Worldwide Mission Stories for Young People

the Bahamas to a global ministry with over 18, workers, the growth of YWAM is the story of Suddenly, I was looking up at a map of the world. The waves became young people–kids my age and even younger–covering the continents.
Table of contents

Get involved in mission during your vacation, required semester abroad or gap year.

Mission Opportunities for Young People - General Board of Global Ministries

Put your faith into action while living in community with those you serve. The Mission Volunteer program offers individuals and couples the flexibility to volunteer for a period of two months to two years at placement sites all around the world, including the United States. Raise your own funds, get trained, join with other volunteers, and be immersed in another culture.

Insurance How to Host Volunteers. Apply Application Timeline Program Support. Fellow Profiles US-2 International. How to Give Search for Projects Projects.

  1. My Financial Guide to Success: What You should have learned in School and at Home?
  2. Chorale Preludes, Part II, Ein Betlied zu Christo, 4b. Allein zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ alio mode (Ve.
  3. To know God and to make Him known..
  4. Global Mission Fellows.

Mission Opportunities for Young People Whether participating in a program to raise awareness of social issues, networking with others around the world, volunteering in a clinic, or dedicating their lives to long-term missionary service, young people transform their communities. Find a program that's right for you. Global Mission Fellows Global Mission Fellows is a 2 year mission opportunity for young adults ages Mission Volunteers Get involved in mission during your vacation, required semester abroad or gap year.

Seventh-day Adventist Bible Study Discussion

From Everywhere to Everywhere Whether participating in a program to raise awareness of social issues, networking with others around the world, volunteering in a clinic, or dedicating their lives to long-term missionary service, yo Young People in Ministry With An opportunity for young people to engage, connect and grow Suddenly, I was looking up at a map of the world. Only the map was alive, moving! I shook my head, rubbed my eyes. It was a mental movie. I could see all the continents.

Global Ministries

Waves were crashing onto the shores. Each went onto a continent, then receded, then came up further until it covered the continent completely. I caught my breath. Then, as I watched, the scene changed.

The waves became young people—kids my age and even younger—covering the continents. They were talking to people on the street corners and outside bars. They were going house to house.

The United Methodist Church

Young people—kids really—going out as missionaries! With the vision still on his mind, Loren led a youth mission trip to Hawaii.

Mission - Aniwa Island

While there, he developed more of the vision for a new organization. This ministry would send young people out after high school to gain a sense of purpose.

WEC stories

It would welcome all Christians no matter what their denomination. He started that organization, Youth With A Mission, by the end of the year. Two years later, Loren married Darlene Scratch. Together, they are viewed as co-founders of YWAM today. The building offered classroom space and housing for YWAM students. After consulting with Loren and other YWAM leaders, Leland began a school that would focus on biblical foundations and character development as well as missions.