Ein guter Ort zum Sterben (German Edition)

Download e-book for iPad: Ein guter Ort zum Sterben (German Edition) by Arkadi Babtschenko,Olaf Kühl. Posted on January 17, by admin. By Arkadi.
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Unlike Trump, she has no malicious intent. She did not set out to destroy the agreements she helped to create. They respond to hard fact. What counts, and should be judged, as she seeks a fourth term as German chancellor in the elections on Sunday, is what is done, not what is said.

Merkel has a fatal weakness: Whenever a crucial issue needs to be resolved, she weighs her ethics against political advantage, and chooses the advantage. This, in large part, is why Europe now chokes in a fug of diesel fumes. The EU decision to replace petrol engines with diesel, though driven by German car manufacturers , predates her premiership.

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It was a classic European fudge, a means of averting systemic change while creating an impression of action, based on the claim which now turns out to be false that diesel engines produce less carbon dioxide than petrol. But once she became chancellor, Merkel used every conceivable tactic, fair and foul, to preserve this deadly cop-out.

The worst instance was in , when, after five years of negotiations, other European governments had finally agreed a new fuel economy standard for cars: Merkel moved in to close the whole thing down.

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She told the Netherlands and Hungary the German car plants in their countries would be closed. She struck a filthy deal with David Cameron, offering to frustrate European banking regulations if he helped her to block the fuel regulations.

Clip "Ballsaal-Kampf" - STIRB LANGSAM - Ein guter Tag zum Sterben - (Full-HD) - Deutsch / German

Through these brutal strategies, she managed to derail the agreement. In , the European commission wrote to the German government , warning that the air pollution caused by diesel engines was far higher than its manufacturers were claiming. The government ignored the warning.

Instead, her policy deprives thousands of people of their lives.

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But this could be the least of the environmental disasters she has engineered. For this lethal concession to German car companies was predated by an even worse one, in In that case, her blunt refusal — supported by the usual diplomatic bullying — to accept proposed improvements in engine standards forced the European commission to find another means of reducing greenhouse gases. Der Wolf blieb stehen und drehte seinen Kopf zur Seite. Er richtete seine Schnauze in Maggas Richtung, dann sprach er: Was ist dir lieber, eine Jagd mit dem oder mein Pfeil?

Kein schlechter Ort zum Dahinscheiden.

Who’s the world’s leading eco-vandal? It’s Angela Merkel

Es gab den uralten Torbogen. Die Luft war vollkommen ruhig. Du kamst heute Nacht zu uns, nicht wir zu dir. Andere Dinge, die gejagt und gebissen werden wollen. Wir werden sie uns ansehen, bis zu dem Tag, an dem wir uns wiedersehen. Die finstere Bestie huschte durchs hohe Gras davon. Magga sah dem verwitterten Bogen hinterher.

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Das Lamm war fort. Den Blutspuren nach ereilte sie kein schneller Tod. Das einzige, was unversehrt blieb, waren Denjis Masken von Lamm und Wolf. Das Goldene Rund war vollbesetzt mit leuchtenden Augen, die aufgeregt auf den Samtvorhang starrten. Alle verstummten, als sich der schwarze Vorhang erhob und die Schauspieler erschienen. Sie genoss ihn — wie jedes Mal.

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Und den von Magga liebten sie am meisten. You are here Startseite Ein Guter Tod. Er sprach direkt in ihr Ohr.