Understanding Truck Driving What Every Motorist Needs To Know.

And, what the truck driver sees from a transport truck cab is more and if you need to suddenly stop, even if they know you're there, they can't.
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In town, truckers may make unexpected maneuvers, such as stopping at railroad tracks or backing to reach a loading dock. In addition, to execute turns, trucks often have to swing wide in the opposite direction. Drivers should avoid trying to pass trucks during these maneuvers, as they may misinterpret a trucker's intentions and experience an unnecessary accident.

Drivers should also be familiar with the areas where large trucks have blind spots. Unlike most vehicles, trucks have a front blind spot that extends forward several car lengths, along with a large rear blind spot. The driver's side blind spot reaches from the driver's seat to the trailer, while the passenger side blind spot stretches back the entire length of the trailer and across several lanes.

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To avoid these spots, drivers should never pass trucks on the right-hand side, and they should avoid lingering when passing on the left-hand side. Sadly, these best practices will not prevent every accident. Even the most vigilant drivers may not be able to avoid accidents that occur when truckers violate safety regulations or engage in other reckless behaviors. Fortunately, legal remedies may be available to victims of these needless accidents.

10 Tips to Sharing the Road Safely with Transport Trucks

A truck crash attorney may be able to offer further advice on a person's rights and the claim process. Please enter a valid email address. Please enter a valid phone number. Please describe your legal issue. Please verify that you have read the disclaimer. The use of the Internet or this form for communication with the firm or any individual member of the firm does not establish an attorney-client relationship. Confidential or time-sensitive information should not be sent through this form.

Representation in the Houston Area with 3 Convenient Locations:.

Law Offices in Houston and Bellaire. Call for a Free Initial Consultation. Home Articles Sharing the road with large trucks: Understand vehicular dynamics Large trucks vary significantly from other vehicles in their handling and safety risks. Motorists should be aware of the following facts: A typical large truck weighs 20 to 30 times what a passenger vehicle does. So, NEVER stop in a runaway lane — they are emergency exits for the sole use of commercial truck drivers. There are a surprising number of motorists who block runaway lanes, to take a break, pull out a picnic or even go tobogganing.

Runaway lanes are life-saving emergency exits for trucks. Photo courtesy Mike Horsley. Consider the needs of truckers, who work long, unpredictable hours in often trying conditions…Please do not park in spaces designed for commercial vehicles. Drivers of big rigs need room to park, conduct brake checks, take their required rest breaks, stop at vehicle inspection stations, and then pull forward smoothly to hit the road again. We ask that you not use the facilities at vehicle inspection stations, but instead stop at our highway rest areas.

Photo courtesy of Kristin McCallum. Despite their different-sized vehicles, truck drivers and non-commercial drivers have a shared interest in getting to their destinations safely. Thank you to Kristin McCallum for contributing the photos of passenger vehicles parked where they should not be. Illustrations are courtesy of ICBC.

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Thank you for suggesting that you should always allow room for passing when it comes to commercial trucks. Transporting with semi trucks seems like a very convenient way for businesses to get their products across the country.

10 Tips to Sharing the Road Safely with Transport Trucks | TranBC

Hopefully, they look into finding the best transport companies. If truck drivers can be charged for following too close, why is there no law prohibiting car drivers from pulling into a trucks stopping space?? I feel that this should be taught to all vehicle drivers when they are tested for there license. Road Safety BC is responsible for driver information and legislation.

They have some information specifically for passenger vehicles that sharing the road with large commercial vehicles. While all the points are really important, the blind spot is what everyone should be most aware of. A lot of accidents happen due to cars being in the blind spot.

  1. Beowolff Science Fiction Collection (Beowolff Science Fiction the Collection).
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  7. You have discussed some really great info about driving around heavy transports! Practicing precaution and following these tips seems like the best way to stay safe and be courteous to truck drivers! Trucks in BC are allowed to carry significantly more weight then in Washington State to the south.

    You NEED to Watch This Before You Become a Truck Driver

    Also drivers are allowed to drive for longer periods of time. The result sounds terrifying, for both the truck driver and the other driver. Thanks for sharing your insight, Rachel. And thanks for the kudos.

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    Check your mirrors every seconds as well as before you change lanes, turn or merge. This will help you keep track of changing traffic patterns around your truck. Wow, this is some really great info about driving around heavy transports! I had no idea their blind spots were so big, I always assumed the extra mirrors corrected for that. Thank you for this great article! Good suggestion by Lroff. Seems there is not enough emphasis on safe driving with the new drivers these days, by observations.

    Suggest this be posted to the Tourism BC twitter and websites as well. Out of province visitors may not know how to deal with this situation.

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    Username or Email Address. If you keep your distance and allow lots of space between you and the truck, you can mostly avoid these blind spots.