Ein 3,5L Slow Cooker, zwei Personen und nicht mehr! (German Edition)

Not Your Mother's Slow Cooker Recipes for Two: For the Small Slow Cooker Erfahren Sie mehr Verkauft von: BookOutlet Germany . specifically written for the increasingly popular 1 ½- 3 ½-quart slow cooker. Sie haben keinen Kindle? . Anyone who lives in a 1 or 2 person household knows how hard it is to find.
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Use your slow cooker to raise the standards of your everyday dining from the mundane to the gourmet. This cookbook brings an upscale approach to this new-old phenomenon, using fresh ingredients in imaginative recipes that you can create during a day's work. Focusing on traditional one-pot meals from various cultures, recipes such as Apricot Chicken from India, Neopolitan Truffle Risotto from Italy, and Boston Baked Beans from the United States, are delicious meals truly fit to serve guests. An upscale approach to the new-old phenomenon of cooking with a slow cooker, by author and food journalist Lynn Alley, featuring 60 recipes.

With fresh ingredients and imaginative recipes, you can create delicious meals to serve with pride to your guests. Including chapter introductions to each region, and focusing on the slow-cooking traditions and techniques from that country; local wine or beer suggestions for all 60 recipes; and featuring 16 full-color recipe photographs, The Gourmet Slow Cooker will elevate your everyday dining from the mundane to the gourmet, while freeing you from hours of hard work in the kitchen. Mehr lesen Weniger lesen.


Kunden, die diesen Artikel gekauft haben, kauften auch. Seite 1 von 1 Zum Anfang Seite 1 von 1. The Italian Slow Cooker. The Gourmet Slow Cooker: Alle kostenlosen Kindle-Leseanwendungen anzeigen. Sie haben keinen Kindle? Hier kaufen oder eine gratis Kindle Lese-App herunterladen. Ten Speed Press Pressestimmen "Go ahead and sneer.

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Sagen Sie Ihre Meinung zu diesem Artikel. Die hilfreichsten Kundenrezensionen auf Amazon. Judging from reviews of slow cooking cook books there seem to be two distinct groups of users - those who work all day and need something ready when they get home and those whose interest in slow cooking is the quality that slow cooking adds to many foods. This is a book for the latter group. The recipes are delicious but may require attention during the cooking. When I bought my slow cooker I read the Amazon reviews and bought 4 slow cooker cook books.

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This is the only one I have used and the results have been great. The recipes in the other books seemed uninspired and except for the Betty Crocker book were not accompanied by photos to entice me. The Greek lamb shanks were a snap and delicious. The Moussaka was a little more complex and required adding the topping after 3 hours but tasted great. If you need a dinner ready when you get home from work this is probably not the book for you but if you want to have dishes that you will be proud to serve to guests this it the best of the 4 books I purchased. As other reviewers have already said, this book makes you re-think your slow cooker.

Talk:German proverbs

For years, the only thing I've made in mine is pulled pork barbecue. These recipes require significant prep time, but the results are well worth it. My slow cooker is now getting a weekly workout and my family is very pleased with the meals inspired by this distinctive cookbook. This really is a book for those who already have some cooking experience and a not very complete one at that. It is definitely not a beginners book. It's not that I haven't had success with these recipes but rather that I have had to adjust the very basic instructions.

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And it isn't an expert book because there isn't much on detail. The pictures are nice and the recipes provide a base to work from but at that point why not just have a good slow cooker book? Kiddycat said 'My dictionary translates "qual" with "dolor" for am. As a native born English speaker, "Dolor" is a new word to me. It does not appear in my smallish dictionary. Looking at this dictionary, similar words which may or may not be related, include "Doll" and "Doldrums".

Dolls and Doldrums are both lifeless, and go no where on their own, a bit like someone with a lot of choices but unable to make up their minds - they may have to be taken, before they get anywhere. This lifelessness does partly fit the meaning Kittycat is after. He who has a choice, has the doldrums like a sailing ship with no wind. He who has a choice, can get dumbfounded like a doll. The meaning of this proverb is: Wer die Wahl hat, hat die Qual.


I updated the headline to include the German version again [The bigger the choice, the harder it is to choose. Whoever has the choice has the torment. He was in an agony of indecision; he made an anguished choice. Du hast die Qual der Wahl, then you might even say: You have the burden of choice; You're stuck with having to choose. My point here is that you don't have to translate Qual closely, since part of the reason it's used in the phrase is that it rhymes with Wahl.

Many idioms or soundbites in many languages go for rhyme or assonance, probably to enhance mnemonic value: Ein Spatz in der Hand to Proverb: A bird in the hand because it makes more sense as an en: A redirect remains from the German version. I've also changed the references here and in Finnish proverbs. My Opa used it often, mostly in contempt for those esp.

Being kinky and placing the omnious translation right above everyone else's opinions: The equivalent "every cloud has a silver lining" is not correct. These two proverbs are actually very different.

Synonyms and antonyms of Geschnetzeltes in the German dictionary of synonyms

It basically says that there are ups and downs, or, more precisely, downs and ups. One incident occurs after the other. The English "equivalent" every cloud has a silver lining , which is widely used in the U. I think it goes without saying that these meanings are very different. I corrected the meaning.

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This is not what the proverb is about. It means, that fear will empower you to do things you wouldn't or couldn't normally do. I'm not sure that the stated provenance from Lenin is correct.

5 Hearty Slow Cooker Recipes

I've always understood that it was Stalin who coined this one. Moreover, for either of those two, this quote doesn't properly belong here, since it is not an original German proverb.

GESCHNETZELTES - Definition and synonyms of Geschnetzeltes in the German dictionary

Stalin didn't speak German anyway and whilst Lenin did, it was not his mother tongue, so in my view the quote should go to Russian proverbs, if it is a proverb at all and not an attribuatble aforism, which is something entirely different. Corrected from "Vertrauen ist gut, kontrolle noch besser. This is not Standard German. Im German and i don't know this proverb. I think its a strange dialect, could anyone please proove it?

I would do it myself but i think my English is too bad. The poor one oama and the greedy one jeetzya Jeetzya could also be translated as stingy. Could this also translate to "You get what you pay for"? Article gives a wrong, banal, too literal meaning "Shortcuts are often longcuts. No source, just my German. And now tell me that sourced nonsense is valued over unsourced wisdom: New discussion topics go at the bottom of the page; click here to start a new topic.