Soft Murmur (A Daring Cane Book 1)

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Delivery and Returns see our delivery rates and policies thinking of returning an item? See our Returns Policy. Visit our Help Pages. Is it polite to leave the reader salivating, then to abruptly cut them off??? I need book 2 now! This is a quick read BTW, and it was so good that I whipped through it. An asshole at first, but then what true alpha male isn't? Of course he thaws bit by bit, and wows us with his words of love and hope. There were times I wanted to slap him, but he must have been hiding his emotions since he couldn't have known whether Indigo truly cared or was jerking his chain to get what she wanted.

But God, when he figured it out, he went for it, killed to get it even. And Indigo, poor girl. She went from one abuser to another potential one but she maintained her strength. And got something wonderful she truly didn't know she needed in the end. I have many questions though: What happens to Eric? How did Dmitiri grab Jess without anyone suspecting? I guess I'll get my answers all in due time.

Did I mention how much I liked this? Really, aside from some punctuation errors and questions about timelines and place, this was a highly entertaining and sexy read with a series that promises to get better, hotter and more dangerous. Can't wait for February 15! View all 26 comments. I liked it, but it was And a wooden boat with a mermaid at the front!! I sort of did not get it. Is it meant to be sort of fantasy? Anyway, liked the characters, apart from Eric, who I would have thrown to the sharks! Guessed about her dad early on! I did really enjoy it, but am still left a bit befuddled by the entire concept!

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It was all a bit far fetched really. I mean, who just "falls" into pirating! Oct 19, Tate rated it really liked it. Loved every minute of it and can not wait for other books!!! Oh boy Dimitri, what are you gonna do?! Feb 03, Rin W. Vitale rated it really liked it Shelves: Reading this book was so much fun. The sexual tension between Hendrix and Indi was h. I try to squeeze past him, but his hand lashes out and grips my hip. I stiffen and swallow, turning toward him. He takes another step closer, and stares down at me.

You're just what I need. I'm no one's bedmate! Also, Indi was hilarious! When she got drunk.. She loves to crack a joke. I roll my eyes. I love this kind of witty and strong heroin. And I love her friendship with Eric.

The boy annoy me a little but it was normal because he was freaked out with their situation. Also, I love the building of her relationship with Drake! I hope Bella Jewel will make Drake story. View all 5 comments. I really liked this, but all I have to say is, has no one ever heard of self defense rulings? Jan 08, Katie rated it it was amazing Shelves: Instead of writing a full review, I am just going to highlight a few of my feelings on this book She stayed true to herself and I loved it!

She was also so witty and funny! I found myself literally laughing out loud during a few parts in the book. She got drunk one night on the ship and just rambled off as many pirate jokes that she knew and it was so hilarious. She just kept going with it I wiggle on the floor and cross my legs.

Sexy, dangerous, and broken Book boyfriend material times a thousand! Come to think of it, he's my first pirate book boyfriend! Possessive of Indigo, weak and annoying. A crazy damaged pirate who I totally felt for. He was so good to Indigo and I really want to read more about him! Bella Jewel Great action scenes! Especially the scene with the storm And of course my favorite part of every romance novel- the sex scenes. Sex under a waterfall? By far the sexiest dry humping scene I have ever read!

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  • I had no idea what to expect from this book, and it totally blew me away! Dec 08, Kj rated it really liked it Shelves: They were criminals but weren't dirty like I tho Indigo is running from her abusive ex boyfriend. Dec 05, Jess rated it really liked it Shelves: The story begins with Indi escaping an abusive ex. And the only way out is through him, with a gun. A gun I don't want to use. I swallow, and I get the distinct taste of blood mixed with tears and saliva. But there are engine complications on the yacht and Indi and her best friend Eric have to jump i 3. But there are engine complications on the yacht and Indi and her best friend Eric have to jump into the life-raft to get away safely, they end up floating in the ocean for a few days until a ship finds them.

    But the ship that finds them is a pirate ship. Indi and Eric both know that this is very very bad but they have no choice but to get onto the ship. When they get on the ship they are introduced to captain Hendrix, Indi is instantly caught off guard by how young and good looking he is. But he soon shows he is not a nice man at all by keeping them captive in cages on the ship and informed Indi that she will be sold off to another pirate as payment to a debt Hendrix owes.

    Indi never gives up, she keeps fighting and fighting to find away to escape but soon figures out being on a ship in the middle of the ocean doesn't give her many options. She makes a deal with Hendrix that she will behave and look after herself if he promises to take good care of her friend and let him go when she is sold.

    Indi is then allowed out of the cage and around the ship as long as she sticks to her end of the deal. During that time she comes to get to know Hendrix and soon sparks start flying between the two. Fuck, inocencia, I need to be inside you again. Hendrix unfortunately unbeknownst to him gives her the answer she is looking for. Everything in my world spins. I've been living in a fantasy. I turn my head frantically, but see everyone on the shore is still standing.

    But Indi's abusive ex finds her and Indi is in the fight of her life, again Indi gets away and starts running through the forest and gets through to the other side of the island where she accidentally stumbles on Hendrix's ship. She freezes then hears she is spotted and starts running through the forest.

    Hendrix catches up to her and takes her back to his ship. They set sail straight away. He also has a soft side and tries hard not to get to close to Indi but seeing her constantly fight to escape he can't help but like the fire that burns inside her to never give up. Indi I didn't really like her. I'm honestly not exactly sure why it could have been her actions or personality. I just can't put my finger on it but she just came off a little childish sometimes bursting into tears all of a sudden or screaming all of a sudden, but she was still likable especially since she never gave up on getting her freedom.

    The sex scene's in this book are HOT! This does have a cliffhanger but not a relationship one. I can not wait until the next book!

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    Feb better hurry up!!!! This is a little something for the next book, the readers who have already finished book 1 will understand this: Feb 14, Angela Bee Bee rated it liked it Recommends it for: I did enjoy it, just was not in the mood for fantasy. This is lighthearted and silly despite the serious topics.

    It has the same tone as the POC movies, and requires some suspension of reality, accepting the fantasy. I wouldn't have minded if it was deeper, but it was fun this way too. Once these two go at it there's lots of gratuitous bumpin' and grinding and hair pulling, neck biting, nails digging in, dirty dancing. Very sexy, but a bit too much. Singlet And where is this place with all these islands and everybody speaks English? Not one person even has an accent, yet he calls her a Spanish nickname.

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    It would have been 10 times more interesting if view spoiler [ Kane had arranged for the yacht to blow up and her to be captured by pirates. Then he showed up to finish the job when she escaped. May 04, Emily Crow rated it did not like it Shelves: When I saw this book as one of the kindle daily deals, I had a little mental debate with myself about it. Hey, it's about modern day pirates! And it's available on kindle unlimited. Why not give it a whirl? Because it probably, sucks. Life is too short for stupid books. But it might be fun-stupid! How bad can it possibly be?

    Well, I guess I could try a couple of chapters You might even like it. Well, I should have listened to myself, When I saw this book as one of the kindle daily deals, I had a little mental debate with myself about it. Well, I should have listened to myself, because I really didn't enjoy this novel. I finished it mostly because it's a short, fast read, and I just skimmed the sex scenes, which made it even shorter. The story is about Indigo, a young woman who decides to flee her abusive ex-boyfriend by taking a yacht to England with her platonic bestie, Eric. When the yacht catches fire, they are kidnapped by pirates.

    Hendrix, the pirate captain, decides to sell her as a sex slave to pay off a debt. Not liking this idea in the slightest, Indigo decides to seduce him in the hopes that he will change his mind. My first clue as to how silly this thing is was when Indigo first spots the pirates--on their wooden ship, with a black skull and crossbones flag, and some of them armed with swords.

    Yes, these are supposed to be modern day pirates. My second clue was Indigo's first reaction to Hendrix. While they are being captured, and she's terrified out of her mind, she can't help but ramble on at length about how impossibly beautiful and captivating and dazzling he is. Actually, that's his most important characteristic, as I never did get much idea about his personality or interests or anything else.

    But he sure is good to look at. I was actually leaning towards a two star rating until the second half of the book, because the pirate shenanigans were slightly amusing.

    But then the book became annoying, for three main reasons: Holy coincidences, Batman, let's kill any willing suspension of disbelief I might have had. Her abusive ex-boyfriend manages to track her down on a remote island in just one day! In one scene, Hendrix kills a half a dozen innocent men in cold blood, and apparently Indigo is completely cool with that and we are still supposed to think of Hendrix as a good person. Everybody has to have such an improbably tragic backstory.

    Which leads me back to problem 1. I read in another review that the author apparently described this story as a motorcycle gang on the high seas, which explains a lot. If that sounds like a fun idea, then you might end up enjoying this more than I did, although personally, I wish I'd listened to myself on this one and just skipped it.

    Read for Unapologetic Romance Readers challenge: View all 7 comments.

    Enslaved by the Ocean

    What the hell was THAT!?! What would I give to have my Saturday back? To cleanse my brain and wipe it clean! I had such high hopes after reading all of the rave reviews. Alas, me maties, this book made me shiver in me timbers She brings along her devoted, handsome, and rich douche bag best friend who "helped her through all the hard t What the hell was THAT!?! She brings along her devoted, handsome, and rich douche bag best friend who "helped her through all the hard times" and we're supposed to believe that a platonic relationship like this could actually happen.

    Indigo is seeking a fresh start in a new country--although she has no housing, job, or friends to speak of in said country. This would obviously have taken too much preparation--and the private luxury yacht that she somehow managed to afford is waiting to whisk her away! Meanwhile, sexy but ruthless captain Hendrix is out to get him some At no time ever comes across as someone who has suffered years of abuse. At first Indie is horrified, but within a matter of hours she has seemed to have completely forgotten that he basically just butchered a bunch of people--and then she realizes that she has deeper feelings for him Furthermore, while Hendrix may have had a change of heart at the very end of the book because he supposedly falls in love with her vagina , I can simply NOT get over the fact that he previously had NO problem selling Indie as a sex slave.

    And they both act that this was not a big deal. Indie doesn't seemed phased that the man she loves is capable of doing this to another human being. To prepare for writing this book, I think that Bella Jewel may have spent hours watching Jake and the Neverland Pirates with a pen and paper, taking copious notes. Perhaps the most egregious: Hendrix literally rolls up in a ship with a mermaid figurehead and a skull and crossbones flag. I'm still snorting as I write this. I'm also wondering if there was an editor for this book.

    It appears that someone has put commas into a salt shaker and sprinkled them, willy nilly, all over the pages. Some sentences just stop or are completely missing words. I will give credit where credit is due, however. There was some steamy, hot, well done sex scenes which, ironically, I found to be more plausible than the rest of the book.

    When does that happen? I will leave you with this final profound exchange between our hero and heroine--a virtual feat of writing prowess: He shakes my head, and grips my face, pulling me close. So many stories, so many endings. Learn more at Author Central. Popularity Popularity Featured Price: Low to High Price: High to Low Avg. Available for download now. Volume 1 Jan 31, Provide feedback about this page.

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