Parched : A Vampire Romance

Parched: A Vampire Romance (Volume 1) [Z. L. Arkadie] on *FREE * shipping on qualifying offers. Dark dangers, startling secrets and a life.
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I did download the second book with this one and read them consecutively.

  • Dead Hand of History (A DCI Monika Paniatowski Mystery).
  • Parched (Parched Series, a Vampire Romance, #1);
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The ending got to me on that one too. I do appreciate the writing in these books, even the endings to a certain degree.

I like books that are written well but don't ne I would like to rate this book higher I like books that are written well but don't necessarily end well, but these just abruptly end with out an explanation as to why things had to end the way they did. I put so much into Clarity and Baron, and thought so much of their story ending in a good way and possibly even saving the world or the vampires or something magical and extreme coming from their union But I am thinking that there will be more books and maybe the point was to abruptly end them that way so that maybe readers can get closure in another book.

I know I would definitely read any more of these books. Feb 05, Lyndi W.

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Literally the fourth sentence: Like the overly excited person at a party that keeps reminding you of that one time they met a celebrity. Super not interested, thanks. Jul 13, Hbeebti rated it liked it Shelves: There were to many details about everything I don't care about all the clothes and makeup or what everyone looked like. Not only from the synopsis, but from reviews that I had seen for it all of which were 4 or 5 star.

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  • Parched (Parched, #1) by Z.L. Arkadie?
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Now maybe its just me, or maybe this is one of those books that "just isn't for everyone", but I feel seriously ripped off. And I found this book for free. While the overall concept of this book was appealing, I found that overall, the story had very little "thought" or "feeling" to it, and the characters were all very one dimensional. These were characters that I just could not bring myself to care about.

Will they fall in love? And that my friends is a sign of a badly written novel. It seems like the author took on too much at once, they are after all trying to balance vampires with I don't even know. I do know that for someone claiming to not be a "snob".. Clarity was a freaking snob. After endless droning on about the designer clothes she had, even though she was not a snob her words , when it came to purchasing some for herself, the only place she could think of was Saks..

Sorry, but she is. I did manage to make it to the end there is that book masochism I was talking about in prior entries , but I will not be continuing any farther than that. Ok you know what I might have still tried to read it, if not for the blurb the author put at the end of this book stating "The main story picks up in Quenched Parched Book 3. The Seventh Sister Parched Book 2 , is a shorter novella that tells what happens to the seventh's sisters life before she enters the main plot. Therefore, I skipped book two and inserted an excerpt from Quenched below. You can't even be bothered to include an excerpt from book 2?

Nov 30, Phuong Ta rated it liked it Shelves: The characters and plot in this story is soooo good but why did it have to read like a journal? It must be a preference thing but would have been so much better had it read like an ordinary PNR book. O and let's not forget about the god awful grammatical and spelling errors! When I have to read something twice because it's spelled wrong is bad but when I have to read it three times over because of multiple mistakes it totally distracts me from the story.

I like the storyline though and kindle pr The characters and plot in this story is soooo good but why did it have to read like a journal? I like the storyline though and kindle price was good. Apr 23, Fiona Titch Hunt rated it it was amazing Shelves: Took me a while to read this as I had other stuff that got in the way lol.

Customer reviews

But once I started the book I was so hooked and really liked the characters. The vampires are blood thirsty for Life Blood and you have the Enuians who are forceful people who take care of the vulnerable. I thought it was gonna be another Vampire style book, but it turned out to be a great insight into a new species. Imma b honest n say Ii lost interest but I'm glad I started again. Jun 14, SjA rated it liked it. Really I did, but I only finished it because I really hate not finishing a book. I'm so good at hating main characters i'm not even surprised by my dislike of her. She's boring, obnoxious, and flat.

If i'm good at hating a main character.. I'm even better at hating the fall in love over night shit. This is one of those rides and I couldn't jump on board. I just can't buy it. Even when a HEA isn't happening.. I can't do the meet, have a date, total mad love forever thing.. Maybe Baron Ford's psycho vampire girlfriend should have eaten her. Jul 15, Kat rated it it was ok Shelves: I picked this up for free and got exactly what I paid for. I have to stop doing that. Intriguing concept but poorly written and executed, resolving absolutely nothing.

Parched (Parched Series, A Vampire Romance, #1)

I'm curious enough to go read reviews for the rest of the series to see what happens, but not curious enough to subject myself to more of this. Aug 13, Michelle A rated it did not like it. Interesting plot, but the story is all over the place with little or no direction and nothing to indicate a scene changes. First person stream of conscious makes the heroine seem spastic and flaky. Would be so much better in 3rd person or with other characters thoughts. Dec 12, Monika Obermeier rated it did not like it. The story begins in Manhattan, then the heroine, Clarity, falls down the rabbit hole to this nonsensical alternate universe when being forced to flee pursuers.

This universe and the character Adore killed the whole story for me. Aug 16, Meredith Boswell rated it really liked it. Interesting I forget why I picked this book but I wasn't disappointed. It's not like other vampire romances. There is no happy ending or do they end up with each other.

But read and learn why it's a good read and meet the characters. Jan 24, Neerja rated it really liked it. The beginning was a bit tiring to read but as the story progressed, it became interesting. The plot was good and it was a good read for me but nothing extraordinary. It was intriguing and I liked it. Dec 11, Laurie Hopkins rated it really liked it. Intriguing It was really interesting as Clarity learned more about who and what she is.

I cried with her, fell in love with her and questioned with her. Am looking forward to seeing how it all goes. Jul 31, Maddy rated it it was ok. While I hoped for the best, hoping doesn't make this a good book. It's dry, and would need a lot of reworking to make it good. While there is potential, the main character is annoying and the insta-love is so awful.

Smashwords – Parched (Parched Series, A Vampire Romance, #1) – a book by Z.L Arkadie

I couldn't take it anymore. Aug 31, Carol Castor rated it it was amazing. Brilliant I totally loved reading this book finding out Clarity's different abilities one by one. Her love for Baron is her first love. How she finds her sisters and they fight'the evil'. Jul 18, Marcia rated it did not like it. This story seems patonlly stupid, with an oblivious main character. It may improve -but it's not worth wasting my reading time to find out. Sep 12, SJ McGarry rated it it was amazing. Spetacular One of the best vampire romance stories I've read.

Intense, imaginative and entertaining story line. Glides the reader smoothly through an intriguing world of magical beings with their own set of challenges of love and survival. Sep 12, LaRae Jackson rated it it was amazing. Very intriguing Thank you, This book flowed like water through much mind carrying me to a distant place that captivated me , removing me from my reality with steady ease.

Thank you, I needed this break. Jun 11, Valerie rated it did not like it Shelves: I'm not keen on the "I" writing style. Aug 01, janet havrilla rated it it was amazing. A good read Picked it up and couldn't put it down. Fast moving, well written and I found only one spelling error. Vampire novels are not my usual read but this was good.

Ignite (Parched Series, a Vampire Romance, #5)

Oct 02, Emeline Pico rated it it was ok. Story continues with several books in series. Mary Tatro on Sep. Not too impressed but it was ok. About Publish Join Sign In. Readers Benefits of registering Where are my ebooks? Describe your issue Have a question not already answered in the links at left or on our main FAQ page?

Parched , Book 1 By Z. In this first installment of the Parched novel series a New York ad exec falls in love with a sexy vampire, which changes her life forever. The first book in the Parched Vampire Redemption series. Five years ago, they shared the date of her life and then he literally vanished into thin air. Now he's back and he's about to turn her world upside down. I look deep into those cold, dead eyes of his. The first expression I see from him is agony. You do what I say.