The Nonfiction BOOK/INFO-PRODUCT BLUEPRINT Formula -- How To Write Highly-Effective and Original Out

Robert Boduch's most popular book is Time Management Tips for Busy Entrepreneurs: Simple Id Quotes; Favorite genres; Friends' recommendations ; Account settings; Help; Sign out The Nonfiction BOOK/INFO-PRODUCT BLUEPRINT Formula -- How To Write Highly-Effective and Original Outlines For Books.
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These tips instantly deliver and you'll get more projects done fast. Unlock the secret power of outlining and write your novel!

Books by Robert Boduch (Author of Time Management Tips for Busy Entrepreneurs)

Self-Publishing Strategy Made Easy: You're an indie author. Marketing your books seems complicated. Try this simple but powerful strategy today to sell more. It's easy and it works. How to Write a Book: A beginner's writing resource for writing your first book, how to handle edits, and how to approach publishing. Crush It with Kindle: This book takes you through a simple, step-by-step system that shows you how to self-publish your book on Kindle and promote it to bestseller status!

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Write a customer review. Read reviews that mention blueprint your bestseller architecture method book architecture stuart horwitz ugly duckling highly recommend action steps feel like write a book revise their manuscript perfect sense much better highly recommended thanks to stuart new writers even know easy to follow step by step great stuff felt like. There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later.

Kindle Edition Verified Purchase. I followed the author's instructions to generate material first.

When I was pages into the first draft of a novel, I found myself floundering. So I called this up on my kindle and worked with the exercises as given. I find this method so much more helpful than trying to figure out "acts" or beats. For me, the most helpful parts were his method for finding the theme, based on the identified series, and selecting one series as central.

These provide the backbone, and everything connects, events if only tangentially. This helped give me the blueprint of the title. I didn't give it five stars for the following reasons. The criteria for good and bad scenes didn't work for me. Good as "good enough" and bad as "not to be let out of the house" are inappropriate for a first draft. Hello, I would hardly let a single first draft scene out of my room, much less the house.

He gives criteria for what makes a scene. These should be used to better advantage in evaluation of whether a scene works, expanded on. Second, trying to identify key scenes before series when the criterion for a key scene was where several series came together left me scratching my head. I gave up and went directly to identifying series. I would have liked to see more direction and clarification on how to improve scenes and include missing iterations.

Things got foggy there. But even with its shortcomings, it's a worthwhile investment of money and time. Ever since I started experimenting with fiction again in , I've had all kinds of preconceived notions of how hard the editing process is.

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This book is one of the few that I've found that nails it on the head in a simple, to the point way that helped me get over my fears of the 2nd, 3rd, etc. One of the "lightbulb" moments for me in this book was when it talks about using "Series.

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More likely than not, it's a subconscious thing and you don't even know it's there until you have a resource like "Blueprint Your Bestseller" to point it out to you. Another great "lightbulb" moment I first heard about in another book called "Nail Your Novel" by Roz Morris is the fact that you don't necessarily have to edit your novel in chronological order. If you've written a novel already but have abandoned it or don't even know where to begin organizing it, "Blueprint Easily broken down, easy to understand, great examples via "The Ugly Duckling" story Horwitz uses to expound on his methods.

Highly recommended by someone who's feared fiction for many years due to these very reasons!

Six Figure Success Self-Publishing Non-Fiction Books With Steve Scott

Organize and Revise Any Manuscript with the Book Architecture Method Stuart Horwitz From time to time, a book on writing competes for my top five selections on the craft of writing. Like many Indie authors in the current publishing environment, I'm aware that competition is fierce. I first heard the number one rule of book marketing from Donald Maass, "Write the best book possible. Blueprint Your Bestseller, by Stuart Horwitz, now has an honored place in my top five books on this subject.

Horwitz teaches the Book Architecture Method, which complements all I have learned about writing over the years and clears a few things up. The BAM focuses on finding the right scenes in the right order. I am breaking my current work-in-progress into scenes, polishing the good, discarding the worthless, and fixing those with potential. I plan to revise previous works using this process. Needless to say, the future of writing is bright and exciting. But wait, that's not all. Horwitz ties the concept of scenes together with series. Briefly, series are the aspects of scenes that tie everything together and give a story cohesion and richness.

The concept of series has clarified many stories in my unpublished backlist. Horwitz also drives home the point that theme maters. He's fond of saying your book can only be about one thing. Theme has always been hard to pin down, since I spent the first thirty years of my vocation writing by the seat of my pants, with only a few guilty attempts to outline after the fact.

The BAM made theme much easier, and more friendly, to work with. The final game changer for me was Horwitz's discussion of limitation. Without going into detail, I say now that this concept has made my work-in-progress tighter, clearer, and more powerful. Reading this review, you might wonder if I have a financial interest in Horwitz's book.

It is not the only method I find useful, but it is in my top five. The BAM is work, don't get me wrong. Reply 1 Like Follow 1 hour ago. Elizabeth Evans Thank you so much Reply 12 Like Follow 1 hour ago. Dennis this is absolutely worked..

Books by Robert Boduch

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