Identity Shift

Learn all about the revolutionary process of Identity Shifting. Created by Rob Scott & Fundamental Shift LLC. You have a superpower in your brain. We can.
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Identity Shift

In this model, career change is also a one-shot deal: Decide on a new career, and execute. The hard work is in the long process of identifying the next big thing. Knowing what you want to do comes from experimenting with various possibilities. In this strategy, the goal is to try on alternative work identities to find the most satisfying fit, and choices are constantly refined as the process evolves. This method has several advantages. The career changer acquires a tangible sense of the kinds of tasks a new field might involve and has a chance to get to know the types of people who would be colleagues.

The idea is to ground the fantasy of a certain career in reality before making the high-stakes leap into that new field. Ibarra has identified the following three practices that form the basis of this strategy and provide logical underpinnings to what can sometimes seem like a messy and unfocused quest.

Ancient Heads - Identity Shift

Devise ways to sample a new role without giving up your current job. Take courses, try freelancing, do pro bono work, or moonlight in a field that interests you.

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Use vacation time or take a sabbatical to experience some aspect of that field. Expand your network of contacts beyond your usual circles. Think of it as your own personal elevator pitch. Most of her subjects took three years to find the work that finally quieted their gnawing sense of discontent. But, according to Ibarra, the biggest mistake made by would-be career changers is waiting too long to start the process. And with the current malaise in the economy, people are staying stuck even longer. You might as well take advantage of the slack times, instead of waiting until everybody else is changing.

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Needless to say, this process can be rough on a spouse or partner. People with supportive partners had an easier time with transitions, and those who had an outside network with whom they could share stories—and angst—handled the inevitable frustrations of the process even more successfully. Those who have toughed it out say the rewards are worth the turmoil. But if you love life and have high expectations of what it can bring, it can be very enriching and rewarding.

In the late s, that was a radical statement. To step away while the boom was still thundering through the West Coast was, to most people, unthinkable. But for Higgins, the deep-seated discontent that had troubled her for years had finally become unbearable. Twenty years earlier, Higgins had fallen into high tech when a mentor saw her potential and encouraged her to become a software developer.

Logical and detail- oriented, she quickly excelled.

Identity Shift – Association for Psychological Science

Unlike a true code warrior, she viewed it more as a means to an end than as a product to be loved for itself. While in a leadership training session, Higgins began to focus on the parts of her job that she found rewarding. She realized that she enjoyed managing projects, setting goals, and motivating workers to achieve them. Over the next year-and-a-half, Higgins set about experimenting with possible new careers that would be more people-focused. She took graduate courses in organizational development to learn the skills that she would need.

About the Author

She signed up for a conference led by organizational learning guru Peter Senge and discovered that she liked the field and felt instant rapport with the people in attendance. Feeling more confident, she finally quit her job at Commerce One and took part-time software consulting gigs while getting her new business up and running.

Gain freedom when you master how to think differently, gain awareness of the lenses that limit your perceptions of self, and break down the barriers that are holding you back. Defeat these powerful and debilitating feelings, by learning how to feel differently and process your emotions in a conscious and productive way. Experience amazing changes that come when you start to act differently and implement practices which allow you control your actions and ultimately become the master of your behavior.

How you see yourself and talk to yourself determines almost everything that happens in your life. Do you think of yourself as someone who will always be fat, or as an athlete? Are you still playing around at business, or are you really an entrepreneur?

How long are you going to live the way you live now before you make a profound change? What is it costing you in terms of time? Terms of Service Privacy Policy. Where should we send it? The Best Mindset Coaching on the Planet. Profound change requires a shift in your identity. In who you really are.


The behaviors you want all live inside Your Identity. And you can step into it right now. Starting when you were just a tiny child, you had experiences that shaped how your subconscious creates your reality. Your subconscious mind is trying to protect you, but….