Opportunities in Nursing Careers (Opportunities In…Series)

Here are 10 types of nursing jobs commonly found on leondumoulin.nl's job database.
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Registrat ion and Exhibit Hall: Not able to attend? Explore the additional career development resources from Nurse. From resume writing tips and the importance of preceptorships to salary data and job satisfaction survey results, this guide is a timeless tool you can use today, next month or next year to get to the next level in your career.

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Take your career hunt to the next level with Job Alerts, resume upload and search for jobs by state and specialty. Webinars must be attended in their entirety and the evaluation form must be completed. OnCourse Learning guarantees that the content of these educational activities are free from bias. Accredited status does not imply endorsement by the provider or ANCC of any commercial products displayed in conjunction with this activity.

Career Opportunities for Nurses

Francis Weiss Memorial Hospital Special thanks to our tablet giveaway sponsor: You can also visit BestParking. You will see the cheapest lots in the area. Some may offer discount coupons. There are a number of ways to search for nursing job openings. If you're finishing your nursing degree, talk with a career counselor at your school to see if he or she knows of any nursing placement agencies in the area you would like to work.

Many nurses work through an agency that contracts to provide staffing for a hospital or other patient care facility. Many hospitals are interested in directly recruiting new nurses just finishing school, so you may be able to set up a number of interviews through your school's career center.

  • A Kiss Gone Bad (Whit Mosley Book 1).
  • Career Opportunities for Nurses;
  • The Safest Place on Earth: Where People Connect and Are Forever Changed!
  • Maison Plaisir (Spirit World Book 1)!

You may also want to join a professional nursing organization within the field of practice you would like to work. This will provide you with the opportunity to network with other nurses and learn about new opportunities at a variety of hospitals and work settings.

In addition to agencies and networking, you can always take your job search online to a variety of job boards. Job sites like Indeed and Simply Hired are a good place to start, but you can also search nursing-specific sites and the websites of the hospital or nursing facility in which you would like to work.

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  5. Nursing is a challenging occupation that demands technical skills and compassion in difficult situations. The hours can be long and the pay for many assignments can be lower than jobs in other industries which require the same amount of training. Positions for registered medical nurses, practical nurses, and nursing assistants are available in all major metropolitan areas in the United States, in the U.

    Nursing Jobs (GS-0610, 0620, 0621)

    S Territories and overseas at numerous locations. There are many occupational titles for this group as delineated within each of the job descriptions below including links to current job vacancies for each occupation. Click on "Private Sector Job Listings" to search for related occupations in the private sector. This series includes all positions for which a professional knowledge of nursing and registration to practice as a professional nurse are the basic requirements. All positions above the training levels require the application of specialized knowledge gained through advanced education or experience or both.

    For example, the nurse anesthetist, the community health nurse, and the nurse specialist each must learn and apply specialized knowledge, skills, and abilities. But all professional nurse positions require the same basic qualifications as a foundation upon which specialized knowledge are built. Thus, since all those classes of positions share the same basic requirement, all are included in this series.

    Nursing Jobs In The Federal Government

    Nursing is primarily assisting the individual, sick or well, in the performance of those activities contributing to health or its recovery or to a peaceful death that would be performed unaided if the patient had the necessary strength, will, or knowledge. It is likewise the unique contribution of nursing to help the individual to be independent of such assistance as soon as possible. The nurse deliberately assesses the client's health problems, determines his or her role in coping with these problems, sets a plan of action which the nurse is responsible for implementing, and then determines whether the prescribed methods did indeed affect a satisfactory resolution.

    The development of a scientific nursing practice necessitates the use of the scientific method. The nurse identifies actual and potential health problems; diagnoses and treats human response to physical and emotional health problems through such services as case finding, management of health problems, health counseling and teaching; provides care supportive to, or restorative of life and well-being; and assists the patient to comply with a medical regimen prescribed by a licensed physician or dentist.

    As members of an independent health profession, nurses collaborate with physicians and others of the health professions to provide health care and improve the quality of life, to prevent disease, and promote physical and mental health.