Advanced Linux Programming (Landmark)

Advanced Linux Programming is divided into two parts. Advanced Linux Programming (Landmark) and millions of other books are available for Amazon.
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  • IT Resources - Betty Petersen Memorial Library.

Mark Mitchell received a bachelor of arts degree in computer science from Harvard in and a master of science degree from Stanford in His research interests centered on computational complexity and computer security. Mark has participated substantially in the development of the GNU Compiler Collection, and he has a strong interest in developing quality software.

Jeffrey Oldham received a bachelor of arts degree in computer science from Rice University in After working at the Center for Research on Parallel Computation, he obtained a doctor of philosophy degree from Stanford in His research interests center on algorithm engineering, concentrating on flow and other combinatorial algorithms. You submitted the following rating and review. We'll publish them on our site once we've reviewed them.

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It is only "Advanced" in the sense that it assumes that the reader is already a competent C programmer. It also includes a concise primer on using tools such as gdb, make, gcc, and emacs. The second part focuses on Linux specifics: Devices, the proc filesystem and Linux system calls. There's also a section on inline assembly, and security not really Linux specific , and the book ends with a sample application. The reason this book gets "only" 4 stars is that I find it too Linux-centric.

On the other hand, the in-depth coverage of Linux features is useful. The highlight of the book is the sample application.

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  8. The application is a simple web-server that uses dynamically loaded modules. I consider dynamic "modular programming" "plugins" to be an important and neglected programming paradigm, concealed beneath hype about "Object Oriented" programming. Most large-scale architectures make heavy use of modules.

    The sample application gives some insight into how large scale modular projects work. This book is mostly on system programming.

    Advanced Linux Programming - Mark Mitchell, Jeffrey Oldham, Alex Samuel - Google Книги

    The title is accurate. The chapter on "Threads" is outstanding, which is not a topic in any other Linux book I've read. It talks about many pitfalls you may encounter and gives plenty of code with good interpretation. I don't have hands-on experience in threads. Reading this chapter helps understand Linux OS. The short chapter on in-line assembly is the most difficult to follow my x86 experience started and stopped with instruction set. This also distinguishes this book from any other. Some topics, not really programming, are nonetheless interesting to read and hard to find in other sources loopback filesystems e.

    Overall, the book is technically sound and the text full of authors' wisdom. The authors could have made the book more pedagogically easier.

    20 Bash Tricks in 5 Minutes - Spencer Krum

    Describing arguments of each syscall or function should be accompanied by syntax synopsis. Some important topics such as file descriptor multiplexing and daemons are omitted. Daemon could be discussed in Chapter Termio is almost not treated. The IPC chapter, relatively weak, is missing message queues. Finally, the publisher chose a very small font completely ignoring the fact that the Linux people often burn midnight oil!

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