The Handbook of Spanish Language Media

The Handbook of Spanish Language Media is intended to fill that need. The goal is to establish a Handbook that will become the definitive source for scholars.
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Spanish-Language Television - Cinema and Media Studies - Oxford Bibliographies

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The E-mail Address es you entered is are not in a valid format. Please re-enter recipient e-mail address es. Mass media and free trade: Where culture, language and communication converge: From Cultural Imperialists to Takeover Victims: Rural Hispanic populations at risk in developing diabetes: Spanish-language television in the United States: Fifty years of development KT Wilkinson Routledge , Language difference and communication policy in the information age KT Wilkinson The Information Society 20 3 , , Latin Looks, , Cultural policy in a free-trade environment: Currently a vastly growing industry, Spanish-language television is marked by its history of consolidation and conglomeration.

Additionally, due to partial foreign ownership from Mexican television companies, such as Televisa, much of the programming on Spanish-language networks in the United States is imported from Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, Venezuela, and other parts of Latin America. Although US Spanish-language television has historically focused their content and marketing to Spanish-dominant immigrants, Univision and Telemundo have recently ventured into targeting bilingual and English-dominant second- and third-generation Latinos. While Univision and Telemundo continue to be the top Spanish-language networks in the United States, other cable networks i.

This article reviews the most pertinent scholarship on Spanish-language television and highlights some of the prominent themes to consider in this area of research. Early work on Spanish-language television focused largely on providing historical overviews and profiles of Univision and Telemundo. Later work examines issues of representation, especially in terms of race, nation, gender, and class.

The handbook of Spanish language media

This scholarship also includes analyses of regulation, particularly regarding ownership, as they relate to Spanish-language television industries. Most of the literature discussed in this article focuses on Spanish-language television in the United States, but there is some research included that addresses this medium in other countries, such as Mexico and Spain.

Overall, the burgeoning research in this area emanates from a variety of disciplines e.

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  • Great Dane (Sensuous Seasonings Book 2).
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  • Convergences: Black Feminism and Continental Philosophy (SUNY series in Gender Theory).
  • Desiring Dixie (Incognito Book 7)?
  • To date, there are no anthologies exclusively focused on Spanish-language television.