Thomas Jefferson: Shmoop Biography

Shmoop guide to Thomas Jefferson Biography. Smart, fresh history of Thomas Jefferson Biography by PhDs and Masters from Stanford, Harvard, Berkeley.
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American Sphinx is a wonderful and strange book. Instead of trying to tell the story of Jefferson's life, American Sphinx tries to figure out what Jefferson was thinking and feeling. Its overwhelming problem is that of understanding Jefferson. As a result, it doesn't cover his whole life in much detail, but zooms in on a handful of events and uses them to pick apart Jefferson's psyche.

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It won the National Book Award, which is a pretty big deal. Really readable, and comparatively short too. If you're only going to read one biography, read Bernstein or Peterson's book. But if you're going to read two, you should consider checking this one out. Scholars have point out that from the time of their first meeting in the Virginia legislature until Jefferson's death in , Jefferson and Madison were so close it was often difficult to figure out where one's thought started and the other's ended.

Peter Jefferson dies, leaving his fourteen-year-old son Thomas his slaves and lands. Thomas becomes head of the Jefferson household, but is able to continue his studies thanks to the guardianship of his family's friends. Professor of Moral Philosophy William Small inspires the young Jefferson to consider how private virtue underlies public life.

He becomes acquainted with the Lieutenant Governor, Francis Fauquier, and George Wythe , a famous and well-educated lawyer.

Thomas Jefferson: Childhood

Patrick Henry , a Virginia representative, leads the colonial resistance. Jefferson concludes his studies with George Wythe, is admitted to the Virginia Bar, and moves back to Shadwell. Jefferson, now 25 years old, is elected to the Virginia House of Burgesses. He quickly allies himself with the young radical faction, led by George Washington and Patrick Henry.

Around the same time, Jefferson begins construction on a new home at Monticello. Martha is 5 years Jefferson's junior, very cultured, and quite pretty. She will go by Patsy until she reaches adulthood. Martha Skelton's father, John Skelton, dies, leaving Jefferson a mixed-bag inheritance of some acres of land, more than slaves, and massive debts. The British Parliament responds to the Boston Tea Party by passing the Intolerable Acts also known as the Coercive Acts which close Boston Harbor, strip away many of Massachusetts' self-governing powers, and provide de-facto immunity to British soldiers.

What Thomas Jefferson did... and why you should care

She will die one year later. Its publication earns Jefferson a measure of fame among colonial politicians, establishing his reputation as an independence-favoring radical.

Thomas Jefferson - Author of The Declaration of Indepence & 3rd U.S. President

It agrees to boycott British goods and schedules a Second Continental Congress to meet the following spring, before disbanding on 26 October. The Second Continental Congress begins meeting in Philadelphia.

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Washington assumes command of the Colonial Army. Peyton Randolph , Jefferson's cousin, presides until he is called back to Virginia on 23 May Jefferson arrives in Philadelphia to replace his cousin as a Virginia delegate to the Second Continental Congress. Thomas Paine publishes Common Sense , effectively turning the tide of public opinion in America against the Crown and towards independence.

Richard Henry Lee , delegate from Virginia, introduces three resolutions calling for independence from Britain. Jefferson, along with John Adams , Benjamin Franklin , and two others, is assigned to the committee charged with drafting what will become the Declaration of Independence. Jefferson's declaration is received by the Congress, which engages in two days of line-by-line edits. Following substantial edits, Jefferson's Declaration of Independence is approved by Congress.

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It is immediately published and circulated throughout the colonies and in Europe. Jefferson leaves the Congress and returns to Virginia to take a seat as a representative in the Virginia House of Delegates. He begins working on a massive reform of the Virginia legal code.

Thomas Jefferson

He will die unnamed just three weeks later. Jefferson authors the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom , disestablishing the Episcopalian Church as Virginia's state religion and inaugurating the doctrine of the separation of church and state. The statute, later cited by Jefferson as one of his life's greatest achievements, will not pass into law until James Madison shepherds it through the House in She will be known as Polly until she reaches maturity.

Jefferson is elected the second governor of Virginia, the previous governor, Patrick Henry, having already served three one-year terms. She will die before reaching the age of two. George Wythe, Son in law: John Wayles Eppes, A cousin of Mary Jefferson, they marry in Francis Wayles, Granddaughter: Maria Jefferson, What's the deal with Sally Hemings?

In the s, a rumor circulated that Thomas Jefferson fathered children with his slave Sally Hemings. Although the rumor remained unconfirmed for two hundred years, a study appeared in the journal Nature showing a DNA link between Jefferson and Hemings' children. On the strength of the study, most historians now believe the rumor to be true. The following people therefore belong on Jefferson's family tree as well. She became Jefferson's property in , following John Wayles's death. According to Hemings family tradition, Jefferson began his sexual relationship with Sally sometime after she accompanied his daughter Polly to France in Hemings family tradition also claims that Sally only agreed to return with Jefferson to Virginia after he promised to free any children he might father with her.

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