Overcoming Writer’s Block

Writing Tips: Strategies for Overcoming Writer's Block. What Causes Writer's Block. Writer's block is often caused by conflicted feelings. We want the writing to be.
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Is talking about procrastination just denying the need for help or instruction? Would a request for help be seen as a critical weakness? Or unrealistic demands, leading to impossible writing goals? Or the absence of agreed writing time, creating workloads where written outputs are defined but writing processes are invisible? Or it is isolation? Perhaps that is the problem — the belief that writing is too complex to have such a simple solution. Surely high quality academic writing cannot be reduced to goals?

2) Create dedicated writing time – when writing is all you do

But that is the problem — choosing not to use strategies that help. There is a misconception that writing cannot be defined in the same way as other academic tasks, in terms of sub-goals and sub-routines. Once that belief takes hold, writing seems impossible.

Instead, think about writing in terms of levels of quality. For example, for writing a chapter, working on one level could involve writing about all the content, but not clarifying the argument. Working on another level could mean writing to make the line of argument explicit, but not adding or cutting anything.

Another could be aligning the chapter summary and the contents. Each layer is a realistic goal. This is not about lowering expectations — though it may feel like that at first — but defining writing in terms of sub-tasks. Working on all these levels at once would be an unrealistic goal. Writers are more focused and less anxious when they are not multitasking.

One more step

Even checking references — crucial as that is in academic writing — literally puts a stop to writing. The key is to write unplugged. Set a realistic writing goal for 90 minutes. Why does everyone not do this already? Dance, practice yoga or Tai Chi. This may sound funny, but when you get your body into flow, your mind follows.

Meditate and take long, deep breaths. A relaxed mind is more open.

An open mind is more imaginative. You can focus longer when you are in a peaceful state. Sometimes I step away from writing, do some yoga poses and breathing, then return to writing in a more creative state. Turn off the phone and unplug from the internet. Clean up your work space. A cluttered desk puts the mind in a state of confusion. Carve out some time in your schedule just for writing — at least 3 to 4 hours. Ask loved ones to honor your space so you can write without interruptions, or write when everyone in the house is sleeping.

Giving yourself time and space to be in solitude is important to staying focused.

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Write early in the morning. When you first wake up, your brain is still in Theta mode, the brainwave pattern that your mind is in when you dream. My best writing happens when I get up at 4: Write while you sleep.

The next morning I usually wake up with a solution to the problem and get back into the flow of writing. What are overused openings in fantasy, sci-fi, romance and crime novels? Before bed, fill up a glass of water. Hold it up and speak an intention into the water. My intent is to tap into my creative source and write brilliantly tomorrow. I choose to be in the flow of my best writing.

How to Overcome Writer’s Block: 14 Tricks That Work

Drink half the water and then set the half-full glass on your nightstand. When you wake up the next morning, drink the rest of the water immediately. Then go straight to your computer and write at least an hour without distraction.

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