Entropy And Its Physical Meaning, 2nd Edition

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The number of questions you need to find he coin is a measure of missing information.

What is Entropy

With other distributions like for example when you know that the coin in one of the first two boxes you need only one question. Thus the amount of missing information is maximal for the uniform distribution. Chapter 4 is an introduction to the second law.

  1. Lee of the Storm!
  2. Beyond Millennium.
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You start with all of them in state 0. This gives an overall sum 0. Pick at random one of the dice and throw it resulting in a 0 or 1 at that position.

leondumoulin.nlE (Author of Entropy And Its Physical Meaning, 2nd Edition)

Repeat picking and throwing a die in the row and sum the total value. Since the probability that you pick a die in state 0 in the beginning is larger than picking one in state 1, the sum will initially probably increase until there are as many dice in state 1 as there are in state 0. The next two chapters repeat this idea saying that instead of you could call it red-blue or cold-hot or sour-sweet or whatever and you may expect an averaging mixture as the equilibrium. So why not use the amount of missing information AMI which is of course minimal at initial state all dice are 0 or red or This explains the second law: AMI measured by Shannon's measure of information increases while the system evolves to its equilibrium where it reaches its maximum.

This natural evolution toward equilibrium is thus not a matter of order or disorder, but just a matter of probability. The probability of evolution towards equilibrium is larger than the probability of moving away from it. Although the purpose of the book is to demystify entropy, I do not find anywhere a section to a clear definition of entropy. The best description I find in this book is on page that is in the new section added in the second edition I read that you need to consider the equilibrium distribution of the system, compute its Shannon measure of information and then "[ What if the volume of the box is changing in time?

2nd Edition

Does then entropy also change with time? On page I find a W to denote the number of states; but is that the same W? It probably is not to be understood in a strict mathematical sense, but whatever it is meant to say is not explained here. And why is it written on page that "[ Here 'always' means with probability 1.

Unfortunately, the book is not really demystifying entropy for me. In a final chapter he discusses some related topics like order and disorder, the arrow of time, and why and how entropy and the second law have been misunderstood and by whom.

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    Entropy And Its Physical Meaning

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    • Entropy And Its Physical Meaning?
    • Toggle navigation Additional Book Information. Description Table of Contents. Summary This text gives students a clear and easily understood introduction to entropy - a central concept in thermodynamics, but one which is often regarded as the most difficult to grasp. Professor Dugdale first presents a classical and historical view of entropy, looking in detail at the scientists who developed the concept, and at how they arrived at their ideas.

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      This is followed by a statistical treatment which provides a more physical portrait of entropy, relating it to disorder and showing how physical and chemical systems tend to states of order at low temperatures.