Dreams & Memories

Dream & Memories is an album by Favorite Blue. Track listing[edit]. "Overture "Let My Heart Beat Reach In 2 U"; "SHAKE ME UP!" "Snowball fallin' on my head".
Table of contents

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We will get back to you shortly. Thanks for your rating! Our executive will call you shortly to verify your ratings. You have successfully submitted your requirement Our experts will get in touch with you shortly. I always thought that dreams are the minds way of solving problems, or trying to make sense out of confusion. But I do realize that there is something more to it. And this is what attracted me to your article. It's interesting that your dreams are mostly set in the past Nell. My dreams are usually in the future. Many of them include people I know, or wish I knew, and the scene is usually something that I would like to have happen.

Sometimes some of my dreams actually come true, as if I had had a vision of the future. Other times, it seems that my dreams are simply preparing me for an event about to happen. It's as if my mind is working on it ahead of time. Besides all that, you enlightened me to a new idea that I find very interesting. I can't rule out that we might have parallel universes, and our dreams might be a pathway between them. As you had been discussing in this article, we may also exist in these other universes, but with our lives taking an infinite variety of different turns.

Our dreams simply connect us with the alternatives that are happening. I sometimes wish the stupid dreams would go away and just leave the good stuff too! As for me, I really wish I could control more in my dreams. Not sure if it is even possible, although I have heard it is. This amazing i never knew there were different theories to different dimensions. Now I just feel smart. Also dreams in my opinion are warnings or signals of whats going to happen. Like when "Deja Vu" occurs.

Sometimes my mind will try and explain and that soon equals immediate head-ache. Hi mgc, yes that's it! I always dream I am down by the coast. I am a firm believer that your dreams can be windows into parallel universes. I had had this same dream for the last few years. I wake from my sofa in my house and my dog is right there but everything is a bit different. Sometimes the differences are very subtle and sometimes they are crazy to the extreme. I remember every detail and they are so vivid.

Hi Kat, I would love to know how old she is? My great granddaughter has a recurring dream that she is being babysat in a haunted house. She is trying to get out and can't. Can anyone shed some light? One thing I'll never understand about these " they says its This, but are they wrong and it's really That? Why does it have to be one thing or the other? That if you can explain it one way it's impossible to explain any other way? Why cant it be both true? Couldn't turn off the sound of music in this house, with many people gatherings to different sections of the house.

Up and downstairs, tried desperately trying to turn off the sound system. I kept hearings this methodical drum rhythm.. And all the time, I tried explaining it to the people there that it wouldn't turn off. I disconnected the DC plugs, the speaker plugs and nothing seemed to stop it. All of a sudden I woke up in the chair I was sitting in, and I had the earphones on. And the drumming music was playing, and then I looked upon the table, and realized I slept for 12 minutes,..

It's a weird experience for me, as if I was in 2 places at the same time, not realizing that one was real and the other was an attachment of my dreaming.. Thanks hazel, yes I agree, I do think we have ours or others memories, and reincarnation makes the most sense, thanks so much for reading, nell. Nell, this is a fascinating hub. I have often wonder if some of our dreams do reflect a life that we had lived before. The feeling of having seen or been somewhere strengthens that belief that we don't live life once.

Thanks words, but no they are much more than that. I have had precognition dreams all my life about world events. Hi Gordon, sounds fascinating! I will take a listen. Its good to hear from you, I did wonder what you had been up to work wise etc, hope its all going well, nell: Hope you are well: This is a subject which I find fascinating, as I do most aspects of science. Funnily enough, I have started remembering "weird" dreams over the past year or so where I went many years without ever waking to remember dreams.

You should look him up and try to listen to him on the wireless. He takes calls from listeners and interprets their dreams for them in incredibly logical ways. It's a good listen! I never really had many recurrent dreams though - perhaps just dreams of going for exams but not being fully prepared for it wonder if it could be a result of my traumatic school days? Even though I believe in the existence of God, I don't deny that there could be other possibilities such as a world of another dimension.. I hope though that my last dream was really just a random dream and not something happening elsewhere because I just dreamt that someone was murdered!

Dreams are strange things aren't they? I have analyze my dreams as well. Some of my dreams are very vivid and it had seem to be some out of body experiences. Hi Shauna thanks for reading, yes I totally agree with you, I do think its parallel universes, nell. Dreams have always fascinated me. I try to analyze my dreams, especially when several people all dead except for one or two take part in them at the same time. Usually I think those dreams are my way of mourning or remembering good times with these people.


I've also had recurring dreams that stop once the dream comes true - or at least the location of the dream becomes reality in my life. I suppose those dreams could be attributed to parallel universes. It just a bit of time to catch up to the "other" one. Thanks Bill, it really does get the brain going doesn't it?

This is an article of much substance about something ethereal. You gave me some new ideas and affirmed some things that I often think about. I call the dream and the half awake states part of the process of 'recreational sleeping'.

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As I go to sleep I think of what I want to dream about and most of the time it works. The interesting thing is that often the dreams are so vivid that when I wake up I am not sure if I am awake or if the waking state is actually the dream state. Great work Nell as usual. Such fascinating food for thought. This is the kind of thing that keeps my imagination going for weeks on end. I'm heading over now to see how your debut went. Nell - Dreams are all of this and more. I've been a dreamer hence my writing alias for as long as I can remember. I believe we get to re-live memories from past lives, plus visit other dimensions and worlds too.

Whenever I fly in my dreams, I know I am crossing the hedge to another dimension Thanks Ann, yes when I fly I sort of push the air up with my hands and go up! Just a quick revisit to read others' comments; it's interesting to read so many comments about flying. I've done the flying thing but in a particular way - my daughter told me that she flies and mentioned the same particular way.

The strange thing is that I've never told her my method of flying in my dreams! The moving slowly to escape is supposed to indicate the fear of being caught, the insecurity of it, and flying is the hope and freedom of being able to escape, or so I read once. It's all so fascinating!

Thanks Mel, I am sure one of these days scientists will figure it out, I do believe science is behind it somewhere, thanks so much for reading, nell.

  1. King of the Wild Suburb: A memoir of fathers, sons and guns.
  2. Dark and Stormy Night, A (A Dorothy Martin Mystery).
  3. Mysteries and Legends of Texas: True Stories of the Unsolved and Unexplained (Myths and Mysteries Se!
  4. The Importance of Food and Mealtimes in Dementia Care: The Table is Set.

Famous psychologist Carl Jung proposes a collective consciousness, or a genetic memory, that could explain why people all over the world dream in the same symbols. He claimed that this is not mysticism, but a natural phenomenon. The new string theory seems to support the idea that entities from other dimensions could be crossing over to our world as well, and perhaps visiting our dreams. Interesting to speculate upon. I have had "dreams within dreams" on a couple of occasions, and not because I saw Inception, a film I thought was tedious and made me drowsy.

Interesting things to think about. Hi lawrence, yes I read about the particles, I was watching Jim Al Kalili the other night on TV, and he was talking about the vacuum in Space and how even without them bumping into each other they would just jump in or out of our reality! The idea of more than the dimensions we see in our universe was actually proposed nearly seven hundred years ago by a Jewish Rabbi studying Genesis chapter 1!

Some of what you talk of here is Quantum physics that explores the possibility that matter literally pops in and out of our dimensions all the time, but disappears as soon as it comes because once the particles collide they annhilate each other!

A new theory asserts that dreams are crucial for episodic encoding of memories.

As for 'alternate worlds' Stephen Weinberg says they're 'possible but a stretch' in credulity he has asked Richard Dawkins to stop using his name to give an air of respectability to the idea as he doesn't think it so. Thanks Ann, yes I have experienced the out of body thing too, its pretty spooky! Definitely something to take into consideration. There is so much yet to be unraveled, and we really know very little about the human mind. I think our minds play tricks on us, or they explore ideas and possibilities whilst we're not asking them to concentrate on a myriad of things whilst we're awake.

I've had that feeling many times and I know I've never been to those places before. I suppose I could have seen pictures or photos of some but many times it's unexplainable.

DREAMS & MEMORIES - Wedding Photographer in Silchar

I've also had, as did my father and his mother, some 'out of body' experiences, looking down on myself. If that's possible, then anything is! You've started an interesting thought process; I'll probably dream about this tonight! Dreams are real, dreaming is part of our innermost, deep-inside subconscious or conscious existence. We might say " I think that is true Without mentioning details, I've been part of some I have dreams regularly but never remember them at all when I wake up.

And I think it may be good for my mental health, otherwise it may take my whole day to figure out their interpretation. Hi Jodah, thats funny you should say that, because I had a double in my town! Thanks Alicia, I love anything mysterious that I can get my teeth into! Hiya Jackie, great to see you, yes there are so many things going on here with dreams etc, hopefully one of these days they will figure it out, nell. This was quite captivating Nell, and much food for thought.

I used to keep a notebook next to my bed to record my dreams. I can never recall having a recurring dream, though. I have had a couple of interesting occurrences, however. When I was about 12 I went to visit my grandmother and while walking up the road to the shop one day a boy of similar age approached me and asking what I was doing back in town? He called me Paul and was convinced I was a friend of his who moved away a year ago,.

As an adult, I also made the acquaintance of a fellow who told me he was convinced I had a double he knew in a different state. Awesome Nell and awakening awareness for me just now. Waking less than an hour ago I awoke listening to myself going "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" like I was moaning. I had only a tad of glimpse of reading something. My ending segment of dream was me reading. I saw paragraphs before my eyes, but no page edge or book.

Just the letters, sentences, and paragraphs. Always top notch Rose!

When I moved to my new apt. I dreamt there were gemstones in the floorboards! Some people believe witches can visit you in a dream. I had a recurring dream the these Satanists wanted me to join them. Why do we dream?

Serious about Multiverse's?

In the scientific quest for understanding potential functions of dreams many investigators have proposed that dreams may be important for memory but few have presented any convincing empirical evidence for such a link. It seems reasonable to me to assume a link exists given that both of the major sleep states participate in memory processing. It is entirely possible that brain mechanisms that mediate memory processing may also produce cognitive contents that reflect or participate in that memory processing.

But again the data that directly speak to the issue are not yet there so far as I can tell. Some investigative teams have shown that one can identify various types of memory fragments in both REM and NREM dreams, but demonstrating that dream contents contain memory fragments is a far cry from demonstrating a functional role for dreams in memory processing.

We have no way of telling whether the demonstration that memory fragments occur in dreams is a trivial finding or not. After all memory fragments occur in waking consciousness as well, so finding memory fragments in dreams may not tell us anything special about dreams per se. It would therefore be surprising if we found no memory fragments in dreams at all. Their presence in dreams are a mere consequence of the fact that memory fragments must be ubiquitous in all forms of cognitive processing.

Where can the cognitive system go to get mental content if not memory stores? So the fact that memory fragments occur in dreams may just be a trivial prerequisite for constructing any mental content at all. In the effort to clarify the role, if any, of dreams in memory processing it would help if the field of dream studies had a theory about the logically possible roles dreams might play in memory processing.

Such a theory would enable us to better evaluate what role memory fragments are playing in both the dream system and in the memory systems. With such a theory we could evaluate the available data on the issue and identify what kind of data we need to move the whole field forward. She is to be commended for the effort and it is a shame that no scientist including myself who specializes in the study of dreams has proposed such a theory themselves.

Llewellyn proposed a key role for dreams in elaborative encoding of episodic memories during rapid eye movement REM dreaming. She proposed that the cognitive system in REM can profitably be understood as utilizing the ancient art of memory AAOM principles to enhance memory.

These techniques certainly worked as scholars are agreed that the ancients exhibited prodigious feats of memory.