Intelligent Spaces: The Application of Pervasive ICT (Computer Communications and Networks) Intelligent Spaces: The Application of Pervasive ICT (Computer Communications and Networks): Alan Steventon, Steve Wright.
Table of contents

Fundamentals of Network Forensics R. Origins, Architecture and the Standard Pierre Lescuyer. Grid Computing Nikolaos Preve. Guide to Cloud Computing Siavash Moshiri.

Pervasive computing

Network Data Analytics Srinidhi H. Pervasive Computing Aboul Ella Hassanien. Back cover copy Intelligent Spaces: The world about us will appear to have real intelligence embedded in it, creating what we term "Intelligent Spaces" or "iSpaces," which will augment and support virtually every human activity. The Application of Pervasive ICT describes the vision and how it has already been demonstrated in a number of applications ranging from the home, healthcare and traffic systems to monitoring glaciers.

It identifies many of the technical, human and business issues which need to be researched before the benefits can become widespread, and describes possible solutions to them. Review quote Intelligent spaces: Mar 16 Information and communication technology ICT has been around for several years.

It improves the way we compute and communicate, and yet human lives have remained essentially the same. However, this is about to change. As this book explains, every facet of human endeavor will be affected and changed for the better, we hope by pervasive ICT, referred to here as intelligent spaces iSpaces.


The book consists of 24 chapters written by different authors. The topics can be roughly divided into five parts. The first part introduces the basics of iSpaces: The second part briefly explains several applications of iSpaces, ranging from supply chain, home, and community environment to the monitoring of highway traffic and glaciers.

The third part discusses trust, privacy, and security issues in iSpaces. The fourth part is oriented more toward technology, discussing several implementations of iSpaces. The final part examines the digital infrastructure that will need to be there in order for iSpaces to work.

Intelligent Spaces : Steve Wright :

In general, this book is well edited and each chapter is concise. However, 24 chapters are a lot to digest and perhaps the fourth part could have been omitted without affecting the value of the book too much.

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The intended audience for this book is not clear. If meant for the general public, then the authors could perhaps have focused more on the social impact and changes iSpaces will bring.


Color images would also help to engage readers. One final question comes to mind: Have any disasters occurred in the past due to pervasive or some may say invasive ICT?

  1. Intelligent Spaces;
  2. Advances in Computer Communications and Networks.
  3. Under The Eye Of The Clock?
  4. Topics Covered!
  5. A chapter or two discussing real examples of the downside of iSpaces would help this book to be more complete and insightful. Book ratings by Goodreads. Goodreads is the world's largest site for readers with over 50 million reviews. Such intelligent behaviour can be implemented using artificial intelligence algorithms and agent-based technologies. These intelligent spaces aim to provide communication and computing services to their occupants in such a way that the experience is almost transparent e.

    The term first appeared in an IBM Research Report [3] but was not properly defined or discussed until later. Historically, there have been few attempts to consolidate approaches to studying the complex interplay between occupants and the built environment, and to assist in the design of pervasive information environments.

    Many theoretical interdisciplinary approaches are relevant to the design of effective pervasive spaces. A core concept in pervasive informatics is the range of interactions that may occur in pervasive spaces: In order to study these interactions it is necessary to have an understanding of what information is being created and exchanged. In light of this, a series of theories which enable us to consider both social and technological interactions together form the foundations of pervasive informatics [2].

    Socio-technical systems provide an approach which assists in understanding and supporting the use of pervasive technologies. The space could be considered as a network of artefacts, information, technology and occupants. By adopting STS approaches, a means for dynamically investigating and mapping such networks becomes possible. Distributed cognition can be used to explain how information is passed and processed, with a focus on both interactions between people, in addition to their interactions with the environment. Human interactions with a space, and its effect on coordination mechanisms have been examined in the field of computer supported cooperative work CSCW.

    Intelligent Spaces : The Application of Pervasive ICT

    The concepts of media spaces [6] and awareness have also emerged from CSCW which are of relevance to pervasive informatics. Semiotics , the study of signs, can be used to assess the effectiveness of a built environment from six different levels: Semiotics enables us to understanding the nature and characteristics of sign-based interactions in pervasive spaces. The current technology-centred view of pervasive computing is no longer sufficient for studying the information in the built environment. Socio-technical approaches are required to direct attention to the interaction between the built environment and its occupants.

    The concept of pervasive informatics then captures this shift, and enables current research efforts in different fields to converge their focus and consolidate their methods under one label, leading to a better direction and understanding of this complex domain. Research issues identified for further study in pervasive informatics:.

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    5. Pervasive informatics.
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