The Robert Frost Encyclopedia

Often thought of as the quintessential poet of New England, Robert Frost is one of the most widely read American poets of the 20th century. Included in this volume are hundreds of alphabetically arranged entries on Frost's life and writings. His essays have appeared in such.
Table of contents

Library Locations and Hours. Often thought of as the quintessential poet of New England, Robert Frost is one of the most widely read American poets of the 20th century. He was a master of poetic form and imagery, his works seemed to capture the spirit of America, and he became so emblematic of his country that he read his work at President Kennedy's inauguration and traveled to Israel, Greece, and the Soviet Union as an emissary of the U. While many readers think of him as the personification of New England, he was born in San Francisco, published his first book of poetry in England, matured as a poet while abroad, taught for several years at the University of Michigan, and spent many of his winters in Florida.

This reference helps illuminate the hidden complexities of his life and work. Included in this volume are hundreds of alphabetically arranged entries on Frost's life and writings. Each of his collected poems is treated in a separate entry, and the book additionally includes entries on such topics as his public speeches, various colleges and universities with which he was associated, the honors that he won, his biographers, films about him, poets, and others whom he knew, and similar items.

Each entry is written by an expert contributor and closes with a brief bibliography.

The volume also provides a chronology and concludes with a general bibliography of major studies. People, places, ideas, and events, as well as individuals poems and collections, are treated in this encyclopedia, which is designed "to provide readers with a starting point. Wonderfully handy, this reference book for Frost's work is like no other.

The editors succeed admirably in creating a place to help readers begin to "make [themselves] at home among the poems," mindful of Frost's warning against "too much analysis. Entries on popular poems "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" can be three pages long; more obscure poems may get ten lines.

Robert Frost | Biography, Poems, & Facts |

Frost was often able to endow his rural imagery with a larger symbolic or metaphysical significance, and his best poems transcend the immediate realities of their subject matter to illuminate the unique blend of tragic endurance, stoicism, and tenacious affirmation that marked his outlook on life.

He can be said to have lodged himself just as solidly in the affections of his fellow Americans. For thousands he remains the only recent poet worth reading and the only one who matters. We welcome suggested improvements to any of our articles. You can make it easier for us to review and, hopefully, publish your contribution by keeping a few points in mind.

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In the s he won three Pulitzer Prizes—for his…. American poet Robert Frost said shrewdly that poetry was what got left behind in translation, which suggests a criterion of almost scientific refinement: And yet to even so acute a definition the obvious exception…. In the 20th century, Robert Frost was strikingly in agreement: The new poetry definition of poetry In poetry: Poetry and prose In poetry: Poetry as a mode of thought: Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students.

Robert Frost

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Robert Frost reads Birches

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Transplanted New Englander

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