Wer schön sein will, muß sterben (MYSTERY THRILLER 150) (German Edition)

There, our hero Finn is the son of the last remaining Legend Hunter - which means that Shelves: all-my-books-and-comics, german-books, read-books Der jährige Finn wird schon sein ganzes Leben darauf trainiert irgendwann in . das er sterben muss und die Legenden die Verseuchten Seiten verlassen wollen.
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Igor has a good job as an advertising manager, a nice house, his wife Hanna, and a mistress. He has invited Christine, the mistress, over to his house while his wife is away. In the sixties the painter and sculptor Niki de Saint Phalle started her career with shooting paintings, reliefs that were fired at with paint bags. She became famous and popular for her Adaptation of Grimm's fairy tale "Der Teufel mit den drei goldenen Haaren".

An assumed-dead gangster wants to implicate a completely innocent man to pay for his crimes so he can give the slip to his avengers and persecutors. The movie follows a German art student suffering from a unnamed illness. He meets a man named "Edgar Allan," who seems intent on driving him mad by dogging his every move. He is not dead - yet. Paul now has the ability to turn back time and relive the days before the crash. But can he change the outcome, can he even prevent his death? Theresa von Eltz Stars: Thomas Dekker is the ordinary truck driver but when the life of his son and his own life hangs on a balance he finds a way to out match the combined forces of organized crime and the law enforcement.

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Ich bin ein Star, holt mich hier raus! Wer kann diesen Dschungel jetzt noch befrieden? Wer stirbt schon gerne unter Palmen? Wer, wenn nicht du 89 min Drama, Romance 4. Wer bist du, Vater? Holy Heritage min Drama 5.

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Wer hat eigentlich die Liebe erfunden? Wer fuhr den grauen Ford? Wer spinnt denn da, Herr Doktor? Wer hat Angst vor Wilhelm Reich? Wer hat Angst vor Sibylle Berg? Unsere Besten — Episode: Guess Who's Sleeping with Us Tonight? Wer zweimal stirbt 90 min Crime, Drama 5. Niki de Saint Phalle 93 min Documentary, Biography 7. Der Bozen Krimi — Episode: Darkmouth is a story about family, about destiny, about finding your courage and stepping out of your comfort zone to help the people you love. Like so many timeless classics, it's about an ordinary kid in an extraordinary situation.

It reminds me of the excitement I used to feel when reading Darren Shan and Eoin Colfer as a young teenager. The concept is brilliant, the plot is fresh and fast-paced, and most importantly, the humour is on point. I laughed out loud more times than I can count. I had the biggest grin on my face while I was reading this and it's thanks to Hegarty's fantastic narrative skill as well as his endearing portrayal of an authentic and totally amusing father-son relationship. A great kids read not just for the kids.

If I'd read it a little slower though, I think I'd have enjoyed it that little bit more and would've given it a 5 stars. I can definitely recommend. I really enjoyed the book. I totally recommend it to all of the Percy Jackson's fans. There are a lot of common things between the two book series. In the beginning it was a bit hard to get into the story but page after page it got more and more interesting and I couldn't help it - I had to finish the book. I look forward to reading the second part. When I read the blurb for this book, I had a hunch that I was going to love it and have a heck of a time reading it It was filled with hilarious, lovable characters, cracking dialogue and a gripping storyline.

It's monster mayhem at its finest and it had me gripped in its claws from the very first page. Darkmouth is about twelve-year-old Finn who loves animals and wants to be a vet Between training to become a full-time Legend Hunter like his father and trying not to die in the process, making friends with the new girl Emmie who is decidedly secretive about her and her father's business in Darkmouth Finn has his hands full. And then of course there's the small matter of the Legends plotting a war against humanity in Darkmouth itself, but no biggie, right?

OKAY, so I loved pretty much everything about this book and I'm so excited to read the rest of the series. From the very first page, I knew I was going to love it. Why is that might you ask? Well, I love the way the author writes and I have a feeling that many middle-graders, teens and adults alike will love the writing. It's inviting, it flows smoothly and it has a magical kind of characteristic about it that makes the words come to life. After I had been enchanted by the writing, I was enchanted by the main character and all the other varying characters that pop up throughout Darkmouth.

He's not your typical hero that falls into the So Perfect I'm Practically Not Human category that a lot of fictional heroes fall into. There's also this inward struggle that wages inside Finn which was quite touching to see and it also helped define him as a three-dimensional character. He really wants to be a vet and help animals I think there comes a point in every child's life where they want to do a certain thing but they also want to please their parents and those two things don't always go hand-in-hand and I really enjoyed that that aspect was explored.

It gave the book a tender, more personal aspect which I liked. The other characters were wonderful as well! I loved Emmie, Finn's new-found friend. She's curious and she talks a lot girl, same and she's an adorable character. Her and Finn's friendship was slightly rocky in this book which is understandable given the circumstances but I'm hoping to really see their friendship develop in the next few books!

He reminded me of Dobby, just sassier, and I'm hoping he'll be a part of the sequels.

The poetry corner - Vol. 4

Another thing I really loved about this book was that Finn's parents were alive and heavily involved in his life. YA — and some middle-grade novels — have a tendency to most have parents that are either a dead, b completely absent or c utterly horrible which makes no sense to me BUT Darkmouth didn't fall into that category — small mercies! I absolutely loved Finn's mother and Finn's relationship with her. Finn's dad could be hilarious at times but sometimes I wanted to shake him for being so disappointed in my precious Finn who is gentle and caring and not particularly agile at fighting and doing Legend Hunter things.

His dad put quite a lot of pressure on him to succeed and I thought it was great that the author included this aspect into the story as it's something a lot of kids might be able to relate to. I hope that by the end of the series Finn will listen to his heart and that his dad will support him with that.

The plot in this book was non-stop fun as well! There were several twists and turns and towards the end there may have been a few instances where I was gripping the book slightly too hard because it was intense, man. I absolutely loved that this book was able to surprise me and shock me and keep me on the edge of my seat the whole way through. I also adored the concept of this book. Like, monsters appearing through doorways in certain villages and needing Legend hunters to fight them off before they wreak havoc like eating people and stuff — doesn't that intrigue you??

Guys, I snorted and giggled so many times throughout this book. Finn was super sassy and sarcastic, his dad could be hilarious too and the banter between all the characters was utterly brilliant!

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One thing that I've found in a lot of the books I've read is the dialogue is often stilted and awkward but thankfully Shane Hegarty is brilliant at crafting excellent conversations between the characters. There were touching conversations, heated conversations, many hilarious conversations Darkmouth is an incredible start to what I'm sure is going to be an incredible series! With lovable characters, hilarious one-liners, monsters and mayhem, Darkmouth contains so many marvellous elements that makes it a book that's very easy to fall in love with.

I can't wait to sink my teeth into the sequels! La cueva de Danny. To quote the immortal words of our football legend Stoichkov, two parts - second very good, first am no like. The book is pure adventure, has likeable protagonist and original mythology and I LOVED the fact that this is a fantasy book and not a social issues novel, disguised within the genre, as some other popular author, who I'd prefer not to name, like to do.

However it needs to bite a little bit more and to have higher tension, to become a true hit. Review in Bulgarian here: Ich freue mich schon auf den zweiten Band! Und eine Million, es lieber zu lassen. Dabei will er mit den Monstern eigentlich gar nichts zu tun haben! Und so kommt es immer wieder vor, dass sich Legenden, Monster aus alten Mythen und Sagen, dorthin verirren.

Kapitel, in dem wir mit der Besonderheit Darkmouths vertraut gemacht werden, Finn bei seiner Jagd nach einem Minotaurus begleiten sowie ihn und sein Leben kennenlernen, wie nichts verschlungen. Und diese Erwartungen, die an ihn gestellt werden, setzen ihn unter Druck. Ihm fehlt lediglich das Selbstvertrauen bzw. Zwar gab es immer wieder kurze aufregende und actionreiche Szenen, doch dazwischen waren meistens Ruhephasen, in denen es einem aber nie langweilig wurde.

Im Gegenteil ich wollte durchweg weiterlesen.

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Auf den letzten Seiten steigt die Spannung konstant an. Das Ende ist dementsprechend offen gehalten. Book review was first posted on http: Shane Hegarty has recently joined the infamous corridor of fame alongside the likes of Darren Shan and Derek Landy. His recent book, Darkmouth, was hotly contested at this year's Bologna Book Fair. Shane Hegarty, the former Arts Editor for the Irish Times, has since negotiated a four-book deal in this s Book review was first posted on http: Shane Hegarty, the former Arts Editor for the Irish Times, has since negotiated a four-book deal in this series.

Darkmouth is an imaginative adventure for year olds which is full of monster-hunting action. It definitely marks the arrival of a major new voice in children's books. Fresh, fun and very witty; it is incredibly cool and will pull in readers of all ages who love a good story. It was a real pleasure reading this fantastic story. Shane has forgone the more popular route in my opinion.

In fact, it was a breath of putrid air reading this book. I'm sure that you are asking, so what will I find in this book? Well, you will find a range of monsters routed in folklore and others that have been dreamt up from the good old-fashioned imagination. Shane plays with the reader very cleverly feeding off your emotions. You will laugh your pants off one minute and then the dark explosive plot will scare the socks of you the next.

You'll notice that another extra special element are the layered illustrations throughout this story. The fantastically detailed black and white pencil sketches are by the talented James de la Rue aka PencilsMcDraw. These really enhance the fantasy horror shenanigans immensely as they create a parallel world between words and images. You will be easily transported between these two elements from the start of the book right until the very end. It's a monster quest for Finn, a boy who must follow fifty generations of his family to become a Legend Hunter, and save the world from monsters who wish to destroy it.

Fortunately, help is on hand from his dad and a mysterious girl called Emmie. The relationship between these two characters is captured incredibly well and adds extra appeal as it pulls you through a turbulent dimension. At the time, it felt that the beginning of the book perhaps started a little too slowly, but on reflection this was perhaps needed to create the world and introduce the story. I recognise that this is particularly important for the first book in a series in order to establish future books and storylines. I have to say that this is one of the most promising debut books that I have read for a long time.

The tone has been set for a fantastic new series which I'm really looking forward to reading. MG horror is on the up with another name in Irish writing. It's a brilliantly imaginative and exciting, monster-hunting, scare-your-socks-off adventure, which definitely marks Irish author Shane Hegarty as a new voice for younger readers. Finn has descended from a line of Legend Hunters, protectors of the world against monsters with nothing more than the need to destroy it. With help in training from his father and a friendship with the new girl Emmie, Finn succeeds through all the perilous, monster-sized obstacles in his way.

Pretty much the generic starting point, but what Shane Hegarty does with this dilemma is fresh, and the wit of the writing as well as the wonderfully drawn black and white sketches by James de la Rue kept me intrigued in the story from the get-go. Darkmouth is a brilliant start in a new series, great for ages 9 to Digamos que esta parte me recuerda un poco a Seguir leyendo.

No hay duda de que este libro es maravilloso, se lo ha ganado.

  • Darkmouth #1: The Legends Begin.
  • Least Voted Titles With Title Matching "Wer".
  • The poetry corner - Vol. 4 - Chat room: English ⇔ German Forums - leondumoulin.nl.

Apr 18, Ana added it. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. I wanted to love Darkmouth.

I wanted to love the characters, be engaged in the story and fall in love with a new series. I wanted it to be a Big Thing for me. I wanted too much. Granted, it is not a bad book by any means. That is basically the best things I can say about it. The other side of the coin is that the I wanted to love Darkmouth. The other side of the coin is that the book just felt unfinished, as if the author had submitted the draft to their publisher by accident and it was now too late to take it back. And now we arrive at my problems with this book: Slightly messy point of view narrative.

Also the fact that Finn somehow suddenly accepts being a Legend Hunter. And somehow, that went out the window without any clear explanation in the second half. The only time I saw Finn display any kind of concern for a Legend, or even a semblance of sympathy, was in scenes with Broonie, and even then I got the feeling that Finn was more annoyed than sympathetic.