Surprise Motherhood: A Guide to Unexpected Adult Pregnancy

Surprise Motherhood: A Guide to Unexpected Adult Pregnancy [Ophelia Austin- Small] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. At twenty-seven.
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They are repeated from three to seven times in the testimonies and are accompanied by silence, hesitation and changes in tone of voice. These expressions constitute part of the basis for the construction of this category. The feeling is mediated through a sense of grief. They acknowledge the suffering and disappointment they have caused their loved ones.

Most of these girls want to make sure they do not fail and courageously grasp the consequences that lead them to assume responsibility through a feeling of guilt. The dimensions in this category are significant. The first dimension concerns to recognize they have broken the rules and feel they must pay the price. Their conscience becomes more severe and sensitive to restrain aggression towards others The price includes being angry with themselves, the pain of having disappointed their parents, the changes created in family dynamics, such as the mother having to go to work to support the teenager and her unborn child, so as to mitigate some of the tension generated by the father.

In other cases, pain is manifested when they realize they did not make better use of their opportunities, such as access to education and the efforts of their parents to provide what they need to attend school clothing and school supplies. These tensions, which generate guilt over having broken the rules, are associated with rejection and blame. The second dimension deals with the harsh fear of being left alone with the responsibility of a pregnancy, since that is the experience of the women around them such as their mothers, sisters and friends.

This reinterpretation heightens their feeling of guilt. On the one hand, they knew the consequences; on the other, they have disappointed their mothers, who had hoped their daughters would break the chain of events in terms of having to assume a pregnancy alone. The third dimension becomes evident when the participants assume the pregnancy is their fault and relieve the partner of any responsibility or even try to exempt him of responsibility in a veiled way, particularly when they acknowledge the existence and accessibility of means to avoid pregnancy.

Relieving the sexual partner of parental responsibility may be the result of what they have been told by their grandmothers, mothers, aunts, older sisters or their friends who ultimately were left alone to face the reality of pregnancy in a society where they had broken the rules.

It is valid to infer that the replication of excluding or exempting the partner of paternal responsibility is almost automatic among the participants. They assume responsibility for the pregnancy that resulted from failing to do so and blame themselves. This feeling of guilt is aggravated when they admit their partner was the one who used contraception and confess to having delegated ultimate responsibility for contraception to the man.

The perception is that these teenagers do not take responsibility for their own care and are not positioned to act autonomously with respect to their sexual and reproductive health. Finally, it is clear that some participants were warned of the risk of pregnancy and admit their mothers knew they were sexually active.

Therefore, in their minds, having the mother merely warn them to be careful about becoming pregnant seems sufficient in itself. Some mothers try to talk about the use of family planning methods, but in a veiled and shy way. Consequently, the explanation is not clear enough for teenage girls to acquire any real self-determination with respect to their sexual lives, much less to protect themselves and to plan properly. Some of the testimonies are significant in that pregnant teenagers believe their mothers have neither the criteria, nor the responsibility or the moral authority to educate them and to give them the tools they need to manage their sexual and reproductive health Table 5.

In this respect, one wonders what happens with the sex education and health programs offered in schools. What happens to the messages published in the press and broadcast on radio and television about the use of condoms? The indication seems to be that girls somehow feel capable of rejecting and opposing abortion as an unacceptable alternative. Although abortion is associated with unwanted pregnancy, as noted by Mngadi 28 and Drescher 17 , the young women in this sample are able to assess the harm that could come from trying to have an abortion.

For example, they look on abortion as a criminal act. They also suggest their unborn children should not have to pay for their neglect with their lives, especially since they see their unborn children equals. The participants in this study admit they initially opposed abortion out of conviction. At first, perhaps because of the suddenness of the experience, they see abortion as a way to deal with the tension generated by an unexpected pregnancy. There also is an outburst of religious beliefs, such as having the power to foster life, or believing God has sent them a child so they can provide it with a better life than they had.

They claim to be defenders of life, recognizing the embryo is a person and declaring abortion to be a cowardly and criminal act. These teenagers believe that, by being mothers, they will not be alone and that motherhood may be the driving force that enables them to achieve their goals. Therefore, they resist opting for an abortion.

As for the second dimension, the participants in this study mount strong resistance to any kind of pressure. Almost all the participants reported having some type of support when their primary network parents neglects to give them the support they need. In such cases, teenage girls cling to their partners or their mothers-in-law. In other cases, they take advantage of the support offered by friends. Although virtually all the participants acknowledge having some kind of support, it is important to note that support is not always offered on acceptable terms with respect to quality.

Occasionally, an offer of support is accompanied by some form of blackmail or conditioned in a way that implies increasing subordination for these girls. These forms of interaction reflect an effort to rebuild relationships that perhaps were cut short or ruined.

6 Post-Pregnancy Body Changes You Didn't Expect

On the one hand, this support helps to relieve a great deal of the tension created by the experience of unexpected pregnancy; on the other, it gives them tools to assume the pregnancy. A central category represents the main research topic. Its analytical power is based on the ability to bring together all the categories to arrive at an explanation of the whole Ultimately, it focuses on interpreting the research topic and identifying the main issues with respect to pregnant teenagers.

These evolve and occur at a given time and place, and change or sometimes remain the same in response to a situation or context Naturally, this central category responds to the hypothesis that is expected to emerge from the description of the pregnancy experience for these teens and an analysis of their narratives, based on the data that emerged from the interviews Future research will very likely determine what parts of the concept "Wanting to be pregnant…but not so soon" apply or are valid for other groups of pregnant teenagers and what new concepts or hypotheses can be added to this initial conceptualization, to construct a substantive theory that specifically characterizes the phenomenon of teenage pregnancy.

The central category uses the invariable word "but" to oppose the concept "wanting the pregnancy". The concept "not so soon" is associated with the concept of time. To contrast these two conditions it is important to note that in each of the categories they are seen as expressions and emotions. Ambivalence is one of the most relevant concepts to properly observe and understand modern and postmodern societies, a thorough understanding of problems that society today lives From the language, ambivalence is described as linguistic correlate of the disorder, is deep sense of unease when unable to interpret the situation and to choose among alternative courses of action In addition, ambivalence reveals when social consciousness arises that in all descriptions of our language are inclusions and exclusions, constitutes structure and disorder, establishing order and chaos That disorder evidenced in the pregnant teenagers for the constant use of expressions such as: Conflicting feelings such as anxiety and fear by recognizing not being ready and at the same time, feeling that was the opportunity that allowed them to mature.

When teenagers express feelings clashing between them, allow to support the first part of the central category Wanting pregnancy but…, through the categories "Unexpected pregnancy" with different variations in inopportuneness, resignation and deliberation, contemplating the desire for motherhood, running the risk and being surprised at facing an uncertain future, and Accepting the pregnancy, variations in accepting it as a duty that implies sacrifice.

Even when it comes to themselves as a protective strategy that enables them to get their lives on track by avoiding alcohol and drugs, and as a challenge, defying the story of their lives in the sense of not wanting to repeat the abandonment and vulnerability experienced and, at the same time, preparing themselves for limitations. Following with this inclusions and exclusions theme, the categories related with the consequences of continuing pregnancy emerge to support the second part of the central category ….

Losses due to pregnancy vary between real and potential ones.


Blaming themselves for the pregnancy as a side-effect of individualization Ways to take care of oneself: Finally, Ambivalence is the driving force including the categories Resisting abortion given by religious and moral convictions and Support networks: The pregnant teenagers acknowledge having delegated ultimate responsibility for contraception to the man. The pregnant teenagers have limited autonomy with respect to their sexual and reproductive health. During pregnancy, they absolve their sexual partner of any responsibility and even excuse him in a veiled or indirect way.

They repeat the fate of women close to them, perhaps through oral transmission. The physical changes during pregnancy are NOT significant. The important changes are social. They do not acknowledge or understand their bodies. Relationship with the father—pregnant teenager becomes more steady and established. A complex reality with no answer demands alternative solutions that include the context.

1. Sex Drive Dive

Need for schools to hire nurses who are experienced in working with teens. Urgently calls for innovative strategies to provide individualized and contextualized care and offer a model of nursing care for mothers and their teenage daughters. Replicate in future research for a more in-depth understanding of other similar groups.

Maternidad-paternidad como proyecto de vida de los adolescentes. Embarazo en la adolescencia. Maternal-perinatal morbidity and mortality associated with adolescent pregnancy in Latin America: With loosened ligaments in your feet and an increase in body weight pushing down on your arch, your feet are primed to flatten and lengthen.

On the bright side?

6 Post-Pregnancy Body Changes No One Tells You About

It's a great excuse to go shoe shopping. A lot of women expect the ir breasts to get bigger before and after birth, especially if they continue breastfeeding. A study of 93 women found that history of breastfeeding was not linked to their odds of having sagging breasts.

Instead, the risk factors for sagging breasts were higher BMI, greater number of pregnancies, larger bra size before pregnancy , history of smoking , and older age. Most women have fuller, shinier locks during pregnancy. After delivery, your hair goes back to normal -- and that may mean it looks like you're losing more hair than normal.

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  • Surprise Motherhood: A Guide to Unexpected Adult Pregnancy - Ophelia Austin-Small - Google Книги.
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But don't worry -- it all evens out. During pregnancy, Ribaudo says, higher estrogen levels keep your hair from falling out at its normal rate. So after pregnancy, when estrogen levels drop and return to normal, your hair has to catch up -- by falling out. Your heavy shedding period happens one to five months following pregnancy, according to ACOG. Hair loss peaks around months after birth, but usually returns to normal within months. This type is the friend who derails a casual lunch to tell you a two-hour story about the devastating fight she had with her partner or the co-worker who constantly obsesses about how he is about to lose his job and needs your support to make it through the day.

The drama queen worships you one minute and despises you the next, based on overreactions to minor events. Living or working with drama queens can be draining and disturbing. Such a colleague can curtail your own productivity at the office or even shut down teams as everyone tries to contain the chaos. If you live with a drama queen, you may be bombarded daily with accusations and showy attempts to apologize, leaving you feeling angry, guilty and exhausted.

Some drama queens are violent toward others, cut themselves or threaten suicide. The extreme behavior can lead to depression or anxiety in family members and colleagues.

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Scientists have begun to understand some of the causes of these destructive traits, which are difficult to change without professional help. Individuals with borderline personality disorder BPD , for example, are extremely volatile and impulsive and have wildly tumultuous relationships; those with histrionic personality disorder are highly emotional and attention seeking, with an excessive need for approval.

Nevertheless, if you are in a relationship with, or otherwise connected to, a drama queen, a few simple tactics can help you avoid being sucked into his or her spinning world of emotion.