Coyotes Mate (Breed Book 18)

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Yes No Thanks for your feedback! I love the breeds and the instinct that there is one person out there perfect for you … Show more Show less. I loved this story. Hot and sexy with a good story. I love the breed series, and this book was one of the best in the series. How to write a great review Do Say what you liked best and least Describe the author's style Explain the rating you gave Don't Use rude and profane language Include any personal information Mention spoilers or the book's price Recap the plot.

Close Report a review At Kobo, we try to ensure that published reviews do not contain rude or profane language, spoilers, or any of our reviewer's personal information. Would you like us to take another look at this review? No, cancel Yes, report it Thanks! Once Del Rey realizes that Anya is his mate- the one woman to complete him- the pieces start coming together for the stubborn coyote.

Anya's been intrigued by the silent, deadly coyote breed Del Rey, nicknamed the Coyote Ghost, since the age of sixteen when she approached him for help in rescuing the coyote breeds being held captive in a Russian compound. Though Anya's the daughter of the scientists who work for the big bads who keep the breed imprisoned, she knows what is happening to the coyote's is wrong and she means to do something about it- with or without the enigmatic breed's help.

When Anya makes contact with Del Rey in a seedy bar, he thinks she's a fool and dismisses her immediately. But something about her draws him and he eventually agrees to help her, if her story doesn't prove false.

Coyote's Mate (Breeds, #13; Coyote Breeds, #2) by Lora Leigh

Years later, Anya is still waiting for their ultimate rescue. Although the Coyote Ghost has pulled some of the breeds from the fire of captivity, he hasn't finished the job. When she questions him for the final time, little does she know that he's planning the mission for that very day- and that he means to take her captive in the process. Much loved by the people of the compound in Russia, especially by those of her family, Del Rey knows they will not fight if Anya is with him. Afterward, she of course cannot believe the man she trusted all those years, betrayed her in such a way.

After all, he promised to pull her family out too. When he leaves them behind, wounded but alive, she vows in her heart to never forgive him, even though some mighty strange things are happening in her body that she knows is somehow tied to the hard-nosed breed. When the Coyotes arrive in America, and Haven, the wolf breed compound, discovers their existence, Anya formerly requests a separation from her mate. A consul is convened to decide what to do and after some deliberation they agree to the separation, even though it is unprecedented.

Del Rey, upset and unsure what to do about his mate's reticence, agrees to stay away for one year, but he knows full well after that time he's coming for her- reticence be damned. He lasts eight months and in that time Anya has grown into the leader she's meant to become. She has learned to administer the bunch of breeds who live at Base, the coyote compound, even though the lot of them tend toward laziness while in down time.

When Del Rey arrives back at Base it doesn't take long for Anya's mating heat to make a reappearance, despite the fact she's been on hormone supplements to keep a lid on the worst of the mating heat symptoms. Anya loves Del Rey with all her heart and she's working to get over her mate's previous betrayals but when he- the man who shares such intimacy and claims she is the soul of one who everyone thought had no soul- refuses to give her the official ceremony that will make her his Coya, the mated second of his pack, Anya has had enough.

Oh, she sticks around for much longer than she should have, imo, and even goes back to his bed- because she cannot deny the other part of her heart. But when the coyotes start dividing and a breed close to Del Rey makes it painfully evident they don't trust her, she decides its time to leave.

Still, Anya has one last thing to take care of despite her mate's refusal to grant her demands for the breeds at Base. She has to get to the people who know the coyote's best, the scientists left behind in Russia, because more than anything the Coyote's need their own doctor- those who knows their physiology which is so different from the other breeds- and little does she know that she will need them most of all.

In the meantime, a group of men are doing their best to break the back of the Breed alliance the three groups of breeds are working toward. And they mean to do so, by breaking the most vulnerable- the Coyote Alpha. Will her sacrifice make the difference or will Del Rey's stubbornness be the end of both of them as well as the breed alliance? I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed this story. Both characters are wonderfully defined and it's very easy to get a grasp on them.

At different times I wanted to wring Del Rey's neck, even though he thought he was doing what was best for his mate, and at other times he just melted my heart. Long told that the coyote's had no soul, it made for some uber romantic reading when he finally realized he did- and it was Anya who held it. He does some stupid things under the guise of protecting her from his enemies and it made me cry and then rail at her as well for giving in to him so often. But, in the end, she does make a stand. Anya's growth throughout the story is seamless and a joy to watch.

Heart wrenching and sensual, this book is a romance lovers dream. If your following Leigh's Breeds, you won't be disappointed with this one. Aug 12, Catherine rated it it was amazing Shelves: I think one of the big things that fixes my attention on it is the fact that it is so unlike the other books in the series so far. Anya and Del-Rey mated, but due to his manipulations, and her her rage about said manipulations, ended up granted an official order of separation from the breed council.

This was the first order of its kind and although it didn't please Del-Rey, it gave Anya some much needed breathing room. I didn't alwa 4. I didn't always agree with Anya and thought she could be occasionally petty, but I totally got where she was coming from and why she wanted the separation.

Fated mates have always rested uneasily with me because the issue of consent seems so murky to me. When you're compelled by a hormone to be in each other's company and have sex, it makes me kind of uncomfortable and always leaves me with a little niggling doubt about whether it was love or the character just giving up the fight that made them so accepting of the relationship. It's especially pronounced in this series because the heroine is the one that feels the actual pain and agony of denying the relationship.

The guys are affected, but nowhere near as bad, and it doesn't pain them to touch other people, so they do have other options. Because of this setup, I found it refreshing to see an installment in the series where the heroine refused to submit and took her power back. She may not have been able to undo the mating, but it was completely in her hands to dissolve the separation. Del-Rey screwed up a lot and Anya was left to suffer for it, but I was fine with it because he was genuinely in the dark about how his actions would turn out.

They both grew to honestly care about each other and I admit that I got a dark satisfaction out of seeing Del-Rey completely upset over Anya refusing to fight and giving him exactly what he wanted. I have to be honest and admit that I get complete satisfaction out of watching characters crumble once they're given exactly what they've been demanding--no matter how stupid it is. We are introduced to a ton of great side characters in this one and I really enjoyed getting to walk on the dark side of this series and actually get to see a coyote romance.

There seems to be fewer sex scenes in this one than a lot of the earlier ones, but that provides a nice opportunity for the tension to ramp up for a change. Plus, as I said before, it gives us a chance to actually see these characters work through some issues and grow to know each other. The only reason I dropped the grade from a straight 5 stars is because for some reason the author felt the need to throw in a completely unnecessary and intrusive section at the very end of the book to show Anya and Del-Rey having sex one more time, but this time with butt play and spanking.

It felt completely jarring when you consider the rest of the story. I really wish that had been cut because it served no purpose and didn't fit with any of their earlier intimacy. May 13, Anya marked it as to-read. The only reason I want to read this book is because the h and I share the first name. Yeah, I'm shallow like that. May 07, Fre06 Begum rated it really liked it Shelves: It had so much passion love and loyalty between the main leads but the friendships between the female lead and her three coyote bodyguards was just the sweetest.

Feb 15, Heather rated it liked it Shelves: I suppose that I did, in one sense. She works in a lab with Coyote Breeds but is secretly working to free them. She works with Del-Ray, as long as he promises not to harm her friends and family when he goes to break out the coyotes. He promises her, but fully intends to break that promise. He has his reasons, some valid, some not so much but even at this point in the story, I was okay with Del-Ray. After the rescue, Del-Ray kidnaps Anya and ends up mating with her unintentionally, not knowing what he has done.

Anya is in love with Del-Ray and has been for years, but the fact that he betrayed her hurts her deeply and it takes her quite a while to forgive him. The mating heat only complicates matters, as it makes her body long for his touch but her heart is another matter. At times I felt like I was reading some kind of psycho-sexual horror novel or something.

It was hot but at the same time, almost kind of gross. LL tends to be over the top in that regard though. Once Del-Ray learns that Anya is his mate, he quickly develops into an irrational, over-bearing, arrogant a-hole. Anya wants none of it, and requests a separation from him from the Breed Council, who have never issued such a separation before. They grant it, and Anya is given a year of reprieve from her Alpha, but works as his coya alpha female running his military base while he is away on a mission.

As a character, Anya was alright. I think its because Del-Ray was so stupid and stubborn that the only way she could get through to him was by accepting everything that he wanted, so that he could see how tortured and unhappy she was. Getting to see where he was coming from was a definite plus, and kept me from totally outright hating him, because he was trying to do everything to protect his coya.

And honestly, his paranoia and the constant rehashing of the same issues over and over got annoying and repetitive after a while. I wanted to see him suffer more and maybe even step down from his position as alpha. I think LL needs to step it up and actually make things happen…bad and good. This is my first Lora Leigh book I might have read a Blaze or two and I'm just not sure how to take it. The story is that of Anya and Del Rey. How they work together and how they overcome the roadblocks each throws in the path of their relationship is what the book is supposed to be about.

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However, the Coyote breeds are also waging a war with the world at large. This is the far more interesting This is my first Lora Leigh book I might have read a Blaze or two and I'm just not sure how to take it. This is the far more interesting story. As far as the writing style goes, I hated the choppy stilted transitions from one thing that didn't matter to another thing that did. It's almost as if after reading the rough cut lines were put back in to explain how they got from point A to point B with no further transition.

As for the sex scenes First, there are quite a number of them. Second, I'm not really into the animal sex thing. I think I'll just leave it at that. To summarize, I liked the story, but not the writing style or sex scenes. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers.

To view it, click here. Where do i begin?? This is another Fantastic read in the Breeds series!! Yes Del-Rey is an ass, but he is an Ass you love!! Anya, Freaking kicked As in this one, she was awesome. Even Brim, Oh i Liked him!! There were lots of ups and downs, alot of downs but a great story fantastic HEA!!

So many funny moments.. Slam, Bam, knot you ma'am it sucked. Anya was Where do i begin?? Anya was a blast!! But They had a great bond with each other they just had to get threw all the BS!!! But It all worked out thank god Loved, i cried i laughed and got so mad,what a ride!!! Cant wait to read the next one: May 06, Cristina rated it liked it. I've read the previous books at least most of them and this one was slightly better than the others.

However, it does get repetitive at times. You've been warned So if you've read the others, there's really nothing extraordinary about this one.

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Oct 29, Denise H. Lora Leigh has this whole Breed series that is fabulous! Love the amazing characters, action packed tales, and awesome hot sexiness! You will love this paranormal, futuristic concept and be hooked like I am.

Richelle Mead- Midnight Jewel- The Glittering Court, Book 2 -clip3

I've read them all, and loved each one. Apr 04, Paloma Beck rated it it was amazing Shelves: I read all of the Breed books, one immediately after the other, over the span of six weeks. I started in order always recommend you do that with a series!!

See a Problem?

I really liked this shift since it draws the reader more into the characters The story of Del-Ray and Anya gives readers their first look at the Coyote Breeds with their similarities and differences from the other Breed groups. I was angry with him throughout the book but assumed his struggles with assimilating into a loving relationship are because of his early life in the Council lab. Del-Ray is the Coyote Alpha who survived Council captivity and now rescues others. When Anya approaches him with information on a Council coyote lab, he works with her to eliminate any traitors and plan a raid while steadily growing attached and possessive of her.

Herein lies the premise of the entire book. How stupid is he? Let me count the ways… first, he lies to her, then he mates with her so forcefully that she is terrified, injures her father, kidnaps her and steals her virginity. Then he leaves her with his pack only to return and claim her, denounces her as his mate and Coya, but expects her to act as his mate in private. This is the part of the story when I threw the book across the room only to quickly pick it up again because the book has great action and mystery which I love. The story moved fast and every page was a turn in their love story.

Despite everything they go through, the reader can sense the connection and love between Del-Ray and Anya. Anya is similar to many of Leigh's heroines Anya was the first heroine to stand up to the hero for what she believed in and was willing to walk away to stay true to herself. Her strength was amazing, helping to free the Breeds, stepping into the role of Coya and fighting for her mate while still doing what is right. And I figured if any woman can deal with a man like Del-Ray it would be her.

I blog at http: Carrying on my "Disclaimer": I really need more plot than porn sex and I was ready to cross this series off my list but my bff, V, told me to give her four favorite books a chance and I'm glad I listened to her. For this book, we have Del-Rey who is the Coyote Alpha but at the beginning of the book, he is known as Carrying on my "Disclaimer": For this book, we have Del-Rey who is the Coyote Alpha but at the beginning of the book, he is known as Ghost.

He's out searching for coyote breeds still in the labs when Anya shows up with some information. Del-Ray hardly gives her the time of day since she is only sixteen but there is just something about her.

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  • Coyote's Mate: A Novel of the Breeds: Book 18 by Lora Leigh - Penguin Books Australia.
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They have contact now and then and a few years later, he realizes she his mate. Finally when she is twenty two, he proceeds with the information she gave him, betraying her and pretty harshly takes her as his mate. She can't forgive him and his coldness and files to have a petition of separation. This book was pretty emotional. I really felt bad for Anya most of the time but it would seem like she of all people would have a better understanding of how coyote breeds are.

They were breed to have most of their humanity taken away and to be manipulative and cunning. How could she expect the Alpha to be any less. Poor Del-Rey is confused about most of his feelings concerning Anya and what to do with her. But I really enjoyed them together and I liked seeing them learning about each other. I really enjoyed Anya's bodyguards They each have distinct personalities and I couldn't help but try to figure out any angles for future story lines! There were also some interesting male coyotes as well. Brim, Cavalier and Jax were my three favorites.

The plot was okay as far as someone being out to assassinate Anya and cause a war. Mainly, it just made me feel really sad for the coyotes and how they lived. I'm glad Anya was taking care of things. Besides that, I really enjoyed it. This one was a bit heavy on the cheesy sex terms than the previous two I read but all in all much better than the earlier books. And Yay for the epilogue!

He must not have gotten his memo either. View all 16 comments. Jan 21, Hollie rated it really liked it Shelves: This book was pages long and it almost felt "too long" at times. Lots of spells with little to nothing happening. Overall, it was a pretty good. Nothing unexpected, out of the ordinary in this genre etc. Dec 01, Michael rated it it was ok Shelves: I was somewhat disappointed with this entry in the breed novel series. The writing felt rushed, the plot contrived. I didn't find Del Rey's miscalculation of how is coya Anya would be mistreated by his soldiers after his rejection very believable.

He's the alpha, after all, and should have been aware of many of the consequences of that rejection. I think it would have made for a better story if someone close to Del Rey convinced him that these consequences wouldn't of happened and then turned I was somewhat disappointed with this entry in the breed novel series. I think it would have made for a better story if someone close to Del Rey convinced him that these consequences wouldn't of happened and then turned out to be the traitor.

That, I would have believed. I also felt some of the erotica missed the mark. Lora Leigh is gifted when it comes to graphic sex scenes but these came off as stock sexual encounters. Hablando de relaciones tormentosas. Amo a la doc.

Coyote's Mate

Dec 08, Renee Reneem1 rated it it was ok Shelves: This wasn't fun to read. She is a victim in so many ways even though she is a strong woman. Ha This wasn't fun to read. Hard to read that. Nov 16, Dani rated it really liked it Shelves: Great continuation of the Breeds.. Del-Ray was such an ass for most of the book! But I'm glad everything turned out good! I forgot how long her books can be.. I may take a break from her for a few books and then come back to Bengal's Heart..

Aug 17, April rated it really liked it Shelves: I have been waiting for this book as well!! Anya and Del are a super hot couple!!! Really liked the story arc and all the wonderful steamy scenes!! I can not wait for more coyote breed books!! They are the bad boys of the breeds world and what girl can resist trying to reform a bad boy!! There are no discussion topics on this book yet. Lora Leigh lives in the rolling hills of Kentucky, often found absorbing the ambience of this peaceful setting.

She dreams in bright, vivid images of the characters intent on taking over her writing life, and fights a constant battle to put them on the hard drive of her computer before they can disappear as fast as they appeared. There is more than one author in the GoodReads database with this name.

Other books in the series.