One Sloop and Slow Match

In One Sloop and Slow Match Captain William Lee and Oliver Williams become embroiled in the cauldrons of the greatest battles to ever take place on the.
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One person found this helpful. James Spurr's fictional account culminates with the defeat of an entire fleet of the British navy by the American navy in His development of the story and characters is so engrossing that you might never realize that you are reading about one of the great moments in American history.

Stocksbridge PS 1-2 FC United. 26 Feb 2011.

But it is historical fiction, afterall, and the genre gives Spurr enough leash to fill in the blanks in the historical record. He takes us from the American wilderness to London to Boston and back to the western wilderness again with characters ranging from the British aristocracy to the American frontiersman. Rogues and heroes make the story come alive with excitement. Those who are familiar with the history behind Spurr's novel will really enjoy his inventiveness in explaining some of the mysteries about the War of on the Great Lakes.

SLOW MATCH - Definition and synonyms of slow match in the English dictionary

How, for instance, do you explain the negligence of the British which allowed the Americans to launch a fleet of war ships on Lake Erie without being molested? Spurr's answer is fictional while being totally believable. The only thing that could improve the pleasure of reading this book would be to read the first volume in the series before launching into "One Sloop and Slow Match. Wow - what a great book. The best story I've read in years.

The author's attention to detail and his ability to intricately weave fictional and historical people and events together produced an exciting and educational read - one that I couldn't put down. It was fascinating to read about the famous events and people who lived and died "among our inland seas".

It is obvious that the author Jim Spurr has actually walked the places so accurately described in his book: His interest and intimate knowledge of sailing and tall ships like Friends Good Will is clearly revealed by the pleasantly immersing manner in which the author situates his characters and thereby captures the imagination of the reader.

I haven't enjoyed a book this much in years. I eagerly look forward to his next book. See all 3 reviews. Feedback If you need help or have a question for Customer Service, contact us. Would you like to report poor quality or formatting in this book? Click here Would you like to report this content as inappropriate? Better to just slow and connect all your shots and board. After doing a bunch of skelly ships at this point my most efficient run was still the solo sloop. One thing people don't realize about the sloop is it has the least amount of holes to fill, so in some ways its actually easier than the larger ships where you often need people dedicated to keeping it alive.

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Not necessarily a solo sloop as in it was me and my buddy on the sloop though we didn't have any other player ships helping. We just parked right next to one of the rocks west of smugglers bay. The skeleton ships would circle but couldn't attack when they were behind the rock.

We had some exploding barrels as well, and would occasionally hop off and explode one. The plant skeles make it hard to defend the holes when they're constantly healing. Parking next to the rocks has the added advantage that the next wave won't spawn until you move, so we had plenty of time to grab loot from each ship we sank and repair between waves. We would just sail out between waves and grab supplies until the next wave spawned and beeline back to our rock. I'm sure it's not the easiest method but we had fun and managed to finish the fleet in about an hour.

The bonus of a sloop is that pretty much no matter how many holes you have you can always keep the ship up with one person bailing. If you take the barrel all the way to the bottom floor of the skeleton ship, then light it, drop it in the brig and run, it will put a few holes in the ship including one in the brig. Stay inside the brig behind the bars.

These are treated by skeletons as if they are a wall -- they wont shoot through them or see you through them.

Napoleon Series Archive 2015

They will spawn and start bringing a plank to repair the hole in the brig, attack them as they enter the room to prevent the repair. Keep this up until the ship has sunk or you drown! This may be cheap, but I server hopped until I could find some other ships already fighting the battle. Then we did our best to contribute by being a distraction and landing the occasional shot.

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Ai can maneuver but are predictable. Scurvy torpedo boards them detonates while heading down stairs. Couple this with a handbrake turn. Turn all the way to one side then drop anchor to swing in that direction very quickly. Then raise anchor and sail away.

Meaning of "slow match" in the English dictionary

Sloops are great for getting away from Galleons, al you need to do is sharp turn into the wind direction. Sloops have a much faster turning time than galleons. By the time the galleon changes direction into the wind, the sloop is mostly long gone. Buddy and I just played over lunch..

We proceeded to chance sailing right past one of the forts to draw fire on the trailer. The Galleon attempted to follow as planned, and fell victim to the fort cannons and was sunk. It was classic and hilarious Another tip, for galleon on galleon battles , dont just turn in a circle.

Water slows them down. The more holes the more they need to patch and take thier crew members away from sail management and guns. Boarding may be fun but atm kinda useless with how the respawn works. Sink the ship, collect the chests. How do you use the wind to get an advantage when in battle. It will always turn into circling which just shifts who has wind over and over.

That way you don't get broadsided.

  1. Welcome to Reddit,!
  2. How to escape a pursuing Galleon : Seaofthieves;
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Become a Redditor and subscribe to one of thousands of communities. Want to add to the discussion? Also quick guide to technical terms used: A turn where the stern of the ship crosses the wind Tacking or Tack: A turn where the bow of the ship crosses the wind Port: Big floating wooden thing. The skill gap to simply sail straight is minimized. Guess it's time to learn. Do you have any recommended resources?

The sloop is faster when sailing directly into the wind.