Hunted (The Shadowing)

Once every century, the barrier between the human world and the demon realm begins to break down. Creatures gather, anxiously waiting to cross the divide.
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Present to your audience Start remote presentation. Do you really want to delete this prezi? Neither you, nor the coeditors you shared it with will be able to recover it again. Comments 0 Please log in to add your comment. It is a dark and gloomy street with not a lot of houses and all the houses are separate from one another. The creature kills all children who can seethe super natural so Calum tries to stop him. Setting 2 The second setting is Calum's grandmothers house which is old and small like a cottage. Calum Scott is a 16 year old male human being but there is something very different about him , he can see the super natural.

He has been able ever since he was born but it has never been a problem until one night when a creature started following him. He is short, shy and quiet. He isn't very social except for to his grandmother in which he lives with. Calum Scott Initial Conflict Calum is a kid in high school who has the ability to see the ability to see the super natural world.

He has had this ability ever since he was born so it didn't really bother him. He knew he was special. The ghosts cant see him but he sure can see them. I generally read a lot of adult novels as well as young adult, but I've been on a straight YA kick for some time now, so this has been seriously lacking in my reading. It was sufficiently disturbing and the pacing was excellent. Slater's writing style was good, skin-crawlingly yeah, I made that word up. It was sometimes repetitive, but not enough to distract me from my overall enjoyment of the book. And the plot--again, just so much love.

I can't wait for the sequel, Skinned!! I'm going to go ahead and recommend this book to anyone who likes a darker paranormal story. Kindle Edition Verified Purchase. This is more of a 3 star book, but since it's free for Kindle, I'll give it a bump because it's a worthy download if you're a fan of the paranormal and occult. Honestly the characters aren't that deep or fleshed out, but this is supposed to be part one of the series so that can be forgiven.

The action is well paced and the writing is capable. If you're looking for something intellectually stimulating, this isn't the book for you though. What do you have to lose? It's free for Kindle. I am not a book reader at all. I was just looking for books to get my wife for her kindle, she loves to read. I am more of a movie person, I would much rather see it than read it. I just went looking for books that I thought she would be interested in and was reading short sections and came across this one. I knew she would love it because I couldnt stop reading it once I started. My wife liked to freak out knowing that I dont read at all.

So, if this book kept my interest long enough to read being a non reader, then I believe this would be a good read for an avid reader. I am even getting ready to start the next book, and sorry, but I think they really need to make movies out of these books, they are great. I liked the book so much i ended up lending it to a friend and now almost all of my friends have read this book and we all love it.

I wish it was more popular. I liked it but seemed for high school readers. Kept me wanting to know what's next. But I feel details was missed. Love the lore behind this. The unique writing style, the description is fantastic. Second time through is just as amazing. This is my new favorite book. I'm so glad I bought this book. I'm looking forward to reading Skinned. And the next after. See all 28 reviews. Callum is a great central character as he seems so normal but has an incredible ability which may be the only thing that can save the human world from what lies on the other side.

A little is told about Callum's family history but I feel like there's much more to come.

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I suspect a big secret could end up being revealed. What I loved about 'The Shadowing' was that it was such a fast-paced and exciting read.

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Each chapter was full of thrills and spills and interesting plot twists. I had no idea what was coming next and spent most of the time on the edge of my seat. It had a stunning opening which really set the tone for the rest of the book and a fantastic ending which was jaw-droppingly brilliant. This book will appeal hugely to a male audience who are looking for the next big thing in this genre but that's not to say that females won't love it too. There are a couple of bits which made me a bit squeamish as Slater doesn't hold back from the gore-factor, so I probably wouldn't recommend this to very young readers but those who are slightly older will lap this up.

I'm eagerly anticipating getting my hands on 'The Shadowing: Skinned' which is the next book in the series. Who knows what's coming next! Aug 03, rameau rated it liked it Shelves: Predictable can be good too, it just needs strong imaginative writing to support it. A good plot can only save so much. And such is the case of Callum Scott in Hunted. The premise is familiar in itself, a boy born with special abilities tries to ignore them and pretend he's normal. Then something happens that makes him face the extraordinary side of himself and he embarks on a journey to the unknown - unknown called Netherworld in this case.

He gains friends and allies and finds out about his mis Predictable can be good too, it just needs strong imaginative writing to support it. He gains friends and allies and finds out about his mission in life - the one he was born fulfil. The concept of a chime-child is new to me, but I quite like the idea. Especially when it's coupled with a young male protagonist.

And written in third limited. I've read way too many romance centred books about girls who obsess over boys written in first and this was like breath of fresh air. I just wish the male author hadn't discarded the sense of romance completely. At least it would have made a great distraction for when Gran finds Callum and Melissa alone in the cottage flushed and breathing heavily.

Aren't you a bit young for that. Not only doesn't her reaction make me as the reader suspicious, it makes Callum look more thick-headed than he has the right to be. Rest of the plot, however, falls into place smoothly. Unfortunately, that's about it. The writing is just good enough to support the plot, but it doesn't exactly elevate it to something exceptional.

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I've recently read few very well written and plotted books, so I can tell the difference even if I'm not able to argue why. All I can say that with the obvious repetitions - like the word "corridor" repeated unnecessarily in two sequenced sentences - and quotes like "Now he was trapped. Still, I liked the book well enough and hope that whatever issues I had with the writing are resolved before the sequel. Mar 04, Filip rated it really liked it.

The Shadowing Haunted by adam Slater 1.


What is the author's purpose in writing the book? What is the theme of the book? The theme of the book,is that people will always do everything for people they love,like Callum did for his Gran. That you should never show fear to the enemy,and that never think that someone is better than you.

What syle was this book wrritten in and is it effective? The writing style is narration,and it was very effective. It gave a dramatic effect to the book. Suspense is built effectively throughout the story and it was very scary and that was the point of this novell. What is your opinion of the book? To book kept my attention from the beginning,it captured my imagination.

The spooky story, the mystery, the atmosphere it didn't let me to stopp rading. I really enjpyed the characters esspecially the main character Callum. I like to read about mysteries an imaginary creatures so this book was very good choice. Aug 30, A Book Vacation rated it it was amazing. I decided to start reading this book the night before school started. That, dear readers, was a big mistake! Not only could I not put the book down because it was so fascinating, but I was also scared out of my mind!

I have not been this creeped out in a long time, and while I absolutely LOVE this novel, I do not recommend reading it right before bed. I was captivated from page one.

The Shadowing: Hunted (Shadowing #1) - ThirstforFiction

I especially love that the chapters switched back and forth, showing the hunter at work, and then moving back to Callum as he tries to figure out what is happening around him. And, while this novel does take place in the present, it has a very archaic feel to it View all 3 comments. Jun 09, Julie-anne rated it really liked it. Loved this story and I loved the fact that the main character, Callum, and his female friend, Melissa, don't have a romance It seems that every YA I read has to have some romance blooming or already happening between the main character and a best friend or possible enemy or complete opposite schoolmate etc, so it was nice to read a story that had two friends of opposite sex and not have an under running love story happening at the same tim Loved this story and I loved the fact that the main character, Callum, and his female friend, Melissa, don't have a romance It seems that every YA I read has to have some romance blooming or already happening between the main character and a best friend or possible enemy or complete opposite schoolmate etc, so it was nice to read a story that had two friends of opposite sex and not have an under running love story happening at the same time.

The story was really well told and well paced. I like how this series is going to turn out, it's going to be a different bad guy every book and I can tell that they're not going to be fluffy or light reading. The bad guy maybe gal, you never find out was quite terrifying to picture and from the excerpt I read of the next book, it's going to be the same.

May 01, Reader rated it it was amazing Shelves: In his grandmother's tidy cottage, Callum Scott is safe from the ghosts that he sees everyday on the paths of his small town. However, the ghosts have been disappearing as a new creature comes to town, a creature that eats the eyes of it's victims. Exploring his grandmother's books with the help of a friend, Callum begins to learn that his powers may be able to help him defeat the monster and prevent an even larger conflict from happening. Alternating between horror and the gruesome, Slater intr In his grandmother's tidy cottage, Callum Scott is safe from the ghosts that he sees everyday on the paths of his small town.

Alternating between horror and the gruesome, Slater introduces an exciting new series. Callum is genuinely sympathetic, and the characters are well developed and authentic. The monster is creepy and shadowy, leaving readers to imagine the creature rather than splashing it over the page. For readers looking for a slightly toned down version of the Monstrumologist. Aug 03, Cereja Cult rated it really liked it Shelves: He can see ghosts. What are you going to do about it? Run and hide or stay and fight? I love it and it almost made me pee my pants with the ripping and tearing. The Characters - Callum is this guy that lives with his gran and is so cute how the two treat each other with love and respect.

The Shadowing

She makes dinner and he makes the tea. They talk and share their day. Is all so cute and I really miss paranormal books that show this part of the characters lives. He is polite and reserved around people because of his secret and all. With him comes Doom. No, is not actually Doom. That is the name of his doggy. Yep, he has a hellhound as a puppy.

All of them are strong in their own way and have a really important part in the story. The passing, the way the things developed and the way it describe, oh, the way this guy describe makes me chill to the bones. You see through his eyes.

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I know, I know. The eyes are very important in the story. But that was totally the way I felt. This guy, this guy. Really, really crazy and I have nightmares just imagining what kind of mind would come up with a story like this. The way he describe the dark, the shadows, the emotions. I literally had nightmares with this book. But then you start to have visions about bloody murders. Pee your pants yet?

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I sure have to change my panties after this revelation. Gran has a,,, ok, ok,, no more. Go read the book to find out. This is too juicy for me to spill the beans like that. The story was compelling and the ending, wow, let me wanting more but not in a terrible cliffhanger kind of way. The best part is that I had a sneak a peak of the next book.

But this in no way influenced my views on this book. This is my honest review. But she will never see the stars again. Her eyes have been torn out. The rain fills the empty sockets until they brim over, spilling bloody tears down her cold, white cheeks.. This tale is told from the point of view of fourteen year old protagonist Scott Callum. Callum has always known he was different; he lives with his Gram in a small crammed cottage, sees ghosts and has amazing luck. He views himself as an outcast because of his abilities and keeps to himself.

Experiences from his elementary school days, have kept him from sharing his strange gifts with anyone. Strange things begin happening to Callum, the ghosts he normally sees at the Nether Marlock Church are no longer there, and instead the town is filled with even more ghosts than usual. He senses something evil is following him.

He sees a strange ghost child with a huge grizzly dog and thinks they are the evil following him. He begins having dreams and premonitions. When he has a vision or senses there is danger, his hands tingle and go numb. At school, this occurs and he saves a new age Goth girl named, Melissa from death. Callum slowly learns that this quirky girl is brave, smart and not at all afraid of the supernatural. Callum and Melissa begin to search for clues about the large dog and ghost boy he has seen. Together they learn that Callum is a chime child.

This is a child born beneath a full moon between midnight on Friday and the cockcrow on Saturday. They also learn that once every century, the boundary between the demon Netherworld and the human world weaken. Creatures gather, preparing to cross over, to bring death and destruction. Callum must face who he is, what is hunting him, who his friends are and whether or not he wants to save the world. The story started off slow for me, but once it took off I was completely engrossed. I loved watching Callum go from a slumped shouldered unsure teen into a more confident young man.

I liked Melissa from the beginning, and wish I had been such a confident young woman in high school. I wanted more details of the Netherworld, and I am hoping Slater satisfies this in the next book.