Radical Education and the Common School: A Democratic Alternative (Foundations and Futures of Educat

Buy Radical Education and the Common School: A Democratic Alternative ( Foundations and Futures of Education) 1 by Michael Fielding Reading it will demonstrate to critically democratic educators why we should be fully engaged with.
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This book brings a refreshing perspective to preparing students with disabilities and their families for all aspects of independent life. Many of the transitions experienced by younger children set the stage for future changes, yet do not receive the attention they deserve in the literature. Across media, academy and popular culture in western societies there is much talk of an implosion of the modern gender order. Education is often presented as a key site in which a crisis of masculinity is played out, and schools have become a focus for practical attempts to reconcile social and….

Edited by Ian Rivers , Neil Duncan. Experiences and Discourses of Sexuality and Gender provides a valuable insight into the experiences of young people and how bullying can impact upon them in the school environment. The book offers an introduction to the key issues associated with bullying on the grounds of sex and sexual…. In what way do educators understand the language they use to make sense of the educational environment? How does language enable educators and how can they consciously make the most of its potential?

Using the right language and setting the correct tone in the school classroom has repercussions for…. By Penny Jane Burke. The landscape of higher education has undergone change and transformation in recent years, partly as a result of diversification and massification. However, persistent patterns of under-representation continue to perplex policy-makers and practitioners, raising questions about current strategies,….

The history of education is a contested field of study, and has represented a site of struggle for the past century of its development.

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It is highly relevant to an understanding of broader issues in history, education and society, and yet has often been regarded as being merely peripheral rather…. By Michael Fielding , Peter Moss. What is education, what is it for and what are its fundamental values? How do we understand knowledge and learning? What is our image of the child and the school?

How does the ever more pressing need to develop a more just, creative and sustainable democratic society affect our responses to these…. Should disabled students be in regular classrooms all of the time or some of the time? Is the regular school or the special school or both the solution for educating students with a wide range of differences?

Inclusive education has been incorporated in government education policy around the world…. Schooling is implicated in the making of educational and social exclusions and inequalities as well as the making of particular sorts of students and teachers. For this reason schools are important sites of counter-…. This book presents a wide-ranging and critical exploration of a topic that lies at the heart of contemporary education. The use of digital technology is now a key feature of schools and schooling around the world.

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Yet despite its prominence, technology use continues to be an area of education that…. There is no single idea of the university. Ever since its medieval origin, the concept of the university has continued to change. The metaphysical university gave way successively to the scientific university, and then to the corporate and the entrepreneurial university.

But what, then, might lie…. In classrooms and lectures we learn not only about academic topics but also about ourselves, our peers and how people and ideas interact.

What role can technology play in enhancing learning and what is the future of technology within learning? Re-Designing Learning Contexts seeks to re-dress the lack of attention that has…. Why it is that success, deprivation or disadvantage are so often passed down intergenerationally? What part does education play? The educational achievement of parents is often reflected in that of their children and there are many underlying causes for such a relationship.

Education and the Family…. Learners, Learning and Educational Activity offers a new and creative approach to the psychology of learning. The central idea in the book is that learning in schools and other educational settings is best understood by paying attention to both individual learners and the educational contexts in…. Timely and original, this book examines gender equality in schooling as an aspiration of global social justice. With nearly one billion people having little or no schooling and women and girls comprising nearly two-thirds of this total, this book analyses the historical, sociological, political and….

How much can we reasonably expect from education? Edited by Alex Moore. Comprising a collection of eleven original chapters by prominent, nationally and internationally known experts in the field of curriculum studies…. Foundations and Futures of Education Series Editors:. Evers Questioning Leadership offers a diverse mix of cutting-edge research in the field of educational leadership, with contributions from expert and emerging leadership scholars.

It contextualises school leadership within broader social and historical contexts and traces its influence on school… Paperback — Routledge Foundations and Futures of Education. Uniquely presenting a general overview of economic principles applicable to all sectors of education, Paying for Education makes key economic ideas accessible to… Paperback — Routledge Foundations and Futures of Education.

Materialities and Mobilities in Education By Rachel Brooks , Johanna Waters Materialities and Mobilities in Education develops new arguments about the ways in which educational processes can be analysed. Drawing on a recent interest in mobilities across the social sciences, and a conterminous resurgence in academic accounts of materialities, the book demonstrates how these… Hardback — Routledge Foundations and Futures of Education.

These issues underpin the desires and defences of professionals… Paperback — Routledge Foundations and Futures of Education. By providing a historical analysis of the contested… Hardback — Routledge Foundations and Futures of Education. Discerning Critical Hope in Educational Practices Edited by Vivienne Bozalek , Brenda Leibowitz , Ronelle Carolissen , Megan Boler How can discerning critical hope enable us to develop innovative forms of teaching, learning and social practices that begin to address issues of marginalization, privilege and access across different contexts?

Free to Learn Peter Gray. Studio 21 Katja Doubek. Which One Doesn't Belong? Thinking Reading James Murphy. Loose Parts 3 Lisa Daly. Learning in the Fast Lane: Education policy Stephen Gorard. The Daily 5 Gail Boushey. What does this look like in the classroom Oliver Caviglioli.

Foundations and Futures of Education - Routledge

Deep Learning Joanne J. The Case against Education Bryan Caplan. Teaching Montessori in the Home: Pre-school Years Elizabeth G. Exploring Feelings Tony Attwood. Helping Skills Clara E.


Other books in this series. The Irregular School Roger Slee. Being a University Ronald Barnett. School Trouble Deborah Youdell. Teacher Education and the Political Anne Phelan. Lifespan Transitions and Disability Therese M. Understanding the University Ronald Barnett. Education and Masculinities Mairtin Mac an Ghaill. Education - An 'Impossible Profession'? The Creative Self Tamara Bibby.

Foundations and Futures of Education

Schooling, Society and Curriculum Alex Moore. Table of contents 1. The State We're In 2. Democratic Radical Education 3. The Democratic Common School 4. Transforming Education show more. Review quote 'Radical Education and the Common School is a truly thoughtful book. It combines powerful social and educational criticism with a sensitivity to powerful possibility.

Reading it will demonstrate to critically democratic educators why we should be fully engaged with thick versions of democracy in education. Written with passion and incisiveness in equal measure, it will lift the spirits and re-energise all who are engaged in education not simply as a means of earning a living but as a way of changing the world for the better.

It is human and hopeful, but at the same time realistic and challenging. It builds its argument on cases, on practice and on experience to offer a different future for education - a democratic common school that serves the needs of students, communities and society.