Living Happy, Joyous and Free

What is there to life but to live happy, joyous and free? ~ Damon Freedom Williams ~ Our minds are a wonderful tool but there is a dark side.
Table of contents

Alcohol made that possible.

12-Step Fellowships

Suicide and AA being a toss-up, I tried them out in the only order possible. Secondly, only stupid people were happy. Turns out I needed brainwashing pretty badly — given that my every thought was thoroughly toxic. I went with a sober friend 22 years my junior, and we had the time of our lives.

Awaken to your life's purpose

After making only 8 miles the first day, given our lb packs laden with a week of food, we stepped up our pace to climb and descend 17 wilderness miles daily, passing perhaps 4 to 6 fellow hikers per day. Almost every night at camp, we held a two-person AA meeting. Our shares let us remind each other that all the happiness, joy, and freedom we were reveling in were contingent on our sobriety, and thus on god.

Live Stream Reflections

I cried more than once: For instance, I met a highly enlightened spiritual guide on the trail. What happened was that, high on a ridge in strong wind, I rounded a rock outcropping to see a huge black bear beside the trail. The size of a dark refrigerator, he was sitting on his rump in an alpine meadow of wildflowers about 30 feet distant, contentedly chewing some vegetation with the wind at his back.

Living Happy, Joyous and Free | My Awakening Life

I turned to Kacie: When we came back around the rock two minutes later, he had vanished. But letting god into my life has brought me a tiny bit closer every day. I want to know that I am meant to live, as that bear knew: Along the way, Kacie got slowed down by a terrible blister, so at a spur trail to a water source she sat down on a log to change to sandals while I went off to filter.

  1. Quotations of Confucius (New English Version) (The Analects of Confucius (Annotated English Version);
  2. Ways to Live Happy, Joyous, and Free in Sobriety.
  3. Mathematical Foundations of Computational Engineering: A Handbook.
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We filled a Ziplock with all kinds of yummy stuff that thrilled him. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Aug 04, Dawn rated it liked it. I skimmed through really quickly and liked the book, so I could return the book.

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  • My mom really identified with the issues discussed in the book and Loved it! Com rated it it was amazing Mar 05, There are no discussion topics on this book yet. Books by Betsy Walker.

    How to Live Happy, Joyous, and Free: Life's Journey A to Z

    Trivia About How to Live Happy When we put the egoic mind on the back burner, we can live a life filled with happiness, joy and freedom. What is there to life but to live happy, joyous and free? One of the lucky lions at Out of Africa , given a second chance at life. You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are commenting using your Facebook account.

    Notify me of new comments via email. Notify me of new posts via email. Thank you to my dear friend Damon Freedom Williams for his words of wisdom.