Luke (Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on The New Testament series)

With attention to issues that continue to surface in today's church, the Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament series offers pastors, students.
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Search by title, catalog stock , author, isbn, etc. The Acts of the Apostles: The Message of Acts: An Exegetical Commentary Introduction and 1: Distinguished scholar Eckhard Schnabel brings a lifetime of Lukan scholarship full circle with this intricately detailed exegetical commentary on the book of Acts.

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Exploding with popularity, the Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament series now offers Acts as one of its flagship volumes. Teaming with exegetical insight and well situated historical information to further illuminate its exegesis, this volume of Acts provides in-depth analysis of the grammar, structure, and meaning of the text in dialogue with Luke's gospel. Including the the now famous ZECNT discourse analysis charts for each pericope, Schnabel's work allows the biblical interpreter to work through the text phrase by phrase and with incredible detail.

Schnabel pursues a course which traces the beginnings of Christianity Schnabel unpacks how the new 'messianic movement' emerged from Judiasm and began to incorporate gentiles as members of the new church. Schnabel's emphasis is fivefold: The work of God through the exalted Jesus whose presents is now manifest in the Holy Spirit. The work of the Holy Spirit as the transforming power of the new community of believers.

  • Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament (ZECNT) (10 vols.)!
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The identity of the church as the community of God, comprised of Jews and Gentiles. In Colossians and Philemon , David W. Pao continues providing the powerful exegetical commentary this series has offered on other books of the Bible.

Acts: Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament [ZECNT]

Written primarily for the pastor and Bible teacher, the text succinctly exegetes each passage of Scripture in its grammatical and historical context. Each passage of Colossians and Philemon is interpreted in the light of its biblical setting, with a view of grammatical detail, literary context, flow of biblical argument, and historical setting.

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While primarily designed for those with a basic knowledge of biblical Greek, all who strive to understand and teach the New Testament will find this book beneficial. Afterwards, he served as a pastor and then as a professor. He has been a New Testament professor for 24 years. He is also the author First Corinthians: Authors Craig Blomberg and Mariam Kamell use the historical, theological, and literary elements of James to guide their interpretation of this often-overlooked early Christian text. He is the author, coauthor, or coeditor of 15 books and more than 80 articles in journals or multi-author works.

Kamell is a post-doctoral fellow at Regent College in Vancouver.

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She has published several articles on James focused on its economics or in comparison with Hebrews or 1 Peter; her dissertation focused on soteriology in James in comparison with earlier Jewish wisdom literature and the Gospel of Matthew. Jobes writes to bridge the distance between academic biblical studies and pastors, students, and laypeople who are looking for an in-depth treatment of the issues raised by these New Testament books.

Jobes treats three major themes of the letters under the larger rubric of who has the authority to interpret the true significance of Jesus—an issue that is pressing in our religiously pluralistic society today with its many voices claiming truth about God. Jobes is Gerald F.

Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament (ZECNT) (10 vols.) - Logos Bible Software

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Examines the biblical text in its original context Provides verse-by-verse commentary Includes thorough introductions. Colossians and Philemon Author: This commentary is chock-full of practical, pastoral, and theological insights.

Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament

Shogren demonstrates how these down to earth truths flow right out of a close analysis of the text. I believe that pastors especially will find this commentary to be helpful on both the technical and pastoral level. If you read through this commentary prayerfully with an open Bible you will find your head stimulated and your heart challenged and satisfied.