Star Trek: The Next Generation: A Singular Destiny (Star Trek: Typhon Pact)

Star Trek: The Next Generation: A Singular Destiny and millions of other books are . Zero Sum Game (Star Trek: Typhon Pact #1) Mass Market Paperback.
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Destiny trilogy, exploring the fallout of the Borg Invasion. With the Federation still recovering from the recent Borg attack, President Bacco asks history professor and current presidential adviser Sonek Pran to meet with Empress Donatra of the Imperial Romulan State and ask her to provide aid to the Romulan Star Empire.

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Sonek travels to Achernar Prime aboard the Aventine and manages to convince Donatra but Tal'Aura declines the aid and also breaks off the aid agreement with the Federation. A series of other mysterious incidents occur: Zalda seems on the verge of leaving the Federation after refusing to accept any more refugees, Federation mining on Capella IV and Maxia Zeta IV is sabotaged and the Kinshaya invade Klingon space and capture the worlds Krios and H'atoria , using Breen and Romulan technology, with Martok 's son Drex killed defending Krios.

Pran suspects that, since Zalda and H'atoria are along main trade routes, someone is trying to disrupt the alliance between the Federation and the Klingons. Pran travels to Zalda and manages to convince the government there that everyone has been duped, the refugees that claimed to have been turned away from Zalda were imposters.

Star Trek: Typhon Pact

Klag leads a detachment to recapture Krios only to find the Kinshaya aided by Breen, Gorn and Tzenkethi ships; however, they are still defeated thanks to the arrival of other ships from Klag's fleet. Pran realises a Ferengi named Sekki is behind the acts of sabotage but finds she has been murdered.

However, the currency she was paid in, from a power known as the Typhon Pact , suggests who her employers were. Disturbed by this development, Bacco and Martok invite the leaders of the Imperial Romulan State, the Cardassians , the Ferengi and the Talarians to a summit to discuss them joining the Khitomer Accords.

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Everything after that is new in Destiny. After Destiny, there have only been 6 books so far. In a rough reading order: That just leaves 4.

And honestly, since Titan novels are pretty standalone anyway, you can even probably miss those if you just want to jump ahead. That'll make a huge difference.

A Singular Destiny

Thrawn , Oct 7, Apr 29, Location: Are there any books that need to be read before the Typhon Pact bo i'd just say finish the Destiny trilogy and read A Singular Destiny personally Are there any books that need to be read before the Typhon Pact bo Excellent. Thanks for the input, guys. Gonna read em all eventually anyway, just a question of what first. Are there any books that need to be read before the Typhon Pact bo Losing the Peace is a good story on the recovery of the Federation following the Borg invasion, but it takes place almost entirely before the Typhon Pact is formed.

But even with the both of them, the Typhon Pact itself is not majorly involved - the last few chapters of ASD are really the only parts that show them as a player, everything else serves as set up for its appearance, and that's really about the point ASD ends.

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The Typhon Pact itself has not been a major player in any novel that is currently out. It introduced the character of Lt.

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T'Ryssa Chen, the new first contact and diplomatic officer. She's also the ship's clown and youthful imp. One would think that with her role she'll have more than a few lines in the diplomatically-centred Paths of Disharmony but who knows what Dayton used her for.

Losing the Peace give a flavour of the hard times and struggles the Federation is going through as the Typhon Pact gets its act together, but you can give it a miss and not lose anything. TerraUnam , Oct 8, Jan 23, Location: Are there any books that need to be read before the Typhon Pact bo. Sep 1, Location: May 20, Location: Smellincoffee , Oct 9, Are there any books that need to be read before the Typhon Pact bo She's a Regular.

A Singular Destiny

He'd have to get editorial permission to kill her off. TerraUnam , Oct 9, Jul 22, Location: Are there any books that need to be read before the Typhon Pact bo Yeah, but only a novel regular, so it's really that big of a deal when it comes to getting permission, and she's only been in 5 books so it's not like she's a major part of the Trekverse. Not that I want her to be killed, she's one of my favorite characters, I just doubt it would be that hard to if one of the authors really wanted to. JD , Oct 9, Dec 13, Location: Are there any books that need to be read before the Typhon Pact bo Thanks guys I just became interested in this version of STNG's well ST's future history and was just wondering what the minimum number of novels I have to read to catch up before reading the Typhon Pact series.