Lawful Order: A Case Study of Correctional Crisis and Reform (Current Issues in Criminal Justice)

Lawful Order: A Case Study of Correctional Crisis and Reform. Front Cover . Garland reference library of social science: Current issues in criminal justice.
Table of contents

Edited by Sally M. Edwards , Terry D. Edwards , Charles B. Edited by Jurg Gerber , Eric L. This collection of scholarly essays discusses the internationalization of American drug policy from a variety of perspectives and features articles on Hong Kong, Britain, Australia, Canada, Taiwan, Latin America, the Netherlands and Switzerland.

During its year operation CTP essentially instituted and legitimized community-based programming as a viable option for both national and international corrections.

  • The Control Model in a Mega-Prison: Governing Prisons in Taiwan?
  • The Control Model in a Mega-Prison: Governing Prisons in Taiwan - Hua-Fu Hsu, .
  • Current Issues in Criminal Justice.
  • Book Review: Important Safety Instructions?
  • ?
  • Advanced Fixed-Income Valuation Tools (Frontiers in Finance Series).

Edited by Alex R. Piquero , Stephen G.

Rational Choice and Criminal Behavior" is a collection of essays by experts in the field of criminal justice examines various aspects of the rational choice framework, which deals with the degree to which criminal behavior represents a rational choice. The editors also include essays that cover….

By Wilson Edward Reed. Edited by Martin D.

Schwartz , Dragan Milovanovic. Hartjen , Sesha R. Edited by Otwin Marenin. Tips on citation download. In the belly of the beast.

Current Issues in Criminal Justice

A case study of correctional crisis and reform. Intervention and emergent order in Texas prisons. A comparative study of correctional management. The promise of repentance: Prison reform in modern China.

Current Issues in Criminal Justice

British Journal of Criminology, 42, - Relations, change, and the prison sector in contemporary China. Prison litigation and bureaucratic development. Law and Social Inquiry, 17, - Google Scholar , Crossref. Selected interviews and other writings pp. On the characteristics of total institutions. Studies in institutional organization and change pp.

Recent Current Issues in Criminal Justice

Holt, Rinehart, and Winston. A police department's growing allure: Crime fighters from around world visit for tips. New York Times, p. Les prisons de la misere [Book review].

Citation Tools

Theoretical Criminology, 5, - Punishment, rights, and difference: Defending justice in the risk society. Thieves, convicts, and the inmate culture. Social Culture, 10, - The penitentiary in mass society. University of Chicago Press.

Recent Current Issues in Criminal Justice

The imperative of health. An introduction to the sociology of imprisonment. Where the action is in prisons. British Journal of Criminology, 28, - Rates of disorder in higher-custody state prisons: