Kush (Boys of Rome Book 2)

The first edition of this book provided teachers of African history, for the first time, with fully annotated translations of the most important Greek and Roman sources for the history of of the World's First Civilizations, Part 2 - Ancient by Supreme Understanding Paperback $ .. kids on the go · Amazon Restaurants.
Table of contents

Some myths claim that Mars appeared and lay with Rhea Silvia; other myths attest that the demi-god hero Hercules was her partner. However, the author Livy claims that Rhea Silvia was in fact raped by an unknown man , but blamed her pregnancy on divine conception. Because Ravana, Rama's fierce enemy, abducted Sita through cunning trickery, her honor was forever sullied in the eyes of the unknowing populace in Ayodhya, the city where Rama reigned.

Ravana plays the role of Mars, Hercules, or simply the "unknown man" who rapes and impregnates Rhea Silvia. The difference between Rome's confused account and the Ramayana is that Lava and Kush, the twin sons of Sita, are still indeed Rama's sons and not illegitimate like Romulus and Remus.

The union of Rama and Sita to conceive the twin heroes Lava and Kush is what Livy encodes as "divine conception". By concocting this story about Amulius requiring his niece to remain a maiden, the authors could omit any mention about her husband, or any of her potential suitors. They transform Lord Rama into a villainous uncle Amulius because he abandoned Sita Rhea Silvia in the forest when whispers emerged among the citizens questioning Sita's chastity and virtue. It is alone in the wilderness where Sita ultimately found refuge at Sage Valmiki's hermitage and peacefully raised her two children.

Continuing with the Roman version , "It was custom that any Vestal Virgin betraying her vows of celibacy was condemned to death; the most common death sentence was to be buried alive. Since Vestal Virgins are connected to the hearth and the sacred fire, Sita came to be known as a Vestal Virgin in Roman mythology because she underwent the ordeal of walking through flames to prove her purity and faithfulness to Rama.

Now in the Roman legend, King Amulius decides to imprison Rhea Silvia instead of murdering her, but he tries to drown her two sons, Romulus and Remus, in the Tiber River. The twins miraculously escape harm as they are carried in a basket across the river. Then they are found by a she-wolf near Palatine Hill who suckles them, and later a shepherd named Faustulus raises both twins after discovering them. Etruscan Funerary Relief, 5th century B.

Lioness or she-wolf suckling an unknown hero As for the Roman she-wolf and its origins, Nigel Spivey writes, " Certain archaic images suggest an Etruscan element to stories such as the wolf-raised boys " pg. The relief above is the main piece of evidence that Spivey is referring to, but he stops short of proposing a direct relationship with the Roman myth: After Romulus and Remus were raised as shepherds by their foster parents, for unexplained reasons perhaps a dispute over herding or ownership of sheep they were met with violent resistance from shepherds of King Amulius.

This contrived story is yet another transparent act of plagiarizing Lava and Kush's exploits in the Ramayana. It covers relations with Egypt, Persia and later Rome. Carthaginians are strangely absent, perhaps being a bit west of the action herein. Scholarship is established with copied, out of context, fragments of stellas and other documentation.

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Most interesting is the accounts of burning, looting and raping from the Axumite king, boasting of his conquests in the manner of an Assyrian conqueror. The book describes trade, with African goods flowing to Rome.

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Conversion to Christianity occurred in the 4th century CE. It's a very spotty history with the expedition on behalf of Nero, prefects under Diocletion and Justinian and not much in between. Conquest of Kush by the rising Axumite kingdom moving westward occurred in the 4th century CE. There's bits about language and religion, not much of culture.

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A chronology or king list would have been welcome. Besides no inclusion of Carthage, there is no mention of the later African kingdoms that preceded the colonial era. The book ends, or rather peters out, with the conquest of Egypt by the Arab general Amr Al-As and the attempt of his brother to pacify Numidia. There is next to nothing of any legacy of either civilization. The book doesn't leave me with the feeling that I learned very much history, but it does give clues for further research.

Burstein opens the volume with a brief survey of the two kingdoms; with introductions and important notes he then presents the ancient literary and epigraphical testimony for this region. A brief bibliography and photographs aid this significant volume. This source book of ancient texts in English translation will help students become better aware of how the so-called Aethiopians who lived in Northeast Africa differed from their better-known neighbors the Egyptians.

The twenty-six texts collected here are all readily accessible to students with a basic knowledge of ancient Egyptian, Greek, or Roman civilization. Each text is presented with a brief introduction setting it into its historical context, and additional essential information is provided in endnotes, where the names of the authors and their dates are given. There is a useful select bibliography. This rather misleading book is merely a collection of translated Greek, Roman and Arabic texts that consider aspects of these two ancient civilizations. There are also a few from the cultures themselves.

Kingdom of Kush

The trouble with this account is that it takes many passing comments on Kush and Axum and lets them speak for themselves. The trouble is, they don't say much! What we have here is a rather banal, disinterested collection of secondary texts that give a very blurry picture of the two civilizations.

The idea of using textual sources to present an 'authentic' vision of a culture is admirable, but it must be done carefully. This book needs work. See all 4 reviews. Amazon Giveaway allows you to run promotional giveaways in order to create buzz, reward your audience, and attract new followers and customers. Learn more about Amazon Giveaway. Set up a giveaway. Customers who bought this item also bought.

Blacks and Science Volume Two: Pages with related products. There's still plenty of violence and sex and swearing, but there's also an actual ar Let's be honest, this is a love it or hate it book. There's still plenty of violence and sex and swearing, but there's also an actual arc getting put down.

Ennis and Robertson are setting up the beginning of something big, and they do it the right way. They crack open the door to introduce us to The Legend. They show us exactly how The Boys are starting to function, and they hint and hint and hint at what's to come. This book wouldn't be half as enjoyable if the narrative didn't go anywhere, but it is going somewhere, and where it's going is interesting, and it says a lot about the talent on the book that all that over-the-top stuff works within the story getting laid out.

It's your bag, or it's not. It's my bag, and I'm enjoying it a lot. Jan 20, Meran rated it really liked it Shelves: Book 2 is a little calmer on the disgusting stuff.

Generations of Noah

As Book 1, its premise is one close to my heart: This series answers those concerns and sheds a very strong spotlight on the 'sup Book 2 is a little calmer on the disgusting stuff. This series answers those concerns and sheds a very strong spotlight on the 'superheroes' themselves.. Like, what if someone survives the sexual act, and then gets pregnant? In this volume, you get to know more about the superheroes, in particular a set of teenager superheroes, or 'supes' I'll still warn you.

It's disgusting and not for anyone. Especially if you're particularly lovey about superheroes. Prepare to get your brain wacked Feb 21, Jeffrey Jelmeland rated it really liked it Shelves: First for the disclaimer: Ok, now that we have that out of the way we can get on with the review. The writing is superb, drawing the reader into the story with ease.

Some of the jokes had me gasping for breath only to find myself gasping at something ludicrous a page later. Yes, the violence, language and adult situations are gratuitous, but somehow that is what makes the book and series so enjoyable. Set aside any expectations of this being a superh First for the disclaimer: Set aside any expectations of this being a superhero story and simply enjoy it for what it truly is, a story about a group of people who keep the "capes" from getting too big for their britches, holding them accountable for their actions.

May 11, Sonic rated it really liked it. I have been unsure how I felt about this and therefore unsure of how to review it, Also, some of it made me laugh my ass off. Jul 12, Jason rated it liked it. It's certainly a matter of taste, but the endless violence and sexual perversion does wear on a reader after a bit. There's a lot that's still funny and original here, but I'll need a break before I tackle volume 3. Sep 28, Ian rated it did not like it. Ennis doesn't realize that, in order to tell episodic stories, you have to make the episodes interesting.

Boring introductions, no insights, no development for the characters and plot that we've already established. A pit-stop from the series.

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A slog, from front to back. May 21, Patrick rated it it was amazing. Why did I like this series? First and foremost, it's witty, clever and irreverent. These are things Ennis does well in pretty much all of his work. But in my opinion, those talents shine out particularly brightly here.

Continued in book three. Loved the first volume but the start of this was just plain stupid so I abandoned. Sep 22, Pierre rated it it was amazing Shelves: Just keeps getting better. Superheroes are degenerate, entitled, selfish, money hungry scum. Looks a lot like today's generation of Wall street and other rich only admitted lifestyles. Aug 06, Mateen Mahboubi rated it it was ok. Nice of Ennis to try to take on some serious issues but it would have been a lot more helpful if he could tone it down a bit.

Sep 20, One Flew rated it liked it. Jessie talks about art, you have those choose style over substance or those who choose substance over style. Preacher is my favourite Ennis project and that is because of the substance of the series. The Boys is definately more style, this volume added a bit more substance but not quite enough. The series is great fun, visually stylistic and generally an amusing satire of the superh 3. The series is great fun, visually stylistic and generally an amusing satire of the superhero genre.

My fix for the series would be to drop the supporting characters and focus on Butcher and Hughie. Frenchie and the Female are just one line gags that fail at even being light relief. Mother's Milk could be an interesting character but he has practically nothing to do in the series. I'm going to keep reading the series, but it will be for Garth Ennis' amusing antics rather than any genuine substance.

Oct 06, Oliver Hodson rated it really liked it. It's certainly a thrill ride. This edition includes Ennis' interrogation of the Bat-verse, excoriating the homoerotic aspects of Wayne Manor through the analogues 'Tek-Knight' and 'Swingwing'. Although there is consistent use of offensive terms, and provocative imagery, I think the overall point is to de-sanctify and expose hypocrisy- would it really matter that much if Batman was gay? What do you gain from 'protecting' his status as straight?

Those narrow views are exposed in brutal terms. Enni It's certainly a thrill ride. Ennis and Robertson put some images on the page that probably need the full protection of the First Amendment but I've got to say it's effective cage-rattling, even if there are undoubtedly more helpful and less hurtful ways of getting the same points across. Mar 17, Nick Scott rated it it was ok. This volume covered a mission to Russia where The Boys took down a crime boss that was planning on staging a coup in Russia using a bunch of Super villains.

Thought I really liked the introduction of the new character The Love Sausage, this whole mission just felt like a side thing that didn't have much impact on the team's main objective set forth in the first volume. They built her up, yet she never even got to have a real confrontation with any of The Boys, which I would have enjoyed.

There are no discussion topics on this book yet. Ennis began his comic-writing career in with the series Troubled Souls. Appearing in the short-lived but critically-acclaimed British anthology Crisis and illustrated by McCrea, it told the story of a young, apolitical Protestant man caught up by fate in the violence of the Irish 'Troubles'.

It spawned a sequel, For a Few Troubles More, a broad Belfast-based comedy featuring two supporting ch Ennis began his comic-writing career in with the series Troubled Souls. It spawned a sequel, For a Few Troubles More, a broad Belfast-based comedy featuring two supporting characters from Troubled Souls, Dougie and Ivor, who would later get their own American comics series, Dicks, from Caliber in , and several follow-ups from Avatar.

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Another series for Crisis was True Faith, a religious satire inspired by his schooldays, this time drawn by Warren Pleece. Ennis shortly after began to write for Crisis' parent publication, AD. He quickly graduated on to the title's flagship character, Judge Dredd, taking over from original creator John Wagner for a period of several years. Ennis' first work on an American comic came in when he took over DC Comics's horror title Hellblazer, which he wrote until , and for which he currently holds the title for most issues written.

Steve Dillon became the regular artist during the second half of Ennis's run. Ennis' landmark work to date is the issue epic Preacher, which he co-created with artist Steve Dillon.

Running from to , it was a tale of a preacher with supernatural powers, searching literally for God who has abandoned his creation. Despite being lower profile than Preacher, Hitman ran for 60 issues plus specials from to , veering wildly from violent action to humour to an examination of male friendship under fire. Instead of largely comical tone of these issues, he decided to make a much more serious series, re-launched under Marvel's MAX imprint. The First Flight of the Phantom Eagle.

In June , at Wizard World, Philadelphia, Ennis announced several new projects, including a metaseries of war comics called Battlefields from Dynamite made up of mini-series including Night Witches, Dear Billy and Tankies, another Chronicles of Wormwood mini-series and Crossed both at Avatar, a six-issue miniseries about Butcher from The Boys and a Punisher project reuniting him with artist Steve Dillon subsequently specified to be a weekly mini-series entitled Punisher: War Zone, to be released concurrently with the film of the same name.

Other books in the series. The Boys Collected Editions 1 - 10 of 12 books. Books by Garth Ennis. See All Goodreads Deals…. Trivia About The Boys, Volume No trivia or quizzes yet.