Seduced By Anthony Weiner

Sydney Leathers, the woman involved in Anthony Weiner's latest sexting scandal , continues to shamelessly promote herself, this time with a.
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Trump against allowing protesters p2 p21 topprog washingtonpost. It is counterproductive to oppose Trump by supporting people like the Clintons, the Bushes, and McCain. The Republican nominee for governor in Michigan: Apparently we are to believe that thi… twitter. She discussed what attracted Weiner to her. Another interview with Sydney Leather has been posted at Complex. She says that Leather is her real name.

Former Rep. Anthony Weiner sentenced in teen sexting scandal

Of course if you are a politician or other sugar daddy texting her, I bet that her name can be whatever you want it to be. This kind of crap really makes me despair. Why do Americans irrespective if their political views give a flying fuck about whether a politician engages in online sex? Please stop pandering to this prurient nannyism. He got caught and hurt politically over this, claimed he stopped, and was dumb enough to continue and become a laughing stock. I think New York Democrats would be wiser to chose one of the other candidates who do not have this baggage, and considering how badly he has fallen in the polls they agree.

  • Anthony Weiner: Why He Shouldn't Quit;
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Yes, he lies about his private life, which he has a perfect right to do. Democratic voters have the right to choose a candidate with less baggage—which the polls now show they plan to do.

Anthony Weiner Goes To Prison

On the other hand, Eliot Spitzer leads in the polls in his race. Mail will not be published. Subscribe in a reader. Recent Posts SciFi Weekend: However, this week when the comment was posted as opposed to the original post it is Republican s in the Trump administra tion who have brought up the 25th Amendment.

The Democrats want to remove our legally elected President because he will not dance to their tune. Donald cHump's Enquire rag didn' t help much either. More will come out every day.

It would have been better to use DemExit. It is utterly ludicrous to claim Russia changed the results of the general election while also denying There is no " Wal kaway movement.

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Also, anyone who thinks the Democratic nomination was "rigg ed" is stupid beyond words In a way, Hillary created the Walkaway movement. And now, on power plants, we also once again have the GOP pretending to like the mythical free market — until it doesn't.


There's been no allegation of sexual harassment. It's entirely possible that his constituents would reelect him if given the chance. So why is he being hounded from office?

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The current line among talking heads is that he must resign because he's hurting the Democratic Party, which no longer can focus public attention on the GOP's efforts to cut Medicare. Talk about a self-fulfilling prophecy. The main reason the Democrats no longer can focus public attention on the GOP's efforts to cut Medicare, after all, is that talking heads would rather focus on Anthony Weiner's pecs.

If pundits are really so upset that Weiner is distracting attention from the nation's budgetary dilemmas, perhaps they should start discussing the nation's budgetary dilemmas and return Weiner's seduction strategies to the obscurity they so richly deserve. Bill Clinton was privately reckless and publicly cautious; with George W.

Former Rep. Anthony Weiner sentenced in teen sexting scandal Video - ABC News

Bush it was the reverse. We live in a kick-them-while-they're-down culture. We love to see the powerful humiliated because it proves that they were no better than us to begin with. Yet we simultaneously imagine that because they're powerful and famous, they don't need the empathy that we'd desire were we in their stead. Instead of being moved by their suffering, we revel in it. How many of the pundits mocking Weiner have marriages that could survive the kind of scrutiny they have been giving his?