Seven Letters to Seven Churches: Lessons from the Book of Revelation

In the book of Revelation, the Apostle John wrote about events that would lead The letters to the seven churches describe actual conditions in each church at.
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Each of these seven churches is addressed in chapters two and three. Ephesus is addressed 2: Two of these churches are commended without any rebuke or indication of resident sin, Smyrna and Philadelphia. Five had sin and repentance needed to be experienced 2: Repentance had to be forthcoming or the "candlestick" Greek, "lampstand" would be removed cp.

Seven Lessons From Seven Churches | Tomorrow's World

The lampstand is symbolic of light cp. These seven churches seem to be selected because of the completeness of possible situations characteristic of them. In other words, the seven churches seem to represent every possible condition of local churches. The seven churches addressed were in this territory. There were other churches besides those mentioned, for Colossae and Troas are referred to Col.

As seven is supposed to be a sacred number indicating perfection, it has been suggested that seven were addressed to signify the perfection of the instruction given; or, that the seven would represent the whole church and the combined instruction be complete and applicable to all congregations for all time. It is unquestionably true that the instruction given the Asiatic churches was for any and all churches in like conditions" A Commentary on the Book of Revelation , by John T. Having established this brief introduction and frame of reference, let us now proceed to observe some obvious and intended lessons for churches today.

Jesus is figuratively described as having hair "white like wool" and his "eyes were as a flame of fire" 1: He is presented as being in the "midst of the seven candlesticks" 1: Such a description is indicative of Jesus' knowledge of the seven churches; hence, all his churches.

Of Jesus it is repeatedly affirmed: Jesus is said to "search the reins and hearts" 2: Jesus is the judge and will judge "according to man's works" Ibid. Man can and often does fool man. The church at Sardis had a name that it lived, but Jesus knew the church was dead 3: If the five churches did not repent, they would cease being the Lord's church 2: Man elects to leave God, God remains faithful 2 Chroni. Jesus extends an invitation to the church at Laodicea.

Churches can and do change. Not many years antecedent to the writing of Revelation, the church at Ephesus had been strong Acts Jesus calls them to repent, and return to him, before judgment comes. What we can learn: I don't know about you, but I find this letter pretty confronting. Sometimes I think I'm just like the believers at Ephesus - I go to church, do ministry, and yet somehow get caught up in the stuff of this world and don't put my love for God as the most important thing in my life.

I fall away from the zeal of wanting to know and love him more and more. Just like it was for the Ephesians, it's a big reminder for us to never abandon our deep love for our God and Saviour. The letter to the church in Smyrna can pretty much be summarised in one word: Jesus warns them of the trials to come, saying "Do not be afraid of what you are about to suffer.

I tell you, the devil will put some of you in prison to test you, and you will suffer persecution for ten days. Be faithful even to the point of death, and I will give you the crown of life. In modern day Smyrna now called Izmir , there's a church called St. It's named after the bishop of Smyrna in the second century, who according to Christian tradition was martyred killed for his faith. Just as Jesus warned in the letter, persecution came to the church there, and they took his words to heart.

Smyrna: Faithful in Trial

The church at Smyrna knew that being faithful to Jesus was more important than life. Will we perservere with Jesus when persecution comes our way? Even they had to discern between false teachers and true Christian ministers. However, like the fading glory of Ephesus, the Church at the end of the first century was told that "you have left your first love" Revelation 2: God warned that, unless they repented, He would cease to use them for His purpose Revelation 2: John equates "love" with walking in the truth and keeping the commandments 2 John 6.

Concerning the effect of false teachers, he warns, "Look to yourselves, that we do not lose those things we worked for," including our reward 2 John 7—8.

The Seven Churches

In 3 John, he urges the Church to serve the brethren and to "become fellow workers for the truth" vv. Though Jesus emphasized humility Matthew 5: The church at Ephesus had lost its love—for God, for the Truth, for doing the Work and for the brethren. In place of these key fundamentals, people were listening to deceptive doctrines see Revelation 2: For some, holding on to a position was more important than holding on to the Truth.

Even today, some are more concerned with holding a position—perhaps serving as an elder or deacon, passing out songbooks or leading a choir—than with doing the Work of God.

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The lesson of the Ephesian era is clear: Get back on track—do the Work. Preach the Gospel with zeal, love the Truth and love each other. The New Testament Church, which began in the 30s, was beginning to fragment in the 90s, when John wrote his epistles and the book of Revelation.

The Apostle Paul indicates that this diversity of opinion had been present for some time 1 Corinthians 1: In just over 60 years, the Church founded by Jesus Christ was already rife with division and doctrinal strife. This should be a sobering lesson for us today! The church at Smyrna offers another powerful and timeless lesson. Smyrna was a prosperous, bustling, beautifully planned port city, but Christians there faced considerable persecution. The Smyrna era appears to cover the third and fourth centuries ad, a period of intense Roman persecution of the Church.

While the Smyrna era is commended for its works and being rich in faith Revelation 2: The church at Smyrna illustrates the vital importance of endurance —of holding on to your beliefs during difficult times. Jesus said that "he who endures to the end shall be saved" Matthew The Apostle Paul wrote that only those who finish the race will be given a prize 1 Corinthians 9: Elders are admonished that they must be found "holding fast the faithful word as he has been taught" Titus 1: If your foundation is solid Matthew 7: Historical sources reveal that Christians of the Smyrna era believed in the Millennium—the thousand-year reign of Christ and the saints on earth.

They would have nothing to do with the Roman Saturnalia and Brumalia sources of modern Christmas customs. They tithed and did not believe in an immortal soul. It is no wonder they were persecuted; they did not follow prevailing social and religious customs. Smyrna is one of only two churches to receive no correction.

The lesson of the Smyrna era is simple, but vital and timeless: Remain faithful in trials—endure to the end and do not give up! It is a lesson we cannot afford to forget! Pergamos was the capital city of Asia Minor, home to imposing temples dedicated to Zeus, Apollo, Athena, Asclepius the healing cult and Caesar.

Seven Lessons From Seven Churches

Its citizens were sophisticated and literate. The church at Pergamos is admonished for permitting false teachers to put "stumbling blocks" in the way of believers Revelation 2: While people may not initially believe false teachings, tolerating the spread of deceptive ideas will eventually lead many to stumble spiritually and compromise the doctrines of true Apostolic Christianity. The Bible reveals that not only can false teachers cause people to stumble; so also can trials, tribulations, persecutions Matthew The Pergamos era appears to extend from about —ad.

It was during this time—the Dark Ages when the Roman Church dominated Europe—that Easter, Christmas, Halloween and the philosophical ideas of the Trinity and the immortal soul were absorbed from paganism into the dominant church. Intellectual sophistication, human reason and the desire to be "progressive" often leads to abandoning fundamental biblical truth The lesson of Pergamos is pointed: Do not tolerate false teachings or those who promote them—compromise causes people to stumble; Christians must stand for the Truth. This advice is particularly appropriate for the Church today!

Thyatira was an inland city located on a major trade route.

Real churches, real issues

It was a commercial center with many trade guilds, and was the home of a military garrison. Its patron deity was a warrior goddess. To participate in the local economy would have required membership in trade guilds that sponsored idolatrous annual festivals—thus putting pressure on Christians to compromise to fit in.