Banged by the Flash

The effects last a considerable time, and leave you with a banging headache. In a situation of use, *bumps into a wall* Well I flash banged your mom last night!.
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He's asking if the model's hand takes the bullet instead of the head since it's in front of it. Its a fucking headshot If someone shoots that person in the head, the bullet would have to go through the opponents raised hand and then through his head.

However it is unclear if it works that way in csgo. I don't think the hitboxes animate because just recently Valve fixed a bug where the flashed animation didn't show in some cases for specific players, while it did show to others. Something with being behind a corner when flashed or so.

I'm assuming no because it is that way in TF2. The penetrating gun in TF2 The Machina only counts damage where it first hits, even if a shot goes through the head afterwards, but who knows, CS: GO is a different game even if the engine is the same. Moving is an animation. Shooting is an animation. Reloading is an animation. Planting is an animation. Rescuing is an animation.

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Hi GPS explains how this works in this video. Although the hitboxes are different now, they should still follow the same pattern as TF2 in the sense that it will hit the arm and not the head. It's either a headshot or its not. Source engine on CS: GO may be able to have bullet penetration through walls, however through hitboxes it cannot in terms of, lets say, hitting one model's arm and attempting to also hit their head. Video of this can be seen here. Implemented bodygroups penetration for maximum damage, now shooting through arms at the enemies head will apply headshot damage, or shooting through arms at the stomach will apply stomach damage multiplier.

Can you block bullets? You can only block headshots with your body. The rest of the time, bullets will inflict the most damaging location that they pass through. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. Log in or sign up in seconds. Submit a new link. Submit a new text post. GlobalOffensive subscribe unsubscribe , readers 11, users here now New?

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Jogando com a tribo, a I find this stupid.. But that's just me bejng frustrated after getting 1tapped by a guy whose head I jumped on to. Scenario as described by the OP: Player is flashed, the animation raises his hand in front if his face, you shoot trough his hand into his head. The shot is registered on the hand Hitbox aswell as on the head hitbox you hear the dink sound and see the sparkles fly and if you kill the player it counts as a headshot.

Damage is only dealt to the head hitbox, the damage done to the hand hitbox is not taken into count. If you do damage onto multiple hitboxes on one player, only the damage dealt to the hitbox where you did the most damage counts. In this case you do the same damage as you would do, if your shot would only hit the head hitbox. In TF2, you can block headshots with arms. People can use some emotes to block their head, or sometimes even aiming upwards can block the head. That's actually a Halo technique called "Strongsiding".

Was really important with BR mechanics. When they released this animation it wasn't always in the game , they mentioned that it will never block head shots.

Habersham County SWAT Team Flash-Banged a Baby - The American Police State

If you go back thru the counter strike. When a bullet 'goes through' multiple body hitboxes, it acts as though it was a singular direct hit to the MOST damaging hitbox. This was implemented years ago because people had started to use the CT knife pose left hand outstretched to look slightly upwards and towards T's to block headshots while defusing, etc. Great update that was. I did a little testing, strange thing is that you can hit the arm while it is up but not the hand if the hand is in front of the head from your view You will hit the head instead You can hit the hand when shooting it from the side though.

I've heard that it actually hits the hand, but since it penetrates it and hits the head too, it decides to only do damage to the headshot, not the handshot.

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Same thing happens if you shoot someone that's right above you, through their body up the head, it only counts the headshot damage, as it applies the most damage. Idk how true this is, I read it on reddit, but it seems legit enough to me. Would be cool if a bullet would deal more damage depending on how many body parts it would travel through. Don't know, there's a similar feature in tf2 where if you call for medic as a heavy, your arm hit boxes actually block your head, it's quite fascinating. I'm not sure how many people remember this but when the game was first released in beta you could block a headshot by raising your hands.

It would do like 14 dmg. I've seen people getting head shots and body shots from the same cartridge and sometimes it counts as a headshot and sometimes it doesn't. Shotguns fire multiple bullets per shot. It then adds all the damage dealt per bullet to form a max damage. When you get flashbanged, your character puts his hand in front of his eyes. Bullets come out of the player model's neck, so for a minute I thought it was asking if players shot through their own hands when flash banged.

He's asking if the model's hand takes the bullet instead of the head since it's in front of it. Players are dropped into a wide, open area, and they must fight to the death - all while the battlefield shrinks, adding pressure to all in its grip.

idiot gets flash banged

Media Not everyday you get flash banged and win the gun fight v. He either thinks you weren't effected, or that you're using some killer hax. Cuz this reality is hard to swallow. No cause you can turn back around when the flash bang goes off. If they want to walk in and get blinded by their own flash then ez kill.

You can throw it in a way that you run past it and it wont blind you, but if they look at your doorway to watch for you, it blinds them. When you see a flash nade you should move while facing away. I just never run into the situation. On mobile they should probably throw instantly or something and auto pickup with no weight. Idk, people just don't use them. It's too hard to be accurate on tiny screen. I've never landed a nade and i grab most of the ones I see just for distractions.

I totally agree with you, nades should have no weight , smokes should pop earlier, and stuns should have a huge AoE. Tossables are highly underrated in the mobile game.

Habersham County SWAT Team Flash-Banged a Baby

I use smoke and flash a lot. I always save a frag for the last few players. I always get some camper holed up in a building I saved my squad today by popping four smokes between a building we were stuck in and a larger three story we needed to get to because the wall was coming. A sniper already picked off a mate and he was wounded in the grass.

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  • If you're flash banged, does a headshot hit your hand? : GlobalOffensive.

I dropped four smoke and jumped out the window. Revived him and we ran for the building. I felt like a damn hero. Reminds me of that one time i was at a small tower camping it obviously last guy threw a molotov and i panic rush to the exit only for him to flash me and whack me with a crowbar. A fully modded vector shits on the UMP.