Round Behind The Ice House

Round Behind The Ice House has 62 ratings and 7 reviews. Vityska said: Позаду льодовні - це важлива локація в географії дитинства героїв цієї повісті, бл.
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Niamh rated it liked it May 09, Ksenia vaenn rated it liked it Mar 24, Anna Semenchenko rated it really liked it Aug 12, Bohdan rated it liked it Feb 26, Oleksandr Furman rated it liked it Jan 07, Natalia Bobryk rated it it was ok Jul 08, Jessa De Guzman rated it liked it Aug 16, Milantropio rated it liked it Sep 21, Nataliia Myronchuk rated it did not like it May 20, Amanda Wall rated it really liked it Feb 09, Vanessa rated it really liked it Jan 30, Min Zhi Heng rated it liked it Jun 17, Oksana Ziobro rated it it was amazing Dec 04, Nataliia rated it did not like it Aug 06, Helena rated it liked it Jun 20, Em rated it liked it Apr 07, Emma rated it really liked it Sep 22, Tiny rated it liked it Jun 27, Jenni Littlejohns rated it liked it Apr 22, Owen rated it liked it Mar 09, There are no discussion topics on this book yet.

Though readers often find themselves inadvertently laughing aloud as they read Anne Fine's novels, as she herself admits, "a lot of my work, even for fairly young readers, raises serious social issues.

Growing up is a long and confusing business. I try to show that the battle through the chaos is worthwhile and can, at times, be seen as very funny. But now Cass is a teenager, she is changing - she wants her privacy and feels suffocated by their life on the farm.

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Bewildered, Tom struggles to regain their former closeness, but only succeeds in alienating both Cass and Jamieson's daughter Lisa. Until the night of the storm. Judy Moody Gets Famous! Snotgobble and the Bogey Bully.

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The Twelve Dancing Princesses: A Magic Beans Story. Here is a letter from author, Sarah Forbes to Anne Fine, who visited her home town when she was eight and made a lasting impression. Stonehaven is a lovely place: It has an open-air swimming pool and a ruined castle. Yes, I have eaten a deep-fried Mars bar. I remember your visit vividly because I was an avid, avid reader of your books. You coming to town was like having a famous pop star parachute in for the day.

The excitement of having an actual, real author come to speak to us!

Round Behind the Ice-house by Anne Fine | Buy Books at

For a kid living in a big literary city like Edinburgh or London, meeting authors might not be such a big deal. Authors tend to work hard to promote their books and the ones I know do as many events as they can. But let me tell you, rural Aberdeenshire in the 80s was not a hotbed of literary discovery, and you coming to town meant a lot. I think that was the point when I realized writing could be a career. Maybe one day, I could be a writer too. That felt incredibly weird and incredibly lovely all at the same time.

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I have so much fun doing my own events, but my favourite part is when I ask if anyone likes writing or wants to be a writer and dozens of hands shoot up. The ideas these kids have are amazing. Either way, I relish every minute of getting to meet my readers, and part of the reason I appreciate it, Anne, is you. Tell a friend about this page on Lovereading.