The Great Forest (Twigtown Tales)

The Great Forest: Twigtown Tales: One [Tabetha Napora, Gail Napora] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Seven teens embark on an.
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Twig knows the woods better than anybody, or so she thinks, but change is stirring among the trees as well as within town. Good characters, small miracles, and complex family relationships. Thank goodness, too, that the book was completely worth celebrating. Sidwell was brought to life beautifully; both nature and the town hide sorrow and wonder beneath their surfaces.

middle grade | Navigating The Stormy Shelves

Any town with a wise librarian is a town worth reading about, and Miss Larch does not disappoint. But people are generally kind — if overly curious — and little glimpses of extra kindness from a waitress at the Starline Diner, or the kind encouragements from strange old Dr.

Shelton, made me wish alongside Twig that her mother would let more people into their secluded life. Twig is a steadfast young narrator. Her family is loving and supportive, but a lack of friends takes its toll on a girl.

The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales · Page 59

Who can blame her for breaking the rules and basking in the warmth of the family next door? Luckily, the Halls are good people who can recognize an extraordinary young person when she falls out of a tree. The similarities are all good though: Kids in late elementary school, and definitely middle school, will find Nightbird to be transporting and enchanting, with just enough mystery and suspense to keep the plot moving. I absolutely love Alice Hoffman!

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