Farsa do Juiz da Beira (Portuguese Edition)

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No discerning reader of Gil Vicente should be surprised by the vivid portrayal of Portuguese and Castilian Jews in his dramatic corpus. The father of Portuguese theater expanded beyond a purely ahistorical Christian typology, investing many of his Jewish characters with realistic touches that lend them sociological density and linguistic verisimilitude.

Critics have already glossed some of the sociohistorical realities and personal artistic choices that bear on the impressionistic representation of Iberian Jews in the relevant Vicentine plays: The scholarly literature on Vicente's portrayal of Jews in the Iberian peninsula can be succinctly reconnoitered. Paul Teyssier's magisterial La langue de Gil Vicente also devotes a substantive chapter to a "linguistic ethnography" of Jewish characters in the Vicentine corpus: Scholarly treatments of the relevant plays have also broached Vicente's dramatization of Luso-Jewish culture with singular attention and insight; see, for example, G.

Aside from selective allusions to Ibero-Jewish realia, the evidence marshalled by most of these studies revolves around three main areas: He also identifies some parallels for each of these, along with other subtle glimpses of Jewish realia i.

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Scholars have also drawn attention to Vicente's portrayal of Portuguese Jews as oral transmitters of peninsular poetic lore. There are four poems sung by his Luso-Jewish characters rooted in Iberian traditional lyric and balladry. Project MUSE promotes the creation and dissemination of essential humanities and social science resources through collaboration with libraries, publishers, and scholars worldwide.

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But the 15 th century saw a completely new internal situation in Spain: They also rose to fame in the Church and at court. Ferdinand and Isabella, who signed the decree of expulsion, were not averse to having their deeds recorded by Conversos.

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Diego de Valera c. The official chronicler of the Catholic monarchs and secretary to the queen was Hernando del Pulgar — , also thought to have been a Converso.

O auto da barca do inferno: Adaptação (Clássicos da literatura brasileira) (Portuguese Edition)

New Christians were among the poets active in the reign of Juan II —79 , and later in the century several writers of minor stature testified to the psychological state of the converts. As members of a minority group scorned and upbraided by the majority, they often took refuge in satire directed against each other — or even against themselves.

In literary polemics of the era, the accusation of being a Marrano Crypto-Jew was frequently leveled, whether or not with justification. Beneath the badinage and cynical laughter, however, one feels the bitterness of the outcast. Two famous prose works written in the reign of Isabella of Castile were by New Christians: Both works are the products of the sadness and suffering of the Conversos. While New Christians undoubtedly played an important part in Spanish cultural life throughout the 16 th and 17 th centuries, it is not easy to determine their contribution with any precision, since they found it advisable to conceal their origin.

Spanish and Portuguese literature

As a result of the statutes on purity of blood see limpieza de sangre , known Conversos found their opportunities for ecclesiastical, social, and political advancement severely limited, and even the most orthodox Catholics were affected. Conversos also distinguished themselves as innovators in Spanish prose. The first pastoral novel written in Spanish was Diana ? The picaresque novel, considered a peculiarly Spanish invention, owes much to Converso writers.

The anonymous author of the first such work, La vida de Lazarillo de Tormes , may have been a New Christian, as a brief passage at the beginning of the work is a veiled satire on racial prejudice. No Converso appeared in the first rank of dramatists during Spain's Golden Age, but several had their works produced on the Madrid stage. From the 18 th century onward, there were undoubtedly many Spanish writers of Jewish descent, but by then the question had become less important. So far as Spanish literature is concerned, however, marranismo was unimportant after the 17 th century.

Obras De Gil Vicente: Das Comedias. Das Tragicomedias

In the Marrano diaspora, on the other hand, professing Jews — refugees or their descendants — made an important contribution to Spanish letters throughout the 17 th and 18 th centuries. His travels took him to the West Indies and to the Low Countries, where he led a double life as a Spanish army captain in Brussels and as a Jew in Amsterdam.

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Most Portuguese writers of Jewish descent were Marranos, and many fled their native land in the 16 th and 17 th centuries. Da Silva was one of the few important Portuguese dramatists of the 18 th century, and although his career was cut short at the age of 34, his works continued to be performed and published, albeit anonymously, long after his death.

Although many Portuguese writers from the 19 th century onward proudly claimed Jewish ancestry, specifically Jewish contributions to the literature of Portugal effectively came to an end by Arrieta, Historia de la literatura argentina , 6 vols. Wiznitzer, Jews in Colonial Brazil , incl.

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Judaica Buenos Aires, Jan. Hispania , 34, no. Kalechofsky ; D. McGrady, Jorge Isaacs ; K.