Tod des griechischen Tragödie (German Edition)

Hier trifft die Mythologie auf die griechische Wirklichkeit. Achilles II. Eine neugriechische Tragödie (German Edition) (German) Paperback – October 17, betrachtet: Anwesenheit Abwesenheit, Existenz Nicht-Existenz, Tod Ewigkeit.
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All Departments 31 Documents 6 Researchers.

Dept. of German

This article deals with the question of how the philosophy of " the tragic " may be applied to the German realist novel. Its investigation therefore focuses on intertextual references to Greek tragedy in Willibald Alexis' historical novel The Prospects of Philology: Modes of a Textual Reading.

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With reference to the increasing self-reflection of the way we read now, this paper opts for three different—yet associated—modes of a textual reading from whose point of view philological questions could be posed: Modeled as the geometric figure of a triangle, the phenomenon of literature may be seen to consist of three angles that constitute its concrete design: From such a phenomenological perspective, the difference between depth and surface of a literary work of art seems to be in fact a superficial one because any textual significance is only manifest through its appearance.

Depth, which is what remains unseen at a first glance, is explored by looking at the object more closely.

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Beyond that, any philological reading is guided by scientific discourses. It may be defined, therefore, as a reproduction that opens the fundamental aspects of literature in various ways by investigating its basic and complex structure. The following paper will focus on three recent approaches to philology: The practices of philology may be critically examined through such a description of philological interpretation, experience, and knowledge.

Its main subject are aesthetic experiences as they are described by literary texts, reproduced during the act of reading and reflected through their philological analysis.

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The article shows that these written aesthetic experiences may be defined as cognitive, expressive and practical forms of mediation. Das "Theater meines Todes".

AMOIBAION - Definition and synonyms of Amoibaion in the German dictionary

This article examines a complementary, but less obvious theme of This article examines a complementary, but less obvious theme of Mora's novel: Mora's novel opens with an intertextual gesture towards Marlen Haushofer's novel Die Wand , a work that thematizes the destruction and restoration of human relationships to nature. Private Anarchy examines an unusual philosophy of community that emerged across the twentieth century in the writings of Gustav Landauer, Franz Kafka, Thomas Bernhard, and Wolfgang Hilbig.

Each author experiments with the strange idea Each author experiments with the strange idea that extreme isolation is the proper precondition for community in the modern era. In these paradoxical fictions, community becomes visible through the nihilist monologues of antisocial outsiders.

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  4. God, Locke, and Equality: Christian Foundations in Lockes Political Thought.
  5. Meaning of "Amoibaion" in the German dictionary.
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The outsider's voice voids the existing social world, and conjures anarchic visions of human togetherness based on a shared sense of emptiness, rather than any common identity or essence. Community emerges precisely when it appears impossible. I would like to thank in particular Jack Davis and B. I have them all to thank for the merits of this paper, while the shortcomings are entirely my own. Ja and Der Stimmenimitator. Hier trifft die Mythologie auf die griechische Wirklichkeit. Aehnlichkeiten im Leben des zeitgenoessischen Achilles aus Thession, einem Vorort von Athen mit dem mythischen Helden bilden den Leitgedanken des Stuecks.

Achilles, eine tragische Figur, als Allegorie, als Parodie auf die menschliche Existenz. Ein absurder Ausdruck des Tragischen im menschlichen Erscheinungsbild einerseits und Teilnahmslosigkeit an der logischen Aufarbeitung der Fakten andereseits. Alles in diesem Raum wird in seiner Doppeldeutigkeit betrachtet: Der Held, eine bedauernswerte Kreatur, spiegelt uns die Ewigkeit der Existenz Er tut dies mittels einer merkwuerdigen, poetischen Sprache Achilles, noch immer eine Theaterfigur, die gegen Puritanismus und Agonie des Menschen agiert.

Wer bin ich, wird aber wohl nie eine wirklich zufriedenstellende Antwort bekommen. Neben dem Licht wird es immer auch den Schatten geben. Read more Read less. Frankfurter Taschenbuchverlag; 1st edition October 17, Language: Be the first to review this item Would you like to tell us about a lower price? Related Video Shorts 0 Upload your video.

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