The Science of Drinking: How Alcohol Affects Your Body and Mind

Editorial Reviews. Review. This book should be required reading for everyone who drinks alcohol, especially the young. It can literally save lives. (Jeff Cox.
Table of contents

Genetic Makeup and Alcohol Addiction: Harmful Effects of Alcohol 6 Chapter 6. Markers of Alcohol Abuse in Blood 7 Chapter 7. Loopholes of Alcohol Testing: Pharmaceuticals, Drugs of Abuse and Alcohol: A Potential Deadly Mix 9 Chapter 9. Workplace Alcohol and Drug Testing: When not to drink at all 10 Chapter Why not to drink at all when you are pregnant 11 Chapter More Dangerous than Alcohol: This book should be required reading for everyone who drinks alcohol, especially the young.

It can literally save lives. Alcoholics' brains get lighter. About half of U. Women should consume no more than one drink a day, and men no more than two. Alcohol increases the risk of heart disease and cancer. And some energy drinks contain low levels of alcohol. A helpful, scary chart shows the many common medications—from Prozac to Robitussin—that can interact poorly with alcohol The Science of Booze. Effects on Brain and Development. The effects of alcohol on your body.

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Stop worrying, relieve anxiety, stress less, eliminate negative thinking easily.

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Alcohol Lied to Me: Discover the quickest and easiest way to control your drinking in a safe healthy way. How to Change Your Drinking: Review This book should be required reading for everyone who drinks alcohol, especially the young. Related Video Shorts 0 Upload your video. Try this chemical-free approach to overcome stress, anxiety and depression, control behavior and live a good life.

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The Science of Drinking

Do you often feel overwhelmed by the never ending demands of a fast-paced modern world? Get this book and stop getting swayed by your circumstances. Try the Kindle edition and experience these great reading features: Share your thoughts with other customers. Write a customer review. There was a problem filtering reviews right now.

Please try again later. Kindle Edition Verified Purchase. I really like this book. It is filled with statistics and is extremely interesting if you like reading about subjects such as this one. It is well written and very informative. One person found this helpful. In many ways a practical guide that can be used as part of a public education in the use of alcohol and to a lesser extent illicit substances. Book is replete with statistics on the immediate and long lasting uses of alcohol, some as noted beneficial if used in moderation, and immensely destructive if abused.

How much alcohol provides health benefits and how much harm? According to the book, even drinks per week can have measurable beneficial effects, especially for the heart.

The Science of Drinking by Amitava Dasgupta

The recommendations will have to be scrutinized based on individual tolerance, tastes, and possibly family history. For example, an alcoholic should not use alcohol at all, because of the high potential of personal harm.

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Or if another does not enjoy or like the taste of alcohol should not bother to initiate drinking, for there are other compensating behaviors such as regular exercise and a healthy diet that are surely beneficial to overall health. The author provides advice and tips with regard to testing for alcohol and drugs in the workplace.

For me, luckily, alcohol is used only in moderation or rarely. The insight and parameters offered by the author shows that subjecting drinking to a scientific analysis can help to bolster the virtue of moderation, and in what circumstances both the abuse and dependency on alcohol has no place for the individual and society at large.

I wouldn't say I'm an alcoholic but I am however inclined to binge drink on occasion. This book is great! I'm so glad it doesn't sound like Carrie Nation is on the other end of the pen: She would have had to set that hatchet down for a minute which probably would've been a good thing in hindsight.

It is scientific enough to be interesting but also very practical and easily comprehended. Buy it- you won't be disappointed. I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It explains the pro's and con's of drinking alcohol in a factual way and isn't extreme in its views. Many books are written that slant the reader towards "alcohol is poison" and shouldn't be consumed period. This book just states the facts lets the reader decide for him or herself. It even goes into the health benefits of drinking in moderation. I really enjoyed this book.