Swans and Pistols: Modeling, Motherhood, and Making It in the Me Generation

leondumoulin.nl: Swans and Pistols: Modeling, Motherhood, and Making It in the Me Generation (Audible Audio Edition): Leon Bing, Linda Bruno, Audible Studios.
Table of contents

She insists Gernreich introduce them and after that, as she says, "It was on. She brings Ruscha to the home of her good friend Mama Cass and has sex with him in her swimming pool.

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In both she is the date of a nattily dressed Larry Bell, the sculptor, riding in a Pierce Arrow driven by Tommy Smothers. Bell escorts her to a hotel room where she undresses and gets into a bed covered in lettuce. Bell then douses her with salad dressing and leaves to get. Premium brand saltines, of course. Still more colorful men enter her life.

Modeling, Motherhood, and Making It in the Me Generation

She befriends gangster Mickey Cohen, producer David Merrick and for three years lives with Nick Barbosa, whom she describes as a "successful, mid-range cocaine dealer. When it concludes, Bing is left to fend for herself. Where most such memoirs might grind to a sad halt, Bing reinvents herself again, this time as an author of articles and books on what might seem the least probable topic: Though she does seem to have a rather tender outlook on mobsters. The current memoir is her fourth book, a summation of a most unusual life, and at the conclusion, one can hardly help but recall the wisdom of Mae West: Those familiar with his photographs of the s L.

From Jasper Johns to Jane Fonda, the crowd is lovely, funny and fashionable, and we are lucky today that Hopper was around to take their pictures. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Thanks for telling us about the problem.

The Baby-Boomer Legacy, has come Full-Circle! Karma is a Bitch!

Return to Book Page. Preview — Swans and Pistols by Leon Bing. A vivid portrait of a woman finding her place in the glamorous world of Los Angeles in the s and s—perfect for readers of high-flying memoirs such as Pattie Boyd's Wonderful Tonight. In a series of riveting stories of unconventionality, Bing wrestles with the themes of mothers, daughters, and reinvention—a concept inseparable from the experience of her early adult life in the s and the city she called home.

Hardcover , pages. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up.

  1. Riding in Cars with Boys: Confessions of a Bad Girl Who Makes Good.
  2. What Came Next After Modeling In The s? -.
  3. Discover Your Inner Strength.
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To ask other readers questions about Swans and Pistols , please sign up. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Jan 04, Jason Brown Toastx2 rated it it was ok Shelves: Bing spends more time writing about catwalk moves and the designs of various clothing patterns she modeled for Rudy Gernreich. The book comes with a center section of photos, half of which were taken by Dennis Hopper. Where was Hopper in the book? Feb 24, Emily rated it liked it. Memoirs usually have a 'hook,' like celebrity, an alternative lifestyle, or a tragic event.

Leon Bing has two: Additionally, the first third of the book is spent describing her childhood, which has nothing to do with either modeling or gangs, but I suppose is necessary exposition. Leon has spent time with a lot of famous people, but instead of being gossipy and only occasionally coming off as a name Memoirs usually have a 'hook,' like celebrity, an alternative lifestyle, or a tragic event. Leon has spent time with a lot of famous people, but instead of being gossipy and only occasionally coming off as a name dropper , she relates anecdotes of celebrities with the same warmth and love as she does stories about her own family members.

Conversely, I had to look up a few names, because the way she wrote about some people, I thought they were famous.

Swans and Pistols

The book is organized chronologically and mostly consists of loosely related vignettes and anecdotes. For the most part, they are compelling and entertaining to read. Leon herself is likable, if a little ditzy, but a decent writer. I wouldn't go out of my way to read this book, but I enjoyed reading it. Nov 14, Carissa rated it liked it.

Léon Bing’s Wild Ride and Dennis Hopper’s Photographs - artnet Magazine

The writing in this book was great. The author does a great job describing her interesting life and all the different characters she meets along the way.

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I really liked the first several chapters where the author writes about her childhood in Oakland, CA with her grandparents. Things head downhill once she grows up, becomes a model, and starts using drugs. I'm always baffled by stories of adults accepting drugs from their friends without knowing what kind of effects they may have on them.

I can't The writing in this book was great. I can't imagine popping a pill or snorting a line of something just because I was at a party and everyone else was doing it.

Swans and Pistols: Modeling, Motherhood, and Making It in the Me Generation

This sort of behavior seems very child-like. I'm not usually one for non-fiction, but I couldn't resist diving into this memoir. A very interesting life documented in a very interesting way. This book could have gone south and quickly in terms of keeping my interest, but it didn't. It reads like a vintage pulp novel, deliciously detailed and yet tastefully done. Bing's words perfectly capture a turbulent time in American history in all areas. A very fascinating read, would read again. Nov 15, Jas rated it liked it.

I enjoyed reading about Leon and the things that she did her life. She had some very cool friends - people that I would love to hang out with. She had the guts to just pick up and move to a different city and do things that most people would be afraid to try.

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It's fun to live vicariously through other people. Nov 01, Akire rated it liked it. She deserves her kudoes for making it in the "ME" generation.

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