Our Own Voices (1)

If you've ever listened to a recording of your voice and thought to yourself, "Do I really sound like that?!" you're hardly the only one. People hear.
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Meanwhile, mixing more of your chest voice into your"girl" sound may help. You may want to consider making the most of your natural voice and keeping your present sound. Many men would love to have a tenor voice. Your voice will probably be changing, if it hasn't already. Your chest voice will deepen your sound. DO NOT feel ashamed. Your friends are not true friends if they lack understanding and ridicule you. I am 16 year boy, and i really hate my voice especially when i listen my voice through whats app voice chating and listening to the recorder,i feel that still i am not aged and it sound like a 5 year old child, i am really ashamed of myself , i dont know how my friend felt toward me when they hearing my voice, I WISH IF U CAN HELP ME.

The best advice I can give you is to schedule a few lessons with a qualified vocal instructor. This way, your voice will be evaluated and a program will be designed for your individual needs. As you practice needed exercises, your voice will improve. My throat was operated because of goiter and my voice becomes heavy and a little hoarse. My dream was to become a videogame commentator, so can I do commentary with my current voice? Hello, I was recording my voice as a voice over, when I realised how drastically different my voice is to other people. It is incredibly whiny, rapid, not articulate at all and has a nasal tinge to it.

To myself, I sound like an average person. Furthermore, though i have a London accent, it isn't very clear at all, and I am devastated that people have to listen to this. It seems incredibly articulate, clear and of a neutral tone to me. I am sorry for such a long message, but I'm getting desperate.

It sounds like you have a "Michael Jackson" sound and that ain't bad! I recommend accepting your natural sound and re-invent your style of singing. Ignore what others say about your voice. Im 16, and when I record my voice and when other people hear my voice, it sounds like im "gay" or "camp" or with a "feminine tone" and that type of tone, and I really hate it and am desperate to fix this, any help: Please send me an email.

I'll be able to give you some personal help. I know exactly what the problem is and how to fix it. I look forward to hearing from you. When I record my voice, singing or speaking, it sounds wobbly?? Like I would love if when I sang I stayed on one note and could draw it out, but it just sounds weak and awful, any help? It sounds like you may be using the wrong type of mic.

Your problem could also be the sound system. On mic, my voice automatically turns blocky sorta and I try my best to avoid it but it doesn't happen? Hi dear Author, I've got a strong British accent and my voice is unclear and so loud. I hate it and everyone knows that. Even my classmates mock me in the worst way then I'll get humiliated. I've lost my confidence and I think everyone hates me. I'm fed up with my voice. I've visited many doctors in U. Please help me to have confidence and be courage. Sometimes I think I'm the worst,unfortunate person in the universe. I'll be thankful to see ur reply,.

These singing exercises also apply to the speaking voice so in time they should help. Practice your pitch with a piano accompaniment. Try counting from one to eight along the pitch of middle C then drop down on one note. Oh well, it is not to sing, I am actually OK with that.

Not that I am a hit there but the sound of my singing is just a better voice, to me anyway.

You Can Change Your Singing Voice By Developing Proper Technique

I do hate my speaking voice and although I have not gone over this really good yet I really think it might help. Sounds like practice and exercise. I can do that! Will let you know! Although I am sure it may take awhile. I'm 'over the moon" happy to know that you're not giving up on your voice. If I can help you feel free to contact me. I'm only an email or phone call away. I am going to copy this Audrey and really try it. I do hate my voice and always have. It is too low. It is sure worth a try. The best exercises for all vocalists are breath control using the diaphragmatic muscle, ear-training and exercises to beautify your tone.

I really don't like my voice but i love to sing and I want to Austin diction for a choir. Are there and exersizes besides the one she aboveboard that will make my voice sound like I'm not one of the bloopers on a talent show. Your voice can change. Find a good vocal coach or speech therapist.

Exercises will be given to you to help lift your voice to a higher level. Contact me anytime and I wish you success, Just remember that you're not stuck with the voice you have. I can help you Do not stop singing just because you don't like your voice and accent. All you need is a little knowledge presented through instruction. Yes, it costs but the cost is well worth it. I cringed when I heard my recorded voice recently and have been looking for help every since that dreadful moment.

I'm southern SC and my accent is strong. How can I improve this? Thanks for your question.

Why You Hate The Sound Of Your Own Voice

Now sit back and listen! It matters very much how we feel about our speaking or singing voice. Our self-esteem is related to how well we like our sound. For the most part, the voice can be altered. I not only altered my own sound from a "little girl" voice to a rich confident woman's voice.

We're not stuck with the voice we are born with. The voice can be enhanced and changed with the help of a qualified instructor teach or vocal coach. Notice the word qualified. I've experienced astounding results with my students from changing the vocal color to a clear, distinct, rich, pleasant voice. Every time the words "I hate my voice" are repeated damage is being done to the person as well as the voice itself. Your body reacts to exactly what you believe and belief stems from your thoughts.

Change your thoughts to change the results. Even though I have asked the question and you were courteous to provide an answer, I have never got around to doing anything about "hating" my voice. The exercises seemed too much for me. I recorded myself talking and singing and hated every second of it - I decided to live with the feedback - "oh, there is nothing wrong with your voice, your accent is adorable, I really like your voice".

As you said in the article about happiness - it's all in my head and my thoughts. As you could imagine an add another 25 cents to the jar , now my son refuses to speak because He has a relatively low bass - it cuts through the air and makes me wish he did not take after his grandfather. Now I have two basses walking around. I prefer midrange baritone? I'll be happy if he slowed down and worked on his articulation so I won't go "What? I absolutely hate my voice on recording. It sounds so nasally and deeper than how i hear my voice. I am an aspiring musician and the way i hear myself, i thought that i was alright.

When i first heard myself on recording, i thought there was something wrong with the mic, not me. But now ive come to realize this, i was shocked. I asked my friends if i sound different to them on recording and their answers confirmed my worst fears. I dont know what to do.

voice replacement - 'my-own-voice' by Acapela Group

This article has been so helpful. If there is something i could do to solve this, please feel free to tell me. Well, we can fix that problem. Even though you may not like your singing voice, keep right on singing. Studies show that singing is a healthy thing to do. Thanks for being here. To answer your question "Did you ever hate your voice? I can truthfully say no.

voice banking

However, after hearing my recorded singing I found a few areas that clearly needed improvement. Working for a short time with an excellent vocal coach I soon began to hear a difference. To deepen your voice and remove the whiney sound, using lots of breath and the word 'woah', place your voice in the deep chest area. It will take a few times but this exercise works wonders.

Feel for the chest vibrations My voice is higher than in my head, and whinier. I absolutely hate it! I hope with theses methods I can fix that. I wish my high school music teacher would have had me do these exercises instead of turning the pages at the piano. I will definitely be referring to this article to learn how to change the sound of my voice.

Thanks for sharing your expertise! Dear Audrey Hunt, 3,16, Hey it's been a while! Well I just swallowed my It tasted like azz berries. We all have a "bridge" when we sing. The bridge connects the tone as we sing from low to high. I have an exercise that will teach you how to do this. Please contact me by email for this lesson. It involves a combination of steps. Fear can only be diminished by walking through that which you fear. You can't wish it away but you can take action to reduce or even eradicate your fear. Fear exists only in the mind. I recommend you read my article on overcoming fear.

Thank you for this inspiring blog! I've always been passionate about singing, and can carry a tune, but I'm nervous about singing in front of other people. I have deep, long-standing confidence issues which make me hypercritical about many aspects of my being. I have been making an attempt to practice my singing as I have yet to find my true voice. I find myself alternating between a low voice and a much higher, airier sound and not really loving either of them. The best way I can describe my core issue is to say that I feel I lack a bridge between these two voices and suspect my "real" powerful and attractive voice lies somewhere in the middle.

Does this sound familiar to you at all? I look forward to any suggestions you might have: If by now you have read my reply to your comment on my hub about stationary bikes, then you will recall that in my reply I said that I was going to visit your hubs and read some of them. I would love to have the gift of singing like my wife and others at church, but when the recording starts, I start sweating because I know that I sound like a backwoods hillbilly, which I am and not meaning any disrespect to other hillbillies.

You name is Audrey. I never knew that. All of this time I have only known you as vocalcoach and now the hub topic and your pen name makes perfect sense. Oh, thank you my dear friend. I'm so happy to win this award. It means so much to me. I sure appreciate you and the many years of support and friendship you've brought to me. How blessed I am! Thank you my friend. I also congratulate you on your award! It's so very nice to be honored and appreciated for one's work. How wonderful to see you here.

A big thanks for your support and taking the time to read my hub! It's important to enjoy practicing whenever we learn something new. I love a challenge. And although I'm a professional pianist and do well with my repertoire I continue to work on the most difficult Chopin, Beethoven and Bach to keep my brain busy. I'm always here for you my friend - my door is always open.

Now I must get back to the books I'm writing about singing - what else? I am more excited about your comment than your hub. Now I find that hard to believe. I have been trying to just practice some of the videos on your hub and see if it is just a passing phase. I am having fun right now just articulating and learning.

Thank you for such a wonderful and generous offer. I never want to waste anyone's precious time so I have to see where my thoughts take me. I must say doing even a little makes me feel good. A different kind of good. The same feeling when I write something I appreciate and like even if the world doesn't see it. I will message you a little more if you don't mind. I just want to thank you for your kindness and your friendship.

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You have so many hubs it takes me awhile to read. Thanks so much for sharing and caring. Wishing the best night where everything just goes right. Your comments are always guaranteed to put a big 'ol smile on my face! Thank you dear friend. You're a winner too! I appreciated it earlier and appreciate it again. So happy to see you win. Enjoy your award and have a blessed day! I hear you singing and you sound great!

As you've experienced the correct breathing process you know that it takes time to re-learn how to breathe.

Here's Why You (Probably) Hate The Sound of Your Own Voice

But what a great accomplishment! Not only does the speaking and singing voice sound better, diaphragmatic breathing provides us with a healthier body including the brain. Thank you for recognizing my hubbie award and may I congratulate you as well on your award. I think you have a secret desire to sing You haven't said as much, but I'm pretty good at reading between the lines - especially when it comes to singing.

So with that said, just let me know and I will comp you some lessons. Happy to see this wonderful post won a Hubbie award, dear Audrey - congratulations to you! Congratulations, Dear Audrey, on winning a well-deserved Hubbie Award for this wonderful hub! This hub is certainly a winner, as are you! Audrey, when I was in broadcasting school one of the first things we were taught was how to breathe.

Basically, we had to re-learn how to breathe in order to speak in our radio voices. After a while it became habit to breathe from the diaphragm as we recorded or were on air. The first time I heard my recorded voice I couldn't believe it was me. I don't sound like that! Now I know why. Hello Audrey, can you hear me singing Congratulations to you. Best Hub on Spinditty: This is very much deserved. I read your hub and found so many things you said true and funny at the same time. My voice always sounds high pitched and much different than I hear.

I use to joke and say I am going through puberty at 20, 30,40, Friends just look at me funny. I thought like so many other people the voice we have we are born with and there is no changing that. A kind of luck of the draw. How wrong was I and so many other people. Thank you for a wonderful and interesting hub. Now the hard part is will I take any steps to make it better. Recently I told you how I took up whistling and I am learning to when I never could. The goal in managing this problem is to improve the glottic efficiency, reduce strain to the vocal folds, and improvement in the overall voice quality.

Use proper vocal technique - especially when it comes to controlling your air. Because the sound of your voice 'rides' on air you want to make sure your breathing is absolutely correct. Also, you may want to look into some speech therapy. Be sure to rest your voice as much as you can and avoid all shouting!

I've also heard about collagen injections helping but be sure to check with your surgeon about this. I was born with a congenital sulcus, wherein the voice flaps don't come together when I talk,. Any suggestion as to how I can address that.

Don't hate your voice We all feel disappointed the first time we hear our voice. You can always change your voice with the help of a good vocal coach. Oh, come on now Amby It's relatively easy to change the tone of your voice. The service can be used without any particular knowledge and equipment, besides a computer, a headset and an internet connection The service presents the user with about sentences that the user needs to record into the system.

These sentences will then be processed and used to create the text-to-speech voice. Please note that, at an initial stage, the service is free until you decide to use the voice in a specific application, giving you the possibility to test and verify the quality of the voice, or even re-record it, before purchasing anything. The use of a headset will be enough to guarantee good quality. The script has also been adapted, shortened and simplified to make sure that all users can record their voices, taking into account the difficulties and tiredness they may experience during the recordings.

Do you want to create your voice? Please use the Contact Us form and provide us with some background information about yourself — why do you want to create your own voice and how would you like to use the voice? This ends up muddling the sound, causing you to incorrectly perceive your voice as having a lower pitch. For this reason, you may find that a recording of your voice sounds much higher to you than what you're used to hearing when you speak.

Because ultimately, people think they know what their own voices are supposed to sound like, Cohen said. Research suggests that people make real-time modifications to preserve the integrity of their voices. For instance, Cohen said, people who listen to themselves speaking into a microphone where the pitch has been altered will subconsciously change the way they talk, to counteract the adjustments. This fundamental understanding of what people think their voice sounds like is why they balk when they hear themselves sounding so different, he added.

Meanwhile, you start eating lots of food and you gain lots of weight. If you [suddenly looked in a mirror], you'd be shocked," Cohen said. While people generally have a good understanding of how they should sound, the pitch of their voices can be dynamic. Based on the information around them, people tend to make slight changes in how they speak all the time.

Research suggests that social variables, such as perceived dominance, can cause a person to make pitch adjustments, Cohen said.