The Master of the Cube

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Warsaw Cube Masters | World Cube Association

If you're looking for a great puzzle, this is it! This was a birthday gift about a year ago and man it's crazy. Took me a while to figure it out because when it's scrambled it really doesn't look solvable. Turns great, no sticker problems. If you buy this though I'd recommend taking it apart and putting it back together, it helped me learn how to turn it so that it doesn't catch as much.

I solved this one before the normal x cube, but if you already know how to solve that then the x 2 should be easy, save it be you have and end parity. Definitely worth the buy!


Customers who bought this product also purchased. DaYan Gem Cube I.

Lefun 2x2 Time Machine. WitEden 3x3x5 II Cuboid. Turns great, no sticker problems.

Master Cube

If you buy this though I'd recommend taking it apart and putting it back together, it helped me learn how to turn it so that it doesn't catch as much. I solved this one before the normal x cube, but if you already know how to solve that then the x 2 should be easy, save it be you have and end parity.

Definitely worth the buy! Customers who bought this product also purchased. DaYan Gem Cube I. Lefun 2x2 Time Machine Numbered.

8 Rubik’s Cube masters who will blow your mind

YJ Mini Pillowed 3x3 4. Related Products in Category Cuboids. Corey 3x3x5 Fisher Cuboid V3.