The Hockey Stick Illusion

Andrew Montford's The Hockey Stick Illusion is one of the best science books in years. It exposes in delicious detail, datum by datum, how a.
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I had to be alert when reading. Yet, this author made it all very understandable to a novice like me. I could follow it - amazingly enough. I stayed interested to the end. The CRU hack just confirmed what Montford was saying all along - indeed, he began the book BEFORE the hack, but he included a final chapter showcasing a few of the emails that basically confirm his own conclusions. While I believe the globe is warming, I don't believe it's caused by what we are doing as people. The globe warms and cools as part of its natural evolution.

It's hubris to a fault for human beings to think we have that kind of influence on this great earth.

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Having said that, I don't believe we shouldn't care. WE should look for sustainable sources of energy - we should practice conservation. Feb 20, Oliver added it.

The Hockey Stick Illusion — Quadrant Online

Such a strange book. Helpful, in its way, as a complete account of Steve McIntyre's work on the hockey stick and various other things -- but so one sided as to read almost like some weird work of fiction in which only the narrator and mcintyre actually exist. Apr 16, Chris rated it really liked it. A very surprising tale that will leave you flabbergasted, particularly with reported claims of paleoclimatologists that cherry-picking of data, though not appropriate in another field of science, is essential to theirs!

This book is not the rantings of a climate change "denier" but rather a very clear and thorough report of the statistical detective story of climate "auditors" seeking only overcome a wall of obfuscation in order to replicate the temperature reconstruction of the famous and highl A very surprising tale that will leave you flabbergasted, particularly with reported claims of paleoclimatologists that cherry-picking of data, though not appropriate in another field of science, is essential to theirs! This book is not the rantings of a climate change "denier" but rather a very clear and thorough report of the statistical detective story of climate "auditors" seeking only overcome a wall of obfuscation in order to replicate the temperature reconstruction of the famous and highly influential "hockey stick" paper that I just saw reported on Earth Day last week in my local newspaper along with a current photo of its author, Penn State professor and self-admitted non-statistician Michael Mann.

Near the end of the book the author reports that even the IPCC http: The answer is that it's not really a book about the case for or against global warming but rather as the subtitle suggests: Certainly will make an interesting anecdote when I teach principal component analysis again next spring!

View all 7 comments. Sep 01, T. Mullin rated it liked it. Transparency is the new objectivity so let me first state that I believe it is very likely that human activity is significantly affecting the global environment. The book is clearly not from a neutral POV. Still, the book is surprisingly readable considering it is pages about statist Transparency is the new objectivity so let me first state that I believe it is very likely that human activity is significantly affecting the global environment.

The hockey stick graph remains an illusion

Still, the book is surprisingly readable considering it is pages about statistical correlations of tree rings. There are no good guys in this. Mann comes across as a petty bully; McIntyre seems an arrogant whiner that makes things less clear rather than more. Most of the parties involved seem to be socially dysfunctional nerds. Mar 05, Charles rated it it was amazing.

The politicization of the "Climate Change" has made healthy debate of the issue very difficult. Regardless of which side you are on this book provides a fascinating incite to the challenges of being a critic of the "Climate Experts. As someone who was aware of the Greenhouse effect since reading Cosmos in the 80's The politicization of the "Climate Change" has made healthy debate of the issue very difficult.

As someone who was aware of the Greenhouse effect since reading Cosmos in the 80's and is more aware of historical climate variation due to my love of history I shared with the authors the extreme skepticism that this famous graph brings. This is a blow by blow account on how a few people strong on math and determination brought this travesty down. Does this prove "Climate Change" wrong, no.

Does it raise questions, yes. Feb 06, Kirsten rated it liked it Shelves: James's response was that Ward was "entitled to his interpretation" of what was in my book. It is apparently "complicated". With that sort of approach to factual accuracy you can say almost anything you like about anyone. I still can't quite understand what possessed Randerson and the Guardian to publish what was patently a hit piece. Does the Guardian really want to look like a private press for the Grantham Research Institute?

The Hockey Stick Illusion: Climategate And The Corruption Of Science (Independent Minds)

You might just as well be replaced with an RSS feed. The Guardian's only claim to be of more use than Bloglines or Netvibes is that it imposes some kind of quality control. Where was that two weeks ago? And then there's Ward.

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Remarkably, his article appears to have been written in his official capacity as the PR man for the Grantham Research Institute. He is also a board member of the Science Media Centre.

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  • And here he is spending his time trying to undermine the reputations of people he disagrees with. Is that what our universities do now? The deception of the global warming community is startling. When I earned my Ph. That is important for real scientific progress. Yes, scientists must have high ethics rather think only about the next funding round. The foot dragging of Mann et al.

    If you have taken the hockey stick model for global warming as your religion, I dare you to read this book. But I doubt you will. Kindle Edition Verified Purchase. I love to read. It may sound sick, butI love to read about the math. This is a very well written explanation of how to take the scientific method and destroy the the credibility of scientists.

    Seems the developers of the hockey stick hoist a premise and then go about the process of proving it to themselves and using their allies to back them up. Noting that they seem to deny the process while hailing the process. If anyone every wanted to have it both ways, the Hockey Stick climatologist are those ones. I loved the book, but am disappointed in the field of Paleo Climatologist "Scientists" who claim a scientific basis for the hockey stick.

    In a former life I flew airplanes and have a joke referencing the credibility of Weathermen. The joke actually fits these illusionists who developed the hockey stick.

    The Hockey Stick Illusion Climategate and the Corruption of Science Independent Minds

    If you like to read of the web of deceit weaved in our lifetime - this is a book that un-weaves that web of deceit. This book thoroughly deconstructs the paleoclimatology studies that are the basis of so much of the Global Warming hysteria. The evidence presented is thoroughly compelling and seemingly incontrovertible. Yet the book is written for the layman, told as a tale with all the twists and turns of a crime novel. An exhilarating read for such a potentially dry topic.

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