The 10 Things You Need to Eat: And More Than 100 Easy and Delicious Ways to Prepare Them

James said: This book has a worthwhile goal, it lists 10 super-foods that are You Need to Eat: And More Than Easy and Delicious Ways to Prepare Them THE 10 THINGS YOU NEED TO EAT AND WAYS TO PREPARE THEM.
Table of contents

Virtually overnight I turned into a "perimeter" grocery store shopper, only venturing into the middle aisles for things like canned tomatoes, coconut milk, and whole wheat pasta. Gone were the days of Pasta Roni, Lean Pockets, frozen pizzas and microwaveable dinners. It helped that this was right around the time I met my husband, who was clearly not impressed with my culinary skills, but really, my main goal in changing my diet back then w Five years ago, "The Abs Diet" book transformed my diet.

It helped that this was right around the time I met my husband, who was clearly not impressed with my culinary skills, but really, my main goal in changing my diet back then was to improve my running performance. Not to mention somewhat embarrassing that I didn't already know these things, but I digress.

My purpose in reading this 'book' it's actually mostly a cookbook was not to change my diet, but to enhance it. Fresh fruits and vegetables are already a staple in my diet - what I wanted here, was to learn which ones packed the biggest nutritional bang for your forkful. The goal I have now is to get the maximum health benefits from what I put in my mouth. This book definitely fit the bill of what I was looking for. After reading it, I feel much more knowledgable about which foods I should be incorporating into my diet and why.

I'm pumped to go to the grocery store and put my newfound knowledge to work. I can't comment on the recipes yet, but the information thats given on each food is impressive. I think this book should be required reading for kids in our country. Nov 04, Rachelle rated it really liked it Shelves: I occasionally like to read books like this to help me get back into my healthy cooking groove.

This one definitely kicked my butt with awesome facts about cancer and heart disease rates being so much lower among those who eat following these guidelines. I already know this stuff, really, but to be reminded is good and to be remotivated to make it a priority is even better. I will admit that many of the recipes still seem too far out there I made the Chocolate Beet Mini-Cakes the other day and they turned out to be really tasty.

I want to buy this book but will probably wait until it isn't popular anymore and the price drops.

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  • The search for Ms. Wright.
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  • Healthiest Foods of All Time (With 50 New Recipes) | Time.
  • .
  • The 10 Things You Need to Eat: Nuts | HuffPost.
  • From This Far Time (The Human Saga).

Jan 28, TheGeekyBlogger rated it really liked it Shelves: I really enjoyed this book! It was informative, smart, to the point, and witty. It was surprising the way you can put to use some of the foods: There was food that I have never heard of: It was a pleasant surprise to learn that I liked 7 out of the 10 foods. As a picky eater, I was a bit worried. That means it should not be difficult to make them part of my daily diet.

The list of staple ingredients were just a bonus to make your life healthier.

The 50 (New) Healthiest Foods of All Time—With Recipes

My recommendation would be if you like books that explain why they picked certain foods then this book is a must have! Informative I learned so much about the foods I already eat. I am a vegetarian and was surprised the authors used meat in some of the recipes. Pork is counterproductive if you want to eat healthier. Good Book Good information and recipes. I will be using this book for the recipes for some time to come. Feb 20, Mellanie C marked it as to-read.

I registered a book at BookCrossing. Mar 16, Patricia rated it really liked it Shelves: This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers.


To view it, click here. I am less than half-way through and while I have read and visually tasted many of the recipes, I have yet to try any of them. My 4 star rating reflects this. This book is great in that respect. Each of the 10 foods is presented within its own chapter.

The 10 Things You Need To Eat: Quinoa | HuffPost

The food is discussed and than many recipes are listed using each food. I really love the natural slant in the majority of recipes as I am not a fan of prepared foods of any kind, I'll be skipping all the canned tomato recipes! One other ingredient I don't care for is Canada rapeseed oil, also known as canola oil.

Olive oils range in taste and I am positive that there is a mild enough olive oil amongst the many olive oils imported to the U. I have learned a few things about some of the foods that I did not know--using avocados in smoothies--and I am really looking forward to trying them out.

I also like that some of the items are items that are less commonly used like beets and cabbage. I love both, but my mind can not envision right off hand of more than a couple of ways of of preparing either of the two. I am really excited about trying out many of the recipes.

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This book of recipe is best for those people who like their food simple, natural tasting, and filled with a mild complexity of flavor. Jun 21, Jennifer rated it it was amazing Shelves: Simple to understand book on nutrition and the function of nutrients for our bodies. It's a simple, low-pressure book that doesn't advocate a complete diet change but simply to include these nutrient-dense foods into our regular menu. Feb 18, Bryn rated it really liked it Shelves: It definitely does not disappoint. It was great to read about "superfoods" that one can actually find, afford, and use with some versatility.

And the idea of pairing the information about those foods with recipes to try them out is a fantastic one. There were a number of recipes I plan to try, including the Triple Tomato pizza, which is made with whole wheat dough and fresh mozzerella. Apr 17, Wendy rated it really liked it Shelves: Trying to improve my diet and eat more veggies. This book provides some good principles to incorporate and some excellent recipes.

I'm learning to love quinoa! It even made me feel good about cake a blueberry bundt made with olive oil and topped with blueberry sauce! Yum Yum everything I've tried has turned out well. Aug 18, Jen rated it liked it Shelves: Some of the recipes look good, haven't made any yet though. The informational bits about different foods were very interesting to me. Aug 29, Buckle Button Zip rated it really liked it Shelves: The 10 superfoods that we need to eat to stay healthy.

Lots of delicious looking recipes for each food. Easy to read -- I blew through it in a few hours. Good enough to add to my bookshelf and cookbook repertoire. Sep 26, Jo rated it really liked it Shelves: Great layout, very informative.

My favorite tip was for cooking quinoa - going against most recipes and adding way less water 1: Nov 05, Mckinley rated it it was ok Shelves: It's hard to label anything a perfect food. But when it comes to culinary and nutritional perfection, there's one food that gets awfully close: Most Americans have no idea what quinoa is, let alone how to pronounce it keen-wah. But here's why it's something you should absolutely have on your plate. In the 's, a team of NASA scientists set out to find the consummate grain, one that was so complete they could send it with astronauts on long-duration space flights to Mars and beyond.

These are trips that could easily last two years, requiring every morsel of food to be carefully selected for maximum nutrition and efficiency. What makes quinoa so unique is that it's extremely high in protein -- up there with meat and dairy products -- which by itself is unusual for a food that comes from plants.

It contains more protein and fewer carbs than wheat, rye, rice and oats, not to mention double and triple the fiber of most grains. Think about it this way: And on top of that, it's what nutritionists call a "complete" protein, meaning it has all the essential amino acids, which is something else you don't usually see in plants or soy products. Its soft texture and slightly nutty flavor are reminiscent of couscous, only better.