War Dream

Dreams about war are not uncommon. We dream about war usually when we are under stress or when we feel like there is a heavy burden on your shoulders.
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War dreams of fighting as a soldier in some unknown war are very personal dreams, but still quite common to all of us. Analyst most commonly agree that dreams of war mean that there is some form of conflict in your waking life whether it be internal conflict within your own mind or external conflict.

There could be parts of yourself that are in conflict with each other. It is common for people who come from households where there is a lot of arguing to use war dreams to deal with the pain they feel at being part of this type of environment. A very personal interpretation is most often the case for dreams of wartime.

Agony Aunts

You need to ask yourselves certain questions when dealing with this imagery: Is there a situation where you are torn between one decision or another? Are two parts of your personality waring with each other over a decision? Answering these questions will aid in getting a personal association for the images in your dream. If bombs appear in your war dream, you possibly feel like you or some part of your life is about to detonate like a bomb.

Download the DreamsCloud app. See what people are dreaming about. Chat with a dreams coach today. Dreaming of war may represent an inner conflict is in need of a resolution. Figures of Speech to Consider These are some common idioms related to war that may or may not make sense in the context of your dream.

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You may think of others which can help you determine what your dream means to you. Questions to ask yourself to help you determine what your dream means to you Is There A Winner? Dreaming with war is also related to Dreams with war 7 Sep. Login to add Definitions. Dreaming withwaris also related to That is my recent dream news for ya..

Well, i dreamt of being the field commanding leader of the invasion on my hometown. Though it is a small town with people, it seems useless to invade it. But it began small. I was walking trough the town at night as some sort of nightwatch. Suddenly a white dog attacks me and i began to defend myself, so i punched the dog a couple times, but it wouldnt stop. Then the owner came out of the house yelling to me that i need to back off from the dog. I tried to explain the dog attacked me but the owner shut the door en the dog stopped attacking and walked away. I felt angry because that owner wouldnt believe me because its his dog.

And at that moment i saw 2 men coming out of a house which i didnt get along with in school. Than i began to walk further faster and i had some sort of satelite phone and i called in the invasion. First, many planes flew over the town and dropped paratroopers. They all landed spread out over the town.

I couldnt see trough the buildings, but i just saw the troops everywhere. They began to destroy houses and capturing territory.

Dreams About War – Interpretation and Meaning

All of sudden the towns troops appeared. They looked like american troops. Their troopes pushed us back to the point that we sat with 6 soldiers closed in on a square. As a last chance i called in more paratroopers, but instead footsoldiers arrived at the flanks of the town. Their troops needed to go there for defense and they just left us there. The soldiers and weaponry all looked like ww2 style. I had a dream once where I was in a war and all my friends who are not my friends in real life but I felt really close to them and it was kind of like a halo met anime and stuff.

Well they were protecting me because I was injured and knocked out but by the end I was alone and everyone was dead and when I woke up I was crying and I felt alone and guilty. Last night i just had a dream about some sort of war, as i was leaving my house for work a huge plane flew over with its left wing on fire a fighter jet was chasing after it as the huge plane crashed i can see the explosion on the horizon, i looked up into the sky to see what looked like hundreds of jets and planes flying through the sky shooting at each other and dropping bombs and thats where i woke up what does this mean?

Just now I had a dream about a terrorist attack of some sort. I had a dream like this for two nights in a row now. I dreamt I was in a shelter or something with a bunch of people and when I looked outside everything was on fire and the whole city I was in was destroyed. I could feel the vibrations of the bombings and I would start to cry when I heard them getting closer.

The night before this I had a dream of the war starting. I was at home and I couldnt get ahold of my mom and was freaking out because I kept seeing fire fall from the sky and heard a bunch of bombs. This is really scaring me. I wonder if it has something to do with the terrorist attack that just happened.

I live in Florida but not close to where the terrorist shooting took place. I wonder if this is a sign. If so, a lot of people are going to die. And I am on the verge of tears just thinking about it. Well I am 15 and there was a war,people were giving shotguns and submachine guns and backpack with food…I remember that I got some salt and i think a little bit cheese and I got submachine gun. First thing I did was giving food to my family but I dropped because bowl was full of holes but I think that this is not important.

I had a dream the other night that was terrifying. Anyway I was given a gun and I had to go into this mental hospital and shoot all the sick.

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  2. Dream Interpretation: War.
  3. Dreams About War – Meaning and Interpretation;
  4. Dream about war in general;

When I was younger about , I had a reoccurring dream two nights in a row. I dreamed that I was in a swamp in the middle of what seemed to be a forest, laying at the bottom of the swamp with my head up, dead at night. I remember that in the dream, I saw a helicopter rush down and two men all covered in military uniforms came out and rushed towards me. At the end of the dream, as they were running up to me, they shot me. It all happened so quickly. After that, I was scared to go to sleep for a while. OK so i just realized that someone has already written a novel sized post but for my sanity of writing so meany words i will tell more of my dream later.

I dream constantly about the seeing an army team who see me and stop the vehicle. I run and find shelter but can see them approaching and know im going to die. Sometimes i wait and hear them approach to find me, Sometimes i walk out to face them. Everytime the outcome is the same. Fall to my knees and start to feel weak. It fades to black and i wake up.. The first few times i dreamt this i woke up screaming.

WAR DREAM: Vladimir Putin

I should add i have never been one to watch or enjoy war movies. Mainly staying away because i thought if i ever saw one it would bring them on more. I had this dream two days in a row. It was about war. There was many guns and swords. It took place in racism.

  • Letzte Stücke (German Edition).
  • Czarine, La.
  • Dream Interpretation War | War Dream | DreamsCloud!
  • What do dreams about war mean??
  • I was trying to have others agree that racism was bad. I had a debate and everything. We were in school, a broken down school. The school that we went to looked terrible. It was falling down and had no color but a dark grey or a dark green. I was shooting people just as people were shooting at me.

    Figures of Speech to Consider

    They had their team and we had ours. I went up to everyone that was against darker skinned toned people with coffee let me explain. I had five cups of coffee. I had people try the black coffee and they hated it. After, I had them try the other one they liked it more. The lighter one taste better because us whites have things to make our lives better. I added sugar and had hem try it. Then added the cream and had them try it. The black coffee is gross.