Dynamic Response of Granular and Porous Materials under Large and Catastrophic Deformations (Lecture

Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics. Free Preview. © Dynamic Response of Granular and Porous Materials under Large and is on the dynamics response under large and catastrophic deformations, covering the .
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This model consists of depth-averaged equations for the time and space evolution of the velocity profile and the avalanche depth. Their model was generalized to incorporate more complicated topography in which the coordinate lines in the downhill direction are curved but not twisted.


We present recently developed model equations by Pudasaini and Hutter for free-surface geophysical gravity-driven flows e. These are very important extensions to the successful SH theory, which incorporate curvature and torsion effects of the sliding surface. Shock-capturing numerical schemes are used to integrate the hyperbolic conservation system of equations. The physical significance of the numerical solutions is discussed. To send this article to your Kindle, first ensure no-reply cambridge.

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Dynamics of avalanches along general mountain slopes

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Dynamic Response of Granular and Porous Materials under Large and Catastrophic Deformations Lecture

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Dynamic Response of Granular and Porous Materials under Large and - Google Книги

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