The Manufactured Identity

The Manufactured Identity [Heath Sommer] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Months after his mysterious disappearance from a routine.
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Be the first to ask a question about The Manufactured Identity. Lists with This Book. Jan 11, Kim Crump rated it it was amazing. I have just reread this series for the third time. I am still troubled, to be honest by the whole concept, but like a car accident that secretly captivates me, I find myself thinking again and again about the themes in the book.

Sommer first published manufactured identity in , and I first heard of this book from a friend who had him in Child development last year at ISU. Then, another friend of mine held a massice book club to raise awareness of the series. I kinda joined with skeptacism be I have just reread this series for the third time. I kinda joined with skeptacism becuase I have had bad experiences with these kinds of things before. But this series did seem different.

In the first book TMI you are introduced to a cadre of characters who all seem hapless. This progresses and you realize this is exactly what the author is going for.

I've worked with a lot of mental health pros in the past and it seems this book, which was very suspenseful, is really about life. The stories themselves are brutal and esclaating, but not offesnive. Somehow even the murders and numerous terrible atrocities he showcases seem soft lit and palatable, although the terror of human life becomes instantly obvious. Though i didn;t expect it, I found myself reading more and more intensively through the night, and wound up finishing the trilogy in 3 days, then faced the startling reality I had attached to the characters, and really felt their pain and loss, and their triumphs.

I don't know, I really liked these books, but like schindler's list they alos left me not knowing how to feel, and it only deepend the more i review the issues brought up. Definetely a new favorite author and restored my faith in the book club concept! Recomended reading for those psychologically minded and open minded. Mar 31, Cliff Graham rated it it was amazing.

The Manufactured Identity: Heath Sommer: Books

I've thought about what single word best describes this book in the weeks since I read it. I can't get away from "diabolical. It's pure admiration and envy. I read Dennis Lehane's brilliant "Shutter Island" not long after this book, and if you've read it, you'll remember how completely boondoggled you felt at the end of it. Expect the same result with Dr. The other reviewers have spent a great deal of time and words describing the plot. I don't want to do tha I've thought about what single word best describes this book in the weeks since I read it.

I don't want to do that, because it's one of those plots that you simply have to read for yourself. Psychological torment and trauma, spellbinding mystery, complex characters, it's all here in spades. The author is clearly a highly intelligent fellow, and occasionally the words and phrases made me fish out my thesaurus, but that's the only discernible flaw in this novel. Sommer layers the suspense and torment skillfully until the final page, which is guaranteed to leave you pondering it long afterwards.

Jan 19, Bookleech rated it it was amazing. I love it when a book is a little complicated and this is what the manufactured identity gives in spades. It starts out with you thinking that the author maybe is just going to give too many charcters and just when you are frustrated and about to give up on the novel, you realize that it is done on purpose and is what makes this novel really cool and a must read. By then you ride the plot throgh the end and end up a little stunned.

Looking very forward to reading the next now. Jan 16, Jen rated it it was amazing. Such a good book! Can't wait to start the next one! If you like psychological thrillers, this is a great one. I highly recommend this book and I'm hoping this author continues with his books! Thanks to Good Reads, I discovered him and I'm trying to spread the word! Nov 15, Lyndamustread rated it it was amazing. With the end of every chapter I had to know what happens next which made me keep reading for hours on end. Sometimes this book feels like it is not going to resovle itself but let me assure you it does and in the most jaw dropping amazing way.

I can't wait for the next book in the series because I have fallen in love with the characters. I have found myself all wrapped up in their lives hoping they all find what they are looking for. Which is what we all are lo "This book pulled me in instantly. Which is what we all are looking for, acceptence, happiness and love. Sommer does an amazing job jumping into the minds of real people with real problems.

I believe many people can relate to these individuals in one way or another. Sommer talks about things we all think but not nessasarly disscuss out loud. Let me just say if you give this book a chance you will love it too! This book will keep you thinking for weeks after you are finished. Jun 24, Scrp rated it it was amazing. I read all of the reviews on this one and really didn;t know what to expect. For the first half of the book i was leaning toward the critical reviews, but after awhile Leaned toward the favorable reviews.

The problem up front is that there are so many characters, and the writing is sometimes so technical, that it is almost impossible to keep up with the ambience and characterizations. But with time and after reading his other books which are all, despite being the same charactes, very different I read all of the reviews on this one and really didn;t know what to expect.

Series: Manufactured Identity

But with time and after reading his other books which are all, despite being the same charactes, very different style of writing it is obvious this was done on purpose. MOstly, it was just a really cool story. Hard to find original perspectives in literature, and even harder to find philosophical drama, that stretch beyond boobs and bullets. Jul 11, Sweeney Taylor rated it did not like it. This is the worst book I have ever read. We spent our entire book club session making fun of the book, cackling while we read our favorite worst passage aloud.

The Manufactured Identity by Heath Sommer PDF

I'm baffled that this book was published - let alone a whole trilogy - and I'm convinced that the author's friends wrote numerous glowing reviews so that it would get its high This is the worst book I have ever read. I'm baffled that this book was published - let alone a whole trilogy - and I'm convinced that the author's friends wrote numerous glowing reviews so that it would get its high star rating.

Jan 29, Greg rated it it was amazing. I realy felt and related to the addy character in this book, as well as Lory Latchely. I felt these were great charaterizations of strong women who also aren't totally BS. One word can pretty much summarize this novel and it has to be amazing! Okie so the cover is solid black with gray; and in the background you can see silhouettes of different people. Some of those people are wearing hats, others are wearing business suits, and it just fits the whole premise of the book.

The title completely stands out with the whole white. Anyway, so on to the writing. This novel is written in third pe One word can pretty much summarize this novel and it has to be amazing! This novel is written in third person point of view. There are many different people that you keep up with and little by little you can see the relationships that these people have without truly knowing they exist in each others lives. The first chapter completely sucked me. There were a few parts in this book that made me change how I view things. By default, it sorts by the number, or alphabetically if there is no number.

If you want to force a particular order, use the character to divide the number and the descriptor. So, " 0 prequel " sorts by 0 under the label "prequel. Series was designed to cover groups of books generally understood as such see Wikipedia: Like many concepts in the book world, "series" is a somewhat fluid and contested notion. A good rule of thumb is that series have a conventional name and are intentional creations , on the part of the author or publisher.

For now, avoid forcing the issue with mere "lists" of works possessing an arbitrary shared characteristic, such as relating to a particular place. Avoid series that cross authors, unless the authors were or became aware of the series identification eg. It did not mitigate the pain of having to read the previous pages of poorly drawn characters, inane dialogue, and just-plain-awful descriptions.

By the end of TMI, I just felt cheated and misled by the 16 other reviewers, no doubt friends and patients of Mr.

The Century of the Self (Full Documentary)

Sommer, who gave the book 4- and 5-star reviews. With a good book, the words flow and allow you to get caught up in the plot and the characters. In bad fiction, you are constantly stumbling, starting and stopping over phrases and vocabulary so much that you never really get a chance to connect with the characters, even if they are realistic creations. You know when you are 10 or 12, say, and you're writing a story for the first time and you launch into a description and then use the most flowery adjectives available in your limited vocabulary?

Here's one passage from the book, pg. It is but one example of many that are cringe-worthy. See if you can get through it without wincing: Martens led tan khaki's one-by-one onto the faded white wing base, which worked concomitantly to coax a medium-sized leather coat out into the open air. At the executive position atop the coat collar was a stone-faced and cut gentlemen, hiding his eyes behind a dark pair of '90s era Ray-bans. As if posing for a session of GQ, John Joe lifted both of his arms to his head and ran his fingers across his neatly organized hair, then stretched his back and chest and swiveled far to the right side before hunkering down and making his way onto the asphalt in front of of the girl he used to stalk.

And there's plenty more where this came from. It is obvious that Mr. Sommer knows his stuff as a therapist; the clinical language he tosses around in the pages devoted to one-on-one and group counseling is proof of that. But having a Ph. D in clinical psychology and an interesting idea for a book does not a writer make.

Sommer would do well to take the draft of any new novel he is considering--and I see he has already generated a sequel to TMI--to a creative writing group. Honest critiques from those working regularly at the craft of writing would do his newer works nothing but good. See all 27 reviews. Most recent customer reviews. Web search "Heath J.

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