energy, but the root remains sex. Why was Osho Controversial? Though there have been many cult-leaders and philosophers before and after Osho Rajneesh; there is hardly anyone that matches him in wit, intellect or tremendous hold on disciples.

A successful cult leader has rarely been rated as a first-rank philosopher and vice-versa and this is what makes Osho unique in annals of spiritual teachers. His near violent attack on all religions or philosophies is not unique; most Masters tell their followers that theirs is the only true way to reach God or divinity. But Osho openly advocates burying all religions, without offering his followers a new religion. His advocacy on over-indulgence in the supposed vices like sex or wealth instead of abstinence also sets him apart from his competitors.

The man with the eternal mischievous grin did little to stop this kind of negative publicity; if anything he added fuel to fire with his discourse and books that exhorted his followers to see sex as a game and over-indulge in it before they tire of it and then look towards divinity or enlightenment. Osho is said to have taken various lovers among his sannyasin; another act that sets him apart from other Gurus or teachers. He had at last one long-term intimate relationship with a British woman Christine Wolf Smith a.

Hold on flower children. It is without debate that like all successful cult leaders, Rajneesh had an immense hold on his followers. This near hypnotic effect that he had on his followers could be seen in innumerous videos available online. Rajneesh replied he was setting out to make the biggest empire in the world. Even more damaging are the allegations that many of his female devotees prostituted themselves to pay for the expensive meditations! His critics question as to how could a man who claimed to show the path of freedom and happiness to mankind could be part of a commercial enterprise with multi-million dollar turnovers and charge for giving gyaan or knowledge?

Osho philosophy is as simple as it is profound. As per the philosophy gold medalist from India, all the religions of the past should be debunked. There is no personal God; we need God in the same way we need a father figure. The path to freedom is bury all religions, meditate, experience Universe of Godliness and then become like God. He claims to have experience enlightenment and through meditation methods taught by him, every person can achieve the same enlightenment and inner peace. They can all experience the divine and become God themselves with his meditation techniques.