Its All About the Woman Who Wears It: 10 Laws for Being Smart, Successful, and Sexy Too

Editorial Reviews. From Publishers Weekly. Drawing from her work an empathetic, personable It's All About the Woman Who Wears It: 10 Laws for Being Smart, Successful, and Sexy Too - Kindle edition by Cristina Perez. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like.
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You don't throw yourself at anyone. Wondrously caring and infinitely loving is the sexy woman. But she is also proud and acknowledges her vast self-worth.

New studies reveal what really happens when people meet face to face.

For this reason, she doesn't throw herself at anyone who doesn't reasonably reciprocate her efforts. The sexiest women I know know when to call and when to refrain from calling, be it with stubborn friends or a lover that plays hard to get. They do take no for an answer and don't seek without shame. Their esteem is not affected by the approval or attention of anyone. You portray the right image. I cannot count the number of women I've encountered on my beloved Instagram who show more skin than patrons of a nude beach. If I could ask these overly eager ladies one question it would be, "Do you want to be taken seriously or do you seriously just want to show off?

See a Problem?

A woman is not desperate for attention, and especially not the wrong kind. Mind you, this is coming from someone you was the cover of Playboy Romania. But I have paid my dues to society and suffered the consequences for portraying the wrong image. We evolve, we grow, and we learn. And the sexy woman, she has learned to show just the right amount of skin while showing much more intellect. You don't compete or belittle.

10 Rules of Being a Sexy Woman

A woman who degrades another woman is merely a little girl in grownup clothes. Women don't hate other women. If they don't agree with something, they criticize constructively and show the right way. But they don't call other women names simply for the fun of it.

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  • It's All About the Woman Who Wears It: 10 Laws for Being Smart, Successful and Sexy Too.

Even if another woman has done something wrong, retaliating with insults is uncalled for. Sit pretty like a lady and let the universe return its karmic rounds. Even in our modern world, we remain the gentle, caring gender. A woman does not wall up her abundance of empathy because she's scared to look weak; a real woman allows her compassionate instincts to flow freely for all those around her.

Why men won't marry you

It is okay to care, to nurture others and nourish their spirits. This doesn't make you any less of a powerful female. The next time your partner's had a rough day, embrace them. When your friend is feeling low, bring over something special to console them. If your parents are struggling, offer to help in whatever way you can. To be conscious of and careful with others is captivating in every way.

There is nothing sexier than a wise woman. Our wisdom is inherent, and we can cultivate out intellect. A truly appealing woman thinks before she speaks and acts. She has formed a close bond with her intuitive voice and often "feels" her way through important matters. She reverts to the eternal principles of our world as her commandments: Wisdom can be developed at any age and contributes tremendously to the charm of a woman. You don't tell everything. We've all seen Sex and the City ; four gal pals gather together to divulge every and I do mean every detail of their lives to each other in search of guidance and common sense.

Sharing personal experiences that have made her the confident woman she is today as well as the many real-life lessons imparted from her cases, Judge Cristina's words will resound among this new generation of women who take a no-nonsense approach to life and, above all else, want to be true to themselves. Hardcover , pages. Published March 2nd by Celebra first published To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up.

7 Signs A Woman Is A TOTAL Narcissist

Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. I definitely feel like this was a "launch pad" book. Meaning that it's perfect for girls who are finding themselves and becoming a woman, whether they're going to college, just graduated college, etc. This book helps you find you! It helps you find your voice and to not be intimidated by being a woman. Her laws like risk taking, saying no, dating wisely are very helpful for launching into whatever part of your life.

It equips women to be prepared and thus making you successful, smart and sexy. Definitely a must read, especially for younger women or just any woman at any age who's still finding herself. Mar 23, Catie rated it it was amazing Recommends it for: A very fun, easy read that makes you think about all the different aspects of being a woman.

Maisarah rated it it was amazing Jan 06, Aziza Mehmoudzai rated it liked it Mar 11, Hayley Hall rated it liked it Aug 17, Marina rated it liked it Aug 11, This is pretty explicit in the sex act itself, is it not?

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The male penetrates and screws her. Animals hump other animals as a sign of dominance- I've even seen female dogs hump other dogs as a sign of dominating them. When a male giraffe wins a fight with another male giraffe, he humps him, as he is the dominant partner. We know and feel this deep down.

As this is the sexual dynamic, it works best if some of the personal characteristics are slanted this way- intelligence, wealth Its allows the male to be the dominant partner. Not a dictator but for the relationship to be slanted that way at least. Its how we like it, deep down, both men and women. Women themselves have a clear preference for a taller and slightly older man, ideally a year or two older when they are asked. Not that she is never active but this is the emphasis of the thing. He the pursuer, she the chooser. The female prerogative is to chose a suitable male to submit to sexually and be impregnated by.

I'm feeling absolutely no desire to be submissive to you in any way whatsoever. I don't think you're very good at this "dominant" thing Steve. So are you saying that stupid women are more apt to like aggressive, bossy men? That would explain a lot. I don't buy it. I have always found that women who make more money than me treat me as if I'm invisible. I have a master's degree and work in an academic field but I don't make a ton of money.

This might sound conceited but oh well, but the truth is I rarely meet women smarter than me. I'm not saying there aren't any smart women in the world, just that I rarely get a chance to meet them but what I do meet is women in business type fields who make much more money than I and let me tell you it's not me who has the problem dating them, it's them who won't date a man who makes less money than they do. I actually tend to date quite often and attractive women at that, but only women who make less than me. Like I said before to women who make more money than me I'm basically invisible.


This is the real reason. Instinctively, men know that their chance of things working out with a woman that makes more or is "more intelligent" is slim so they wont take a chance that might waste their time. Statistically, we already know that women start most break ups, and that they are hard to please and really dont like a man that they see as less than the woman because then he cant improve her life. Even some women in the comments section here admitted they prefer a man "equal or better" than them.

He will improve her life, while men are evolved to the role of making the womans life better. Sure, we consciously think of it as masculinity challenged, but thats just saying mens role feels challenged and mens chance to get a woman that will like him long term is slim. This is down to capitalism and the cultural hegemony. We've all been brainwashed into valuing money over everything else.

You sound like a catch. Find someone who's not materialistic - a Socialist, an activist, a Buddhist. Anyone who's not obsessed with status. When I was young and dating, I showed no fear in having engaging discussions regarding science, medicine, and philosophy. Most of the men I went out with lost interest right away, leaving me dumbfounded as to why. It's nice to know that being smart can be accepted and appreciated.

10 Rules of Being a Sexy Woman | HuffPost

I'm going to continue being myself. Some day, someone may come along who actually is comfortable with me, or not. Either way, I'm smart and will or make my life with or without a man. Psychology explains why reports of wrongdoing are often attacked. New research shows how to use a problem-solving tool you already have.

Back Find a Therapist. What Causes Stress Eating? Parenting Adolescents and the Choice-Consequence Connection. Has Gender Always Been Binary? Follow me on Twitter. Friend me on Faceook. Connect with me on LinkedIn. New studies reveal what really happens when people meet face to face. Less than average women are always in demand Submitted by Sara on January 28, - 9: Level of confidence Submitted by Ali Sarmad on January 29, - 5: Agreed, its a man's level of Submitted by Renegade on July 20, - 9: Confidence Submitted by Wayne Drenning on July 29, - 4: What poor advice Submitted by Mary on January 24, - Dumbing down Submitted by Gigi on January 28, - Someone with life experience.

More likely Submitted by Mary on January 29, - 9: Someone who's own mother gave her poor advice and she didn't find another source of inspiration. Glad my own Mother never resorted to such idiotic advice. Submitted by zeeze on January 24, - Some men don't care, but most know that deep down she would prefer a more accomplished man. I agree with your comments Submitted by Mary on January 24, - Submitted by John D.

I speak from experience. It's about if HE thinks he's lesser Submitted by Jessi on January 28, - 9: Submitted by M on January 24, - 1: Submitted by Don on January 24, - 2: That was my very Submitted by Anon on January 28, - 6: That was my very first thought Mike LOL Call me shallow, but basic grammatical errors like that are enough to put me off any one. Submitted by Anon2 on January 28, - Submitted by Al on January 28, - That was my first thought too but I held myself back from saying anthing.

Bwahaha Submitted by Al on January 28, - I Submitted by Jemma on January 31, - 3: I think it's fair to say he was still pretty smart. Stay Classy Submitted by Al on January 31, - 9: Oh for Christ's sake Submitted by Al on January 31, - 9: Each one of US had errors in our posts! I do hate typing on a cell phone! Smart people can never make a mistake Submitted by wkfmlkm on February 5, -